Here's a bowl the B1G didn't need

Now let's extrapolate that reasoning out to maybe another shit bowl tie-in that the B1G has. Which one could it be?
Those northern state bowl games are not only unappealing for fans, they are downright dangerous for players. Still remember players from both teams skating around on that frozen field at the Pinstripe Bowl, more concerning with falling down than actually getting tackled.
Uppity Cubs management insisting on a #3 or #4 B1G team play in their crap/cold/frozen bowl = laughable.
It would probably have a decent draw if they could be guaranteed Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, MSU, Indiana, Purdue or Michigan. Those teams all have a lot of fans in the Chicago area and are close enough for a day drive for most of those fan bases. But if they ended up with Maryland versus Boston College or something there would be like 900 people there.
Yes, let's play on a frozen azz baseball turf the last game of the year so we can get injured. Brilliant idea!
And that's the key to all this. It's a baseball field. Poor football sight lines. More important, no Lambeau Field style underground heating coils. That's why players were slipping and sliding all over the field. It turned into a sheet of ice. That was an even bigger deal than the 25 degree temperature.
Big Ten needs to lock down the Las Vegas Bowl. In a couple years when that new stadium is built it’s going to be a premier bowl destination.
And an NFL destination too. Now that the NHL has broken the ice, no pun intended, for a big four professional team in Sin City I can see the other three sports quickly following suit.

No pun intended.
Yes, it may be bad weather, but just think about having that advantage when playing an SEC or ACC team in December! Just once, I would really enjoy playing in Wrigley Field.

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