How Host Duplex Saved


OK...saved might be a bit dramatic, but then again I have never minded being a bit over the top from time to time.

But for me, considering this website is like a member of my immediate family, it feels like it.

Just how in the world did we go from a dead in the water, under performing Godaddy set up to a highly efficient new server inside of six hours? It's a pretty cool story, one that shows the power of social media and the value of amazing service.

We relaunched in October of 2009. The host company we had then immediately began upselling us at every opportunity, saying this build would be best...then a few weeks later, it couldnt handle the traffic, and it was another upsell. Then in early December of 2009, they erased the server our site was hosted on. Gonzo. wiped out. An entire month of stories, message board post, etc, gone. They had a work order to erase a server that was right above ours and accidentally wiped ours. Rough day.

At any rate, let's just say we were put on a pretty good set up after that mess. However, we were not convinced their security was as good as it could be. So we made the decision in November to go with Godaddy. Their security proved to be what they sold us on, however, the rest was not.

We migrated to the godaddy servers this past month, January of 2011. In the last 16 days, we have had four instances where the site crashed. 2/1 and 2/2 were especially non-responsive, and they basically ran out of excuses and said we needed a better server, and they had just the plan for us.

I had posted on twitter that we were having problems and @JordanHojo recommended Host Duplex. He copied @hostduplex saying I might be able to use some help from them @hostduplex responded via twitter, but I was still in a bit of a daze and funk from all going on, not really thinking anyone could help us out of this bind quickly.

Then Sam, the owner of Host Duplex emailed me. We traded a few emails...I went back to work on some things...he then emailed me again around 5:00pm on 2/2. At this point, I felt like our godaddy server was going to suck the rest of the week and I just could not have that. So I gave Sam the green light to migrate things to his server.

I asked him how many days this would take to set up. He said 'Days? We'll have you up and running late tonight.' I was dubious, and dumbfounded.

He worked 7 straight hours and last night just after midnight on 2/3, the site was operational on his servers. An unreal effort and unreal service. I could fill a full page with all he did, but just know I have rarely, if ever, encountered this degree of service in any genre in my entire life, much less something like this that matters a great, great deal to me.

Today, 2/3, he kept fine tuning things under the hood...he spotted an area where the site was drawing down a significant amount of resources, changed something out, and it decreased resource demand by 40% with the same amount of traffic. That's why things have been flying around here.

There are more things he did, most too technical for me to understand. But all I know is Sam and Host Duplex delivered for me in an hour of greatest need, and I have the utmost confidence they will do that going forward.

Their service is managed, and when we have usage spikes, say like signing day, or breaking news that sends CPU demands through the roof, their service is scaleable and we will darn near immediately have more juice and power to handle the demand peaks, and the costs for that are incredibly reasonable compared to other companies I have worked with.

Sam started this company in Iowa City, and he lived in Waukee for a time in his life, so he has Iowa connections. That matters to me, and I think it matters to a lot of us here. They have 24/7 support as well.

Given my experiences with hosting companies, this seems too good to be true..but it's legit and I could not recommend Host Duplex and Sam any stronger. I am paying for their service, there were no discussions of 'I will say great things about u if you give me a deal'. I am paying the same as any of their customers with similar needs. So this is not a paid endorsement; This is something I couldn't wait to do.

So if you or your company has hosting needs, or wonders if they might be able to get better service at a fair price, I strongly suggest you contact Sam at this email:

Here is the phone number: Office: 312.957.6000 x121
My 2 cents:

1. Are you sure this "Sam" guy isn't just a secret 'clone fan who is waiting for the next big day of Hawkeye news, just to punk you and screw with the site and;

2. How the heck does GoDaddy advertise at the SuperBowl every year and stay in business if they can't support sites like this? Does Danica know what's going on?....

Good luck from here on out....
My 2 cents:

1. Are you sure this "Sam" guy isn't just a secret 'clone fan who is waiting for the next big day of Hawkeye news, just to punk you and screw with the site and;

2. How the heck does GoDaddy advertise at the SuperBowl every year and stay in business if they can't support sites like this? Does Danica know what's going on?....

Good luck from here on out....

LOL. Nice

As for godaddy, I think they make up for things in a lot of smaller sites...consumer grade stuff. They have bought market share.
Again, Jon (and Sam), great work in getting the site moved over. Really impressed it went as quickly (and apparently smoothly) as it did. The site is rocking now. Guess it'll get its next big test in a few weeks when we all eagerly log on to speculate about who Iowa draws in the first round of the Big Dance.
I am still noticing the pages take a while to load. Jon do you expect that to continue to improve with this switch? I have DSL through Qwest. It appears to be the digital sports venture ad that is causing most of the delay.
I am still noticing the pages take a while to load. Jon do you expect that to continue to improve with this switch? I have DSL through Qwest. It appears to be the digital sports venture ad that is causing most of the delay.

This isn't something I am able to replicate on my hard wired desktop or WiFi fed laptops or iPad at home or at work computers. It's flying for me on every device I use save Verizon 3g phone and their data service is not known for its speed.

What browser do u use? I strongly urge ppl to use Chrome for FireFox. Safer, more efficient browsers.
Glad to hear you have things ironed out. I have to admit, I flirted with other girls while you were away.
I am still noticing the pages take a while to load. Jon do you expect that to continue to improve with this switch? I have DSL through Qwest. It appears to be the digital sports venture ad that is causing most of the delay.
Weird, I'm actually up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on a Verizon revA data card (the old school one) and I am zipping through this site like nothing. I was really waiting for it to be bogged down on this air card, but I have been pleasantly surprised.
I primarily use IE8, but do have Chrome and am on it now. Noticing it's a bit faster on Chrome, but not what I would call zipping around. I do only have 1.5 MB DSL with Qwest, so that could be part of the problem.
I'm glad you found a host that actually seems to care and has a tie to Iowa, which is a bonus. I have had sites on the provider I am with now but moved a few years ago to network solutions. I will tell you that servers at those big boys never seem to be as good as a smaller, or percieved smaller, provider. With sites like this, that I presume use a back end DB to serve the content, you have a lot of components that make your site work and if the provider doesn't care about all parts your service can suffer.

Needless to say I moved back and even though they cost a bit more I will probably not switch back to a big provider. I ran into something similar, taking 30-40 seconds to load site content. This was without heavy load. I moved back and that dropped to 3-4 seconds or less. Sounds like this may be a good one, guess it will get proved on the next big day.
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1.522 download. Just messing around the last 10 minutes or so I would say Chrome is noticeably faster and acceptable if you will from a lag standpoint. But IE8 has too much lag for me to want to browse the site. Which is fine at home as I will just use Chrome, but at work I've only got IE8 so won't be able to get my full HN fix at work I guess.
The two days we have been with Host Duplex, we have served close to a quarter million page views, which is somewhat normal. I too am curious to se how they handle the spike days, but most of the days of the year are more 'level' demand days and they are handling that real well
1.522 download. Just messing around the last 10 minutes or so I would say Chrome is noticeably faster and acceptable if you will from a lag standpoint. But IE8 has too much lag for me to want to browse the site. Which is fine at home as I will just use Chrome, but at work I've only got IE8 so won't be able to get my full HN fix at work I guess.

Download the chrome or firefox install package, but it on a thumb drive and sneak it to your work computer ;)

My speed test was 27.1 down, on my laptop via WiFi...but I recently upgrade to their 40 down, 20 up pipe for the video work I am going to start doing more of
Jon, just wanted to give you the heads up that, while I am able to view the site and post this message through my Blackberry, I have not been able to view any content from the site other than ads from my IE8 work computer since you made the switch. I just get the message: "Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we are testing some functionality. We will be back soon." Perhaps I am the only one or you are already aware of the issue, but wanted to let you know in case this is news to you. Thanks again for continuing to improve things for the users at no expense to us!
I am unfortunately stuck with my 1.5 MB service from Qwest. I am in a newer development but they did not lay down fiber when they did this development, so stuck with crappy copper and 1.5 meg. I could go with Mediacom, but their stand-alone Internet price is very high.
Jon, just wanted to give you the heads up that, while I am able to view the site and post this message through my Blackberry, I have not been able to view any content from the site other than ads from my IE8 work computer since you made the switch. I just get the message: "Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we are testing some functionality. We will be back soon." Perhaps I am the only one or you are already aware of the issue, but wanted to let you know in case this is news to you. Thanks again for continuing to improve things for the users at no expense to us!

iowacrawl - this looks like a DNS issue. That is the message the site gives now on the old server. So it seems your IE8 has old cache or your internet service provider hasn't updated your DNS.

Try deleting your internet history, cache, and cookies in IE8 then restart IE 8 to see if that fixes the issue.

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