How do I cancel my HN Extra Subscription


Well-Known Member
1. I haven't been able to get on it when I've tried the last few times, even though each month I'm bill for it, and 2. I wasn't really using it anyway when I could get access to it.

I've searched through the site and can't find how to cancel this charge. The $4 a month would allow me to buy another Big Mac or Whopper, so . . .
you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
PM me your account details and we'll set you free. No dinner for my kids tonight.
That's what my kids tell me when they find out I'm cooking instead of mom.

Side note: I don't actually have kids, but that's what they would say if I did.
1. I haven't been able to get on it when I've tried the last few times, even though each month I'm bill for it, and 2. I wasn't really using it anyway when I could get access to it.

I've searched through the site and can't find how to cancel this charge. The $4 a month would allow me to buy another Big Mac or Whopper, so . . .