Icke, I do not know the whole story with CJ's performance this year. What I do know is that he looks totally different than he did a year ago. Last year, you will recall, he led the team to a 12-0 record, which almost went to 13-0 and an undisputed BT championship. He was selected as the second best QB in the BT. And, he played hurt during nearly the entire year. I would say that "great QB" would accurately describe his performance in 2015.
I am uncertain as to how you define a "great QB" but I think its a stretch to blast him as totally inept. Is that what you are saying?
My best guess is that his regression this year is more complex than he is not a good QB. Could be receivers, could be lingering injuries, could be injuries to key receivers, could be scheme, could be orders from head quarters about what he can and cannot do during a game. If I were a betting man, I would bet that CJ is not now and never will be healthy again. And, I will never forget and will be forever grateful for what he did for the Iowa football team last year. If he can find a way to help us win the next two, I will be even more impressed...and grateful.