Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players Back

Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Jeff Horner would be an awesome addition.

Spank you surprise me with this comment.

After the mistakes that SA and TL made with inexperienced assistant coaches with very few recruiting contacts I really don't care to have a repeat of that. I loved Jeff as a player, but does 1 yr as a high school volunteer assistant qualify someone to be an assistant coach at a BCS conference school that wants to return to the glory days. I think and hope that Iowa does better than this.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I heard Gamble doesn't gave his degree so wouldn't qualify. Murray (staff diversity and big ten knowledge from BigTenNetwork) or Ryan Bowen (10 years NBA experience, knowing gameplans and playing against the top coaches and players in the world) would bring crediblility to recruits who want to play at the next level would be good bets. Seems like Bowen is always the lost Hawkeye great...look at the career stats and 10 years in the NBA!
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I did not know about Horner at GV. Wonder how he had time to do both that and Valley. Honestly, as much as I love Jeff Horner the player (greatest high school player I have ever played against), I don't think he's ready for an Iowa asst coaching job. He has no recruiting experience at all. A year at Dowling would have helped him, a lot! :)
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I must be the outlier - the MUST have of a former Iowa player on staff is just not that big of a deal to me. We need the best possible recruiters on staff. If that person is from Iowa...great. If they are from ISU...great. If they're from UNI...great.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Spank you surprise me with this comment.

After the mistakes that SA and TL made with inexperienced assistant coaches with very few recruiting contacts I really don't care to have a repeat of that. I loved Jeff as a player, but does 1 yr as a high school volunteer assistant qualify someone to be an assistant coach at a BCS conference school that wants to return to the glory days. I think and hope that Iowa does better than this.

No, but people still know who Jeff Horner is; his playing days weren't long enough ago for him to fade from memory, and being on the last really good Iowa team doesn't hurt either.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I think bringing an Iowa player on staff is an olive branch to the Iowa fans of trying to connect the rich Iowa basketbal history to the new coaching regime. If FM has better candidates than former players I agree you have to do what is best for Iowa basketball. But I think the list of Iowa greats that have been mentioned are worthy of consideration for one of those spots.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I must be the outlier - the MUST have of a former Iowa player on staff is just not that big of a deal to me. We need the best possible recruiters on staff. If that person is from Iowa...great. If they are from ISU...great. If they're from UNI...great.

Count me in to your club.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Horner would be a great GA. If Rodell isn't interested I think Gamble would be the obvious top choice.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Impressive list. Gamble probably has the most experience out of them all.

I agree on this. I am surprised that recker's name was mentioned. Really i had forgotten about him. I guess i felt his heart was never really a hawkeye. Oh to think what might have been his last season if he had put his focus on the team and winning games, instead of building his resume for a NBA career.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Sooooooo where does Les Jepsen figure into all of this?
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I agree on this. I am surprised that recker's name was mentioned. Really i had forgotten about him. I guess i felt his heart was never really a hawkeye. Oh to think what might have been his last season if he had put his focus on the team and winning games, instead of building his resume for a NBA career.

What NBA career?
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Too bad he didn't coach at Dowling, then he would already have the recruiting experience as well.

Nicely done.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

What NBA career?

exactly. he never had one, but he spent his last year trying to impress NBA scouts. because he really hurt iowa more then helped them, scouts saw that, which is why he never had a career.
Well, Drew...

Kevin Gamble has a college coaching gig three hours from Chicago , is from Springfield and played in the NBA for roughly ten years. For starters, he has the needed cred. Evidently Sperraw had two kids on his team from one of the big-time high schools in Chicago, Whitney Young, I believe. That is two right off the top of my head. Murray would have connections to Michigan, but has taken himself out. What about Rodell Davis? Where is he from? Clarence Jones has been coaching in some minor league basketball organization in Michigan for a few years now.

They are there. And I question your thinking that any guy couldn't lock down Iowa if we have a decent program. Are you serious? Any recruiter that is halfway decent could get us anything we want out of Iowa and STILL have the urban connections. And as far as the amount of talent that we get from the Dakotas??? Reiner, Larson and Jepsen? That has been good to us? Omaha doesn't produce much talent. One assistant can handle Iowa AND do the work in the big markets to the north and east.
Re: I'll disagree, Drew.

If this program is halfway decent we don't need a guy that prepped in Iowa to secure the Iowa recruits we need to get. We more need a former player that has inroads into Illinois and Michigan.

Your generation gap thinking is not a reason to push for a guy that is just out of school for four or five years instead of a guy that has better connections. Are there a lot of other teams that are that concerned about this sort of thing that they bring in a guy that won't have a generation gap with the players on the team? I think there is probably another position that can handle that, like if there is a way to have a guy on staff like KF has in the former player that is now the "counselor guy" for the football players.

I am probably one of the few guys that feels it is so important to have a former player on staff. I personally want the coach that will give us the best chance to compete. I just don't see how being a former Iowa player , if that is the prerequisite, does that if he doesn't bring everything else that a coach in that position can bring. How that would be a former high school player from Iowa that has no coaching experience, no connections to the AAU circuit outside the state of Iowa and no connections to the high schools outside of Iowa that we need to recruit, well, I just don't see the need for a former player at the expense of getting the right person.

I have to admit that I am so in the minority there that I know I will get slammed to no end. And I don't have anything against Horner or any other former Hawk. I just really want the assistant coaches that give us the best chance to win. Period.

Horner does have AAU circut connections. His nephew(Sam Skogen)who is on one the elect AAU teams. He has been to some of his tours and has spoke with some of the coaches that have attended these events. Remember his father is a Hall of Fame coach from Mason City, also home of Dean Oliver. The x's and o's are there. The game of basketball is a natural to him. I think in this state you mention his name and it speaks volume.
Also as others have stated, he is not to far off in generation gap. He would be able to influence these kids positively.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I'll throw another name out there...Haluska. I don't know if he is still overseas playing ball though.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Not sure what kind of relationship Gamble had/has with Roy Marble, but that might be a good hire to help out Roy Marble JR...think he's gonna turn out to be great! But every kid away from home would appreciate a familiar face, and the better off RMJ is at IA, the better recruiting may be in Detroit Metro.
And, I think KG is a stand-up guy and up-and-comer....
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I love the fact a former player will be an assistant. It bothers me a little when it appears he is limited or limiting it to one. Its like he is on a tight budget or he has to add one as part of taking the job. If the guys are qualified and can add value, why only one? Look at Coach K, he has 3 or 4 former Duke players on his bench and 3 or 4 more at other schools. If money is no object on this hire, lets get it done.
Um....I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that the NCAA places a limit on the number of coaches a program can hire. You can't just hire more because you have the money.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

In my opinion Gamble or Bowen would be the only former players I would be interested in. Not to take away from any of the other guys who were all great players, but I want a guy that can say look I went from Iowa to a career in the NBA. Realistic or not that is what every kid wants to here at 16-18

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