Here's the advice to Fran!

Sure the X and O's and execution isn't on the staff but the fact that every player crumbles, plays with no physicality, and is mentally weak is on the staff. I've never seen a team so disinterested in winning and not wanting to fight back when they get hit. That's in the coaches.

Penn State game was the first game you watched in a while huh?
------I've never seen a team so disinterested in winning and not wanting to fight back when they get hit.

I guess you didn't see the last 1/4 of the season last year, huh? That Epic Fail lands squarely at Fran's feet too!
You are so frustrated with your team's performance you just go ballistic. You will do anything to get them motivated. If you played the game at a very high school level or in college, you will understand. With the attitude & body language of the team, Fran was upset as hell. it is pretty obvious that you have never played the game.
Wow. Strong words my friend. Look at what happened here then Mr basketball psychology. The only person that responded to this motivational display by Fran was DJ Newbill. How bout the last explosion in Wisconsin. Did any of the Hawk players respond to that one? In fact can anyone point out a game where he got a T and it turned things around for us? The UNI game on the road a few years back? The chair slam in the Breslin Center? I'll give this to you, every now and then, a coach gets fired up, gets a T and his team responds in a positive way, (see Michigan State at Carver this year), most of the time, it does little for your team, just gives the other team an opportunity to score more points.

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