honest ogelsby question...


Well-Known Member
I was having a conversation with my father and he brought up that he thought jo was struggling for the same reason basabe did last yr...too much weight.

He wanted to know if I thought jo had bulked up too much and if I thought that could be the reason for his struggles at shooting. I hadn't really noticed any excessive weight gain but told him if jo had gained a lot of muscle it could affect his shooting.

Please let me know what you guys remember but I thought jo came in at 185 lbs and he is now up to over 200 lbs. If he has put on 15 lbs of muscle I could see that affecting his shooting.

Don't get me wrong I am not pouncing on the kid as I feel he is a strong player that is just really struggling. Is he as great as others? No but he has a place on the roster in my opinion. I am just looking for a possible reason why he has struggled to do something he did so easily when he was in hs and in blowouts last yr.
As long as you continue to shoot on a daily basis while putting on muscle it should not be an issue. Your muscle memory will adjust as you get stronger.
As long as you continue to shoot on a daily basis while putting on muscle it should not be an issue. Your muscle memory will adjust as you get stronger.

If you put too much bulk in your shoulders it would alter your shot. And the muscle memory wouldn't adjust over such a short amount of time after he has shot a certain way for yrs and yrs.

I believe when gatens bulked up it affected his shot and I think it has for jo too.
The announcers even said (just like Fran has said) he was making everything during warmups.

It's likely a confidence issue.
I don't think it would really affect anything. Maybe if you started taking steroids you would get stronger to fast to adjust to it. I'm sure he shot the ball often enough to adjust over time. Think of how much stronger you get naturally through high school. It's something that's pretty easy to adjust to.
I just had this convo with my dad and so during the game I was thinking about it and jo seems more mechanical with his shot than I remember last yr and when he was in hs. Sometimes it is something that happens when you add bulk. I am not as focused on strength as that is natural and your body adjusts added strength easily. But added bulk can very easily alter mechanics.

In practice and shoot arounds the situations aren't as fast and so his mechanics don't get thrown off.
I just had this convo with my dad and so during the game I was thinking about it and jo seems more mechanical with his shot than I remember last yr and when he was in hs. Sometimes it is something that happens when you add bulk. I am not as focused on strength as that is natural and your body adjusts added strength easily. But added bulk can very easily alter mechanics.

In practice and shoot arounds the situations aren't as fast and so his mechanics don't get thrown off.

I agree that he looks mechanical with his shot. I just think its because he lost all confidence. When that happens you think about your shot instead of concentrating on making it.
Losing your confidence as an athlete is just terrible. I played baseball all my life, and was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to play in college. I was a catcher at Wartburg and went thru a period where I couldn't throw the ball back to the pitcher cuz it was all in my head. So frustrating you could cry.
Added weight affected both Basabe and oglesby the same. That is not at all. Both players had problems located between their ears.
It's always tough to see when you're not around the program day-to-day but it's probably more mental IMO. Assuming he is making his shots in practice and shoot-arounds then I just don't believe its because he's muscled up a bit. Josh's struggles seem very analogous to a golfer making all of his putts on the practice green or hitting solid shots on the driving range but unable to execute on the course due to some sort of mental block or lack of confidence.
Let's not forget he was the Motel 6 6th man of the game today (even though the one announcer really felt that Gesell deserved it).
As long as you continue to shoot on a daily basis while putting on muscle it should not be an issue. Your muscle memory will adjust as you get stronger.

Incorrect. Adding bulk will alter your range of motion, it's simple physics. With more bulk in your arms, moving your arms to the same spot is pretty much impossible. You have to adjust shoulder joint movements, adjust release points, adjust hand positions... all of which are critical to shooting. His mechanics are different this year because his body is different this year.
Added weight affected both Basabe and oglesby the same. That is not at all. Both players had problems located between their ears.

Well, you think being stronger is a good thing so you add bulk. The problem is that extra bulk takes more out of you going up and down the court. Extra bulk limits your range of motion. By not being able to do what your could before the extra bulk, it gets into your head.
He is rushing his shot. Just square up...before you release. You other guys are way over thinking this.
Watch him in warm ups. He rarely misses. His stroke is fine, IMO. It's not being adversely affected by added weight.
Some guys thrive on pressure and other guys don't. If he doesn't come around this year, I think he will next year. With the maturity of the freshman class, and the additions next year, their will be a lot less pressure on him to be the go to three point shooter.
I would like to see him take more 2 point shots. You come in off the bench with the coach telling you to shoot, so you feel pressure to launch immediately. When the first and second shots don't fall, you start to press. Seeing the ball go through the basket is a big psychological boost, so while frustrating to see the misses, he needs more shots to get over the mental hump. If he is incapable of delivering at 40 percent clip, then someone should take his minutes next season.

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