Homer officiating


Well-Known Member
Anybody else think the Hawks got the benefit of the doubt with the zebras last night? It seemed like every time Iowa drove to the hole, a whistle was blown, but when Drake did the same, silence.

I thought the Hawks got homered at UNI the same way. I like seeing the Hawks win, but I want calls to be made on merit, not which team is wearing the home unies.

That said, I think the Hawks would have won anyway, just maybe not by 14.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw9oX-kZ_9k]Whatcha talkin bout Willis - YouTube[/ame]

Wasn't even close to the same as UNI game, not even close to as one sided as that was. UNI game was fukn HORRIBLE.
the fouls were 23 to 17...to compare this game to UNI is just dumb. Unlike UNI, Iowa actually shoots two point field goals. A lot of the fouls drake committed were when we were in transition or attacking the basket. Did we get a few calls...sure, but nothing that is unexpected when you are the home team.

I thought we got called for a couple travels that were BS and I thought Basabe's goal-tend was a clean block that would have led to a transition bucket.
Comparing those 2 games is like comparing apples to oranges or sex to...well...getting dragged by a horse over 12 miles of cactus growing in a field of broken glass...
Comparing those 2 games is like comparing apples to oranges or sex to...well...getting dragged by a horse over 12 miles of cactus growing in a field of broken glass...

Good analogy. Not even close to UNI... There were some chump calls, where they should have just let it play, but fairly evenly called. Especially if you count a few of those bogus turnover calls on Iowa.

Officials really can kill a good game. Hightower. I hate that S... Let them play, but keep it in control. It isn't that difficult to do!
Good analogy. Not even close to UNI... There were some chump calls, where they should have just let it play, but fairly evenly called. Especially if you count a few of those bogus turnover calls on Iowa.

Officials really can kill a good game. Hightower. I hate that S... Let them play, but keep it in control. It isn't that difficult to do!

Thanks, Saledude...speaking of "should have just let it play"...when did it change to the officials suddenly deciding that there has to be a foul on "someone" on every play where there's contact? Most of the crap they call now days would get you laughed out of a "call your own fouls" rec league game...and the phantom calls on fastbreak layups/dunks is also reaching a fever pitch of stupidity and blindness...do they teach "Always assume the only guy back on defense is going to foul to stop the basket, so blow the whistle no matter what"...
I understand where your coming from on a couple of calls I was like well shoot if they are gonna give us that ill take it but the refs called it pretty evenly with maybe a slight nod towards us. The sad thing is that Iowa gets so many bad home refs half of us don't know what to do when we get homer refs.
Good analogy. Not even close to UNI... There were some chump calls, where they should have just let it play, but fairly evenly called. Especially if you count a few of those bogus turnover calls on Iowa. Officials really can kill a good game. Hightower. I hate that S... Let them play, but keep it in control. It isn't that difficult to do!
Thanks, Saledude...speaking of "should have just let it play"...when did it change to the officials suddenly deciding that there has to be a foul on "someone" on every play where there's contact? Most of the crap they call now days would get you laughed out of a "call your own fouls" rec league game...and the phantom calls on fastbreak layups/dunks is also reaching a fever pitch of stupidity and blindness...do they teach "Always assume the only guy back on defense is going to foul to stop the basket, so blow the whistle no matter what"...

I had the same rec league comment to a few of my friends last night. I watched parts of 3 or 4 other games yesterday and the ticcy tac sh!t they call is rediculous. Absolutely kills the flow of the game.
I had the same rec league comment to a few of my friends last night. I watched parts of 3 or 4 other games yesterday and the ticcy tac sh!t they call is rediculous. Absolutely kills the flow of the game.

I'm starting to think we need to blame "The Naked Gun" for officials trying to get some whistle/tv time...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7igsvOqOYXA]Naked Gun - Strike - I Love LA - YouTube[/ame]
Can just one game go by on here without talking about the officials? They will always suck for both sides because it is the game of basketball. Deal with it.
Can just one game go by on here without talking about the officials? They will always suck for both sides because it is the game of basketball. Deal with it.

It would be nice to be able to do that, but the officials are starting to become a bigger part of the game than they need to, unless the game is played in Cincy.
I don't know about anyone else, but isn't it time for some of these guys to get out? Like two of the three that did the IND/ND game yesterday? Ed Hightower and Jim "Ted Kennedy" Burr?
The officials get held to what standard? Who determines how they do a good job? Whatever that system is, it needs to be looked at, it seems to get worse and worse evey year and when you have the aforementioned officials who have been around forever continuing to do games, it won't get better.
That said, it is more thankless than coaching and people are just not getting into it as much. Too many "crazies" out there who think they can attack people with no reprocussions.
the biggest problem with Officials they are like God nobody can touch them especially the media
they can't ask them any question after a game
and the coach can't say a thing with out getting fined
there is no accountabilty
and you never hear a word out of the NCAA office about their calls
Every single one of them is one of the best, most respected officials in the game today. There are no bad officials.
Of course it is not comparable, the Hawks won. Duh!

Now if Iowa would have lost, this place would have been a ref whine fest....AGAIN
Thanks, Saledude...speaking of "should have just let it play"...when did it change to the officials suddenly deciding that there has to be a foul on "someone" on every play where there's contact? Most of the crap they call now days would get you laughed out of a "call your own fouls" rec league game...and the phantom calls on fastbreak layups/dunks is also reaching a fever pitch of stupidity and blindness...do they teach "Always assume the only guy back on defense is going to foul to stop the basket, so blow the whistle no matter what"...
The officials are going to ruin the game if they continue to call games the way they have this season. Worse than ever. They completely control the flow and continuity of basketball games. Basketball is a contact sport.

Last night's game was very well called, very fair. They did miss a call or two, Basabe's block, especially in replay, was a clean block. The ball was going up, but in a fast paced game, a mistake will be made. They have to make a quick call, and that one is somewhat excusable.

The have almost absolute power, and that plus ego are getting in the way.....

Maybe Fran should show them a little love.....



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