My parents were Hawkeye fans, so growing up it was a natural instinct.
I wasn't really all that interested in football until I was almost a teenager though. My dad was very sick with Leukemia at the time, and was undergoing a bone marrow transplant at University of Iowa Hospitals. I was 12 years old, in 7th grade. We spent most of that holiday season, including Christmas in the hospital with him, and I remember sitting in a lounge, spending countless hours staring out across the street at Kinnick Stadium.
Through the Ronald McDonald house, I was given a tour of the stadium and because it was basketball season, we were invited to attend practice a few times, meet the staff and players. Very exciting as a young kid. I guess it all started for me right then.
My dad survived another 8 years because of his bone marrow transplant, but he eventually died from the illness when I was 20 at the same hospital that had saved him just 8 years earlier. Once again, I sat in that same lounge and looked out across the street at Kinnick Stadium. Deja Vu.
As soon as I graduated from college (UNI), I bought season tickets for football. I've been to every game since 2003. Kinnick, Iowa City and U of I hospitals hold a very special place in my heart. As a scared young boy, to an extent, they were all I had for a while.