Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players Back

Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I find it hard to believe that every one of these assistant coaches/AAU street guys have degrees...it would be too bad if that kept Kevin Gamble out of the picture if he wants it. I was not sure he would want to uproot from his hometown, where he does have business interests. I,too,am not hung up on an Iowa guy on the staff, unless he is a real contributor. Clearly,Gamble is well trained for the gig and I think he could probably help in Central Illinois...maybe Peoria/Springfield up to Chicago. Eddie Horton and Kevin are still probably local heroes down there at Lanphier.

Rodell Davis played HS ball at Proviso East, a fertile recruiting area of near south burbs in Chicago. He might also be very helpful in Illinois recruiting.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I know of Horner's nephew Skogen. He is a soph at Mason City. He plays with Paige, Woodbury and some other on the Martin Bros, at least he did last year.

Haluska is back in Carroll. Not playing overseas right now. Just bought a house, actually.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Gamble, Davis and Bowen all bring valuable experience and credibility. Anyone of those 3 could sit down in a living room and tell a sell Iowa and the experience. You can dismiss Rodell because he doesn't have the NBA pedigree, but he does have Chicago and a real good story about why the 4 year degree is so important.

All 3 would add value to this staff IMHO. I for one would love to see one of those 3 on the sidelines of this program again. Is it essential? No probably not but I think they all add tremendous value.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Jeff Horner would be an awesome addition.

You have to elaborate because even though I love Jeff Horner the player, but I'm not sure he would be the best choice as an assistant. He just seems a little green around the ears when it comes to coaching, and I'd prefer a more experienced canidate like Kevin Gamble, Rodell Davis or Bowen.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Posted this one other time but here it is again. COACHING EXPERIENCE for a third assistant coach does not matter one bit. That is how all former players get experience, they become the third assistant and work their way up.

The older hawk players = connections to OLD FANS. We already have the old fans.
Younger hawk players = connections to the old fans too, but also connection to the younger people (which we need).

I think all of the former players here would be good hires but my vote would be for a younger guy like Horner.
Re: I'll disagree, Drew.

Totally agree, Thawki. Hore the best assistant, period, not the best former Hawk unless he also is the best asst coach.

Playin' ain't coachin.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

Too bad he didn't coach at Dowling, then he would already have the recruiting experience as well.

It's good to be a Maroon! The public schools in Des Moines are terrible. At least any "recruits" have the opportunity to learn.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I would hope it is someone that came from another state but enjoyed Iowa so much they are choosing to live here. That gives them credibility and experience in sharing what that transition was like, as well as contacts outside of iowa. We already have a leg up in recruiting Iowa kids because, well, it is Iowa. Spread the "net" over as much of the country as you can among the coaching staff.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

I'm pulling for Settles.
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

If there are so many interested and lets say there are two that stick out above the rest why not have 1 asst from Siena and two former hawks instead of 2 from Siena or wherever and 1 former hawk?
Re: Horner, Recker, Gamble, Settles, Bowen candidates for assistant job; All Players

"Henderson, 29, is an assistant coach at Apple Valley High School, which is near Minneapolis. He also has coached in AAU and runs a business that teaches basketball skills on an individual basis."
Also im rooting for Henderson and Murray.

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