how many of you didn't go to iowa?


Well-Known Member
The tavern hok thread had me thinking how many of you on here are huge fans but never went to iowa?

I am and so are generations of my family who nevwr went to iowa but lived there and followed the hawks.
Graduated in 2004 and my Iowa Degree is a prized accomplishment. Was lucky to be in school during those great years and saw every home game
Went to Simpson. Started going to Iowa games with my dad in 1977. Those who think Ferentz is a bad coach might not remember the Bob Commings years. Be careful what you wish for. Iowa Football Saturdays have been a huge part of my family tradition for generations. I still get goose bumps and a lump in my throat when I come up through the tunnel and see the field, the players, the band, all of it. What any member of the Ames Inferiority Complex thinks of that is irrelevent to me.
Go Hawks!!
UNI, but grew up a hawk fan. Even though the panther football games were free to students, I rarely went cuz i would be watching the hawks game on tv. When the hawks came to CF for basketball I was booed by our entire student section when I showed up supporting my black and gold.
I went to Iowa for 3 years and then transferred to UNI for their teaching program. I still had student football tickets for Iowa games while I was at UNI. I'm glad I kept my student ID!
Never went to Iowa. But my money did. Sent two kids to Iowa. My father was a fan from back in the knot hole gang days. Lots of family members went to Iowa. One (sigh) went to Clown college.
UNI as well....experienced my first Hawk game when I was 12...watching The Buckeyes dismantle Iowa w/the help of Archie Griffith....I was in Boy Scouts and we had the opportunity to stand on the field and help w/crowd control after the game....but always remember listening to Zabel/Gonder on the radio w/my Dad...
i am proud uncle of two wonderful intelligent women who is attending UF and UI. I watch them grown up into outstanding citizens.I have so many of my family who went to Iowa . It s hard to keep up with this growing family.Even if I never went to school , I can say I am a Hawk thru thick and thin! Go Hawks and Gators!
I grew up and live in TN but I've always been a Hawkeye fan. My first game I can remember watching was Iowa vs michigan and I hage loved the Hawkeyes since. GO HAWKS!
I have never had the chance to go and watch a game. But I'm hoping next yr on my vacation I can come up for a game. GO HAWKS!
I went to UNI to run track. At the time they were better than Iowa and I was awarded a partial scholarship.

My brother went to Iowa for undergrad and graduated from med school there.
Iowa Law. Didn't go to Iowa undergrad because my old man guaranteed me I wouldn't graduate if I went there bince he got kicked out of Iowa in 1971. Seemed like bad advice at the time, but in hindsight I'm certain that had I gone to undergrad there I would not have been able to get into law school because even if I would have graduated my GPA would have been around 2.0 like all my friends' GPAs were.

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