Hostile Environment!


Well-Known Member
Heard Bobby Hansen refer to the Mcleod Center as a "Hostile Environment."

What does it hold, 7grand plus? UNI basketball?? Seriously???


This is a term completely overused in sports. In college football it is right up there with "in space" as my least favorite overused terms.

What are some of your least favorite overused try to make sports look more important than they actually are terms?
With each post it becomes more and more obvious you did not even watch the game on TV let alone be in attendance. I was at the game and it was a hostile environment. The Mcleod Center was built perfectly for a loud basketball environment.
With each post it becomes more and more obvious you did not even watch the game on TV let alone be in attendance. I was at the game and it was a hostile environment. The Mcleod Center was built perfectly for a loud basketball environment.

HAHAHAHA A hostile environment? really?

Thank you. Makes me laugh every time.

It isn't just UNI. They could be playing at Duke. HOSTILE environment is so dramatic it's unreal. HAHAHAHA
It was hostile.

UNI's student section was at least 5 or 6 times the size of the Hawks Nest. And they were loud.

It was extremely loud in there.
HAHAHAHA A hostile environment? really?

Thank you. Makes me laugh every time.

It isn't just UNI. They could be playing at Duke. HOSTILE environment is so dramatic it's unreal. HAHAHAHA

Maybe it is the lack of mental training?

Do yourself a favor, watch the game before you come here spewing crap you have no knowledge of. Better yet go buy yourself a ticket to CHA and then go to one at Mcleod and witness first hand the crowd noise 7000 can generate when the arena is built correctly.

I bet it was. Probably feared for their lives out there.

Perhaps your version of hostile environment is allowing hand guns into the arena? :D
I'm willing to bet that Bobby Hansen's frame of reference regarding basketball arenas and their individual atmosphere is a tad bit wider than the OP's.
It was a war out there. Bunch of warriors fighting to the death.

You miss the point.

Could be any sports arena, using the term hostile environment is offily dramatic. Not to mention grossly overused.
It was a war out there. Bunch of warriors fighting to the death.

You miss the point.

Could be any sports arena, using the term hostile environment is offily dramatic. Not to mention grossly overused.

Battle, war, et al are overdramatic.

Hostile is the exact word to describe the situation... you did read the definition, right? Or maybe you play too much Call of Duty, so the word hostile is hardcore for you? Not sure.
This is the definition of warrior. " One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause, or conflict"

Does not mean it's appropriate to refer to an athlete as a warrior. Another dramatic overused term.

Just like Hostile environment. Regardless of the definition. HAHA
This is the definition of warrior. " One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause, or conflict"

Does not mean it's appropriate to refer to an athlete as a warrior. Another dramatic overused term.

Just like Hostile environment. Regardless of the definition. HAHA

This is the definition of warrior. " One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause, or conflict"

Does not mean it's appropriate to refer to an athlete as a warrior. Another dramatic overused term.

Just like Hostile environment. Regardless of the definition. HAHA

No one is refuting warrior. Stay on topic.
Battle, war, et al are overdramatic.

Hostile is the exact word to describe the situation... you did read the definition, right? Or maybe you play too much Call of Duty, so the word hostile is hardcore for you? Not sure.

Read it. Find it grossly overdramatic.

Jesse Palmer LOVES using the term in college football. Worthy of an eyeroll every time.
This kid knows what he is talking about, I do not think we should be arguing with him.

Talk, do not listen to those voices. Put the guns away!

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