
If only it were as simple as that EDDY.

You see, as a dork in high school, I didn't have things like friends and girls to distract me from important research on all things Star Wars. Yes, the Sith have red lightsabers and the Jedi have gree (and blue).

However, the Rebel Alliance blasters and star ships shot red laser blasts, while the Imperial Army and Navy fired green.

If only it were as simple as that EDDY.

You see, as a dork in high school, I didn't have things like friends and girls to distract me from important research on all things Star Wars. Yes, the Sith have red lightsabers and the Jedi have gree (and blue).

However, the Rebel Alliance blasters and star ships shot red laser blasts, while the Imperial Army and Navy fired green.


That is strangely very interesting.
From what I can tell, each conference has given the officials the directive to suck. Bad officiating all over.