How is the tailgating scene at Big Ten venues?

Yep, that's you. President of the Knucklehead Club. None of us in IC will miss you & I know plenty of people that will take your seats.

It's sad that people are upset just because Iowa City wants to enforce a State Law. The U didn't say that you can't tailgate. They didn't say you can't cary a unopened 12-pack around. Like someone said, carry it to the West-side of Kinnick & drink till you puke. Just don't break the law. A STATE LAW!

Let's not forget that they are turning a blind eye to Public Intoxication (Iowa Code section 123.46). Yeah, you may be right, it's a contrite law but it's still the law.
Wisconsin comes to mind as being lax in terms of open container law enforcement
The state of Wisconsin doen't have a public intox law, not sure on open container.

Wisconsin is a great state, and Madison is a great town. I love living in Madison.

Having said that, this is a culture of alcoholics. They don't seem to get too upset about the drunk drivers here. It's getting more press now, but I believe that people think it's completely normal to drive drunk here.

We have a state representative here that is trying to keep his job after FIVE DUIs!!!
Yep, that's you. President of the Knucklehead Club. None of us in IC will miss you & I know plenty of people that will take your seats.

It's sad that people are upset just because Iowa City wants to enforce a State Law. The U didn't say that you can't tailgate. They didn't say you can't cary a unopened 12-pack around. Like someone said, carry it to the West-side of Kinnick & drink till you puke. Just don't break the law. A STATE LAW!

Let's not forget that they are turning a blind eye to Public Intoxication (Iowa Code section 123.46). Yeah, you may be right, it's a contrite law but it's still the law.

You have no idea who i am. You're the D-bag sucking on the University's nuts. I paid 30k in tuition so i think i have some say in what happens at my almamater.

Thanks for sharing Barney Fife.
Wisconsin comes to mind as being lax in terms of open container law enforcement. The times I have tailgated at Camp Randall, it seems like one giant frat party.

Michigan is more tame as the stadium isn't surrounded by huge parking lots and is closer to campus than some. That being said, people still stroll around with open beers without fear of retribution. Crowd control/monitoring gets tough anytime you get 105,000 people in a small area to watch a football game.

Northwestern doesn't tailgate. In all seriousness it is tough to find a tailgate spot close to the Ryan Field unless you are a big NU donor. We've walked around with drinks before and never had a problem with the police. I think the reason being the volume of fans that exist in Iowa City on gamedays is far greater than in Evanston.

Non-Big 10 teams (as of 2010):

Nebraska is a great place for big tailgate parties. People freely walk from lot to lot with open containers. Lincoln is a great place to enjoy some friendly tailgating without fear of police intervention.

Notre Dame is an environment somewhat like Lincoln in that ND has huge open parking lots where fans can tailgate and walk around with open containers. People at ND go all out with the food, etc at tailgates and as far as I know there is no restriction on when to leave the lots.

I would agree with you on Wisconsin.

I disagree with your statement about Nebraska. I have been to several games over the last couple of years and I didn't see anyone walking around with open containers. Alchol is strictly prohibited on college property (with the exception of the almuni area, where you still can't drink from a can you must put your booze into a cup). With that said, there are a lot of good tailgate areas and it will be a lot of fun when Iowa plays there.
At NW we usually park in a lot north of the stadium that is close to wilmette,tailgate,then walk down to the stadium sans alchohol,but there has been this Goose Island tailgate just north of Ryan field that offers up some nice it out this year,if it is still there.
30k, that's all? I can't remember how much a year of medical school @ UI cost me but I am pretty sure it was more than that. As for the rest of your post, aren't there some rules on this forum?
30k, that's all? I can't remember how much a year of medical school @ UI cost me but I am pretty sure it was more than that. As for the rest of your post, aren't there some rules on this forum?

Don't act like an innocent little bi#@h.
Iowa will definitely fall back in the pack as for tailgating venues. It is no surprise that university administration and the Iowa City council want to put a stop to things. After all, they're the same people who de-emphasized football back in the 60s and 70s and ruined things for awhile. I think the new regulations have not been very well thought out and are the product of a small group of people who all think the same way.
Seriously, why take away from the festive game atmosphere? Sure, there are a small number of people who drink way too much, but get a life people. Life is too short to sit and ***** about people who drink. There's not a whole lot to do in Iowa and despite how fun it is in Iowa City, the national perception exists that Iowa is a boring place. Why not let Iowa City have its claim to fame as an excellent place to enjoy football and have a big party on college football Saturdays? I strongly suspect the people behind these regulations do not understand this nor have any business or marketing awareness/sense whatsoever. The atmosphere is very much a part of the football game itself.
Wisconsin comes to mind as being lax in terms of open container law enforcement
The state of Wisconsin doen't have a public intox law, not sure on open container.

In Wisconsin you can be driving through the woods in the middle of nowhere and come to a bar in a clearing. There's only one way to get there and there's no taxi to take you home.
You have no idea who i am. You're the D-bag sucking on the University's nuts. I paid 30k in tuition so i think i have some say in what happens at my almamater.

Thanks for sharing Barney Fife.

Because I bought a Honda means I have some say in how the company is run?

In Wisconsin you can be driving through the woods in the middle of nowhere and come to a bar in a clearing. There's only one way to get there and there's no taxi to take you home.

& you can't buy beer at retail location after 10pm, what gives?
Because I bought a Honda means I have some say in how the company is run?


Fail, really...So no one has a say in anything the university or football team does. Or for that matter the City? It's obvious they don't ask the students what they want.
& you can't buy beer at retail location after 10pm, what gives?


It's hilarious. There are tons of drunks here, but they get high and mighty at 10pm in retail stores. Totally effective!!

The first time I went into a store and THOUGHT I could buy beer at 10pm I was very, very, very sad to find out that I could not. :)
I like Wisconsin.Tailgating up there is crazy especially all the beer bongs especially the one that 8 people do at once that is filled with 8 pitchers of beer.The one thing that we noticed that there was signs all over stating that open containers will be a $300.00 fine....So everyone had plastic cups that you put your beer in and was fine.....

Last Year in Columbus while tail gaiting with Buckeye fans they told us do to have your beer in plastic cups no bottles or cans showing........After drinking for a few hours the cops showed up at the tail gate and handed out a ton of $100.00 fine tickets for the people who had beer in bottles and cans.....We also had a blast up there.....

So I have not seen anything concerning if will be ok in Iowa CIty if you can carry beer around in plastic cups....
I, like many of you, have had the opportunity to tailgate at many other Big-10 stadiums.

In the recent past, I've tailgated/drank, etc at Indiana, NW, Illinois, Wisconsin, Purdue Ohio State and Michigan State.

From what I've seen, until now, the pre- and post-game "rules" were pretty much the same at all of these can walk around with open containers, there was no 2-hour post-game limit, and no DUI check points.

Some are tamer (Indy) than others (Wisconsin), but there is a lot of partying going on.

If all of these other schools can survive under the "old" rules, why can't Iowa?
I was in Columbus last year, and it was a great time. Lot's of drinking all over the place. Fans were actually really cool to us as well. A little friendly ribbing is all.

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