How how how can u justify not firing Greg Davis?

I want a new everything. Sure, it's possible that we still suck, maybe even likely. But at least watching something different while we suck would be fun for a couple of years.
lets see Iowa has no where near the Talent that TX has, GD has been here for 8 months.
he is sorely handicapped by poor QB play
fans expecting him to make a silk purse out of a sows ear is crazy, he can only do what he can with talent dealt to him. its hard to bluff in a poker game a 7 for your high card and no pair
also where are these so called 4-5* OL that some are talking about i know about 4* Donall who stareted the season as the backup LT to 3* Scherff
RSFR 4* Blyth was a starter at RG, those are the only 2 4* players I know about
3* RSSO Scherff started at LT
3* RSJR Van Sloten started at RT
Walkon Tobin started at LG
3* RSSR Ferentz started at C
3 of those were 1st year starters, not exactly a derth of starting experince or playing time,
other than Ferentz and Tobin this was a very young OL starting the season
and now 4* RSFR Walsh started today with Tobin moving to LT
I'm not sure Davis is the answer but I'm not ready to pin 100% of the blame on him until I see another QB play for a season. We have a total program failure on our hands.

What we do need to realize is that we have a serious 'quick stardom anointment' problem in our fan-base. Our fan-base labels players as 'stars' after a small sample set of performances or a comment on TV by some announcer who sees Iowa play once a year. This fan base jumped off large buildings after one game that Vandy played at Ohio St. thinking he was going to be a Heisman level player. They forgot about his entry into the Northwestern game where he could not engineer a single drive for points and the game after OSU at home against Minny that looked a lot like that Northwestern game. I've seen a lot more of these totally inept games than I have really good performances in 2+ years.

Nevermind that in the famous Vandy OSU game that Iowa was completely stacked on both sides of the ball. Nevermind that Vandy threw 2 picks and should have had a third pick that bounced off a defender to Moeaki for a huge gain in the comeback. Never mind that DJK returned a kick 90+ yards to draws us close. Never mind that Vandy took a huge sack in OT that cost us any chance of winning.
Never mind that McNutt was simply awesome last season making all kinds of spectacular catches.

Never mind that I've watched guys in Kinnick running open this year only to see Vandy lock onto one receiver regardless if he is open or tripled covered.

What I'm trying to say is I'm not convinced that Vandy, although a likeable and great kid is a very good football player at a key position. It's not an easy position by any means. Some have it, some don't.
Give him a shot to get his players for his system. Bill Belicheck's record was pretty terrible before Brady fell into his lap
The QB he recruiting isn't any different from the style of Vandenberg. Every QB on the roster (plus that recruit) is a pro style QB. This offense needs a dual threat QB to run it.

Where are the speed WR's needed as well to get the separation and yards after catch they is required to make it work as well?
Agreed. I've thought for most of the season that GD's offense is run with 4-5* recruits that can make the first guy miss/breakaway. We don't have that talent level all around, and therefore it isn't working like its supposed to.
My knock on him is that he hasn't adjusted his schemes to match the players' skill sets.
I do, however, feel that if you fire him and bring in a new OC, you will set this offense/team back even more next year.

This has been obvious this year. The frustrating part is he himself said this was a skill he had and pointed to the different styles of QB's he had a TX. Hasn't adjusted anything all year. He should have been making adjustments in week two at the latest.
This has been obvious this year. The frustrating part is he himself said this was a skill he had and pointed to the different styles of QB's he had a TX. Hasn't adjusted anything all year. He should have been making adjustments in week two at the latest.
That's what he said he was going to do when he was hired and he has not done that.

#1 reason why things are not going well. This offense doesn't fit the type of players Iowa has, and they are recruiting the type that will. Texas ran different variations of the GD offense depending on what type of QB they had. It worked the best with a dual threat one.
This has been obvious this year. The frustrating part is he himself said this was a skill he had and pointed to the different styles of QB's he had a TX. Hasn't adjusted anything all year. He should have been making adjustments in week two at the latest.

You might be correct but keep in mind he has not been permitted to make the one adjustment that we need to see as a fanbase; different QB. We have not been able to see someone else like Ruddock play.
Brown was fired because Kobe was butt hurt. There is no way 5 games is a big enough sample size to see how your team will end up for the season. Especially considering one of the two new superstars has been hurt the whole time.

Listen, say what you want about Kobe, but Mike Brown is gone because NOBODY believed in what he was doing...not just Kobe. The Princeton offense got him fired. Plain and simple. And this was going down as soon as this club hit a trouble spot. This team wasn't assembled to go 1-4. The only way Mike Brown was the coach of this team is if they won 65 games and made the NBA Finals. This wasn't going to get much better. Not with the offense they were running. He was going to get fired at some point. And it that's the case, you might as well pull the trigger now.
On point #1... I think GD will bring in talent from Texas. Fry had a pipeline to Texas back in the day, and it has pretty much eroded away. There is a wealth of talent down there, and Davis can build a pipeline again.
Davis was known for being a lazy recruiter; and Ferentz has said he doesn't even want his coordinators out recruiting.
Maybe, just maybe, they keep running the "not quite to the first down marker" routes simply to allow the QB to unload the ball that much earlier...knowing how poor the OL is at protecting....?
Maybe, just maybe, they keep running the "not quite to the first down marker" routes simply to allow the QB to unload the ball that much earlier...knowing how poor the OL is at protecting....?
That's been the MO all season though, Seth...even when Iowa wasn't giving up sacks (after the Northern Illinois game)'s just Davis' offense and Iowa either not having the quicks to run it or defenses have no fear of it...but either way, it's not working. But hell, the first thing I remember Davis commenting on was Iowa's lack of speed when he got the that should've been a red flag from day one.
That's been the MO all season though, Seth...even when Iowa wasn't giving up sacks (after the Northern Illinois game)'s just Davis' offense and Iowa either not having the quicks to run it or defenses have no fear of it...but either way, it's not working. But hell, the first thing I remember Davis commenting on was Iowa's lack of speed when he got the that should've been a red flag from day one.

This. It's also what he ran at Texas post-VY. And it's what got him fired in 2010. Yes, he was the Broyles Award winner in 2005. He also had Vince ******* Young, who was arguably the best college football player of the decade. Chizik won a national title with Cam Newton just 2 years ago, and now Auburn sucks. Chizik was never that good of a coach, he just benefitted from landing one unreal player who carried the team.

Greg Davis had the top Texas talent to work with. Iowa does not, and never will, get that type of talent on any kind of consistent basis.
Davis was known for being a lazy recruiter; and Ferentz has said he doesn't even want his coordinators out recruiting.

Greg Davis had the top Texas talent to work with. Iowa does not, and never will, get that type of talent on any kind of consistent basis.

Regardless of who does the recruiting, I have to think GD still has the connections in TX. Texas always has top level talent because the state produces a lot, and not because Davis was out recruiting. I think Davis will be able to use his connections and we start to pull players in from Texas.
You're right. He has been given his three years to bring in his own recruits. And these kids that played today, that he was responsible for recruiting, aren't cutting it. They aren't cutting it because of play calling, and lack of execution has nothing to do with it. And he is also responsible for the injuries on the O Line, as well as poor defensive play.

While there is SOME truth to that, the overwhelming truth is that GD has done ZERO in terms of adapting to the personnel available when he arrived.

It was easy to see that JVB was out there doing everything he could to win the game. He was improvising, which means he was blowing off some off the b.s. crap in Davis's awful schemes.

The last play should never have been called. JVB should have stayed with his earlier instincts and audibled Greg Davis right out of the booth.

While most people ***** about KFs conservative nature, going for it yesterday was probably a move he was willing to make on behalf of Davis saving his job. And while the D certainly didn't perform well on the last drive, they shouldn't have had to.

"Play for the tie at home, play for the win on the road" is one mantra. And punting versus that horrific 4th-down play puts the D in MUCH better position.

Both O and D had their letdowns (as did the officiating at times). But Greg Davis has clearly been exposed as "not right for this program".
While there is SOME truth to that, the overwhelming truth is that GD has done ZERO in terms of adapting to the personnel available when he arrived.

It was easy to see that JVB was out there doing everything he could to win the game. He was improvising, which means he was blowing off some off the b.s. crap in Davis's awful schemes.

The last play should never have been called. JVB should have stayed with his earlier instincts and audibled Greg Davis right out of the booth.

While most people ***** about KFs conservative nature, going for it yesterday was probably a move he was willing to make on behalf of Davis saving his job. And while the D certainly didn't perform well on the last drive, they shouldn't have had to.

"Play for the tie at home, play for the win on the road" is one mantra. And punting versus that horrific 4th-down play puts the D in MUCH better position.

Both O and D had their letdowns (as did the officiating at times). But Greg Davis has clearly been exposed as "not right for this program".

He was improvising because the O line was porous. JVB himself said on the last play what he did wasn't the first option. Except he never looked off of it. Not once. I'm not sure how in light of JVB's own comments, and the replay tape, the play call on our last offensive play has anything at all to do with reality. Sorry.
Also, the defense didn't perform very well on the last drive is correct. They must have performed ok on all of the other drives where they gave up 500 yards of total offense.

With respect to the O Line, we'll see what Hawkeye Game Film says about the number of broken plays, and passes under pressure.

There is no offensive scheme in the world that could have performed with that O line on Saturday.
He was improvising because the O line was porous. JVB himself said on the last play what he did wasn't the first option. Except he never looked off of it. Not once. I'm not sure how in light of JVB's own comments, and the replay tape, the play call on our last offensive play has anything at all to do with reality. Sorry.

Of course it wasn't the first option. But it shouldn't have BEEN an option. We should have punted. There was NOTHING up to that point that pointed to any reasonable expectation of success going for it on 4th down.

Davis calls the plays and schemes. He has failed miserably this year. He has gone away from things that work to try and "pound" the ball at the worst times, he has continually called for run plays when the box is loaded, and his catch-and-run has been ineffective because the receivers haven't bought into it. There's a reason for that.
Dude, I'm not going to argue with you, but the game he called Saturday was more like KoK, and less like GD then earlier this season.

Don't ask me, ask a scout or someone you might believe.

The game calling has little to do with our lack of success this season.
For what it's worth you both make valid points. It think it is complicated.

Vandy admitted he should have looked downfield on the last play since CJ and M-M had man coverage. But then he went on to say that this is the play they practice a lot and something about that was the play that was called??? Implying he has been instructed to throw short?

Derby actually seemed surprised in his post-game comments that Vandy threw it to him.

I am not sure who has been most responsible for this mess this year: Vandy or GD?

Probably both.

Is it possible KF believes it is GD and that is why he hasn't pulled the plug on JVB?

One way to tell would be to watch how Rudock handles this scheme and reacts to game situations but unfortunately that isn't going to happen.
I think we are only using about 10-15% of GDs system. Being that it's still so new, a lot of what we are running are some of his most basic plays. After this year, which I suspect GD will be retained, I think we will see a little bit more out of his playbook as the basics should be covered. If we don't drop as many balls or throw it into the ground with no receiver looking fewer times, we would probably be talking more positive about it.

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