Here is what I would like to see


Well-Known Member
The Hawks hold them to a season low in rushing. I mean by a large amount.
I would also like to see all our backs gash them good.
These things would tell me we are making ground in the trenches. Not as good as we once were, but trending up, thats for sure.
You know they are working the s'not out of their passing attack, because we rank pretty good in rush d and they HAVE to be able to run to win.
me? Give me forced negative yardage - like a minus 12 yards every posession and when they get a pass off, we like knock it down in mid air or catch it or som s--t like that. Just totally bogart all the attention.
This begs the question: What do you EXPECT to see? I'll tell you this right now...your defense won't stop Hill and Magee, and ODB/Landry are going to be open ALOT! Jennings may not be able to get it to them, but the DBs are going to be so concerned with the LSU receivers they will be slow to run support. If your coach is as good as he seems, he should be practicing the Power I up the gut until his players puke. Anyone who's watched this LSU defense knows they're vulnerable up the middle. Your TEs should have a good day against our LBs, also.
I just want our boys to play well.
Goals are important. Lets see how far they have come. For the Sr's this is it. You know how they say, you see it then do it. Visualize and attact? Well this is it, time to attack.
I also hope you have passed the tourch. You know by now, that is how mankind is successful, by passing knowledge down.
Lets see about all this swapping ol, dl coach ****.
Now I know gd requested a wr coach and.......

olddude is somewhat of a legend around here. He breezes in, shares what ever corsses his mind and breezes out. If you comprehend it you're living a charmed life, if not you get to look forward to the next one. He's one of my favorites.
NCHawker, you and olddude need to come to visit tigerrant at tigerdroppings. I like olddude's riffs; want to see him stirred up a little :). Be ready tho, if you venture over to the rant...MUCH saltier than this forum. Just for fun, start a thread on how overrated LSU is and how the Hawkeyes are going to smoke them. Then insult the SEC a little. That'll stir up the masses!
I'm already there. I have several hundred posts, i think. I've reacted to a few posts with a bit of fire but never start anything.

Flaming just isn't my style. It took me awhile to recognize that flaming was a bit of a sport and when someone finally got PO'ed and flamed back, someone would say, finnally you're doing it right. I though a- ha ! I get it.
I'm not a flamer at all. I rarely post, just lurk to keep up with what's going on with LSU and around the SEC. You've probably noticed the passion the folks down here have for football. It's a pretty big deal and I hope the Iowa fans enjoy their taste of it.
this is all you need to know

If a couple moves to iowa from Louisiana and gets divorced, are the still cousins?
Like that? Is that a good flame?
Yeah nc is right, i have brain damage.
my wife even has a hard time keeping up with me.
If i were to sit down and try and have a convo about ball, for example, pretty soon you would hear, there are three exits in this room. Been told i am a dumb arse and have been told i am highly intelligent, i think they are both correct.
Long story short, i love lamp, but i also somedays have an easy time with a deep inderstanding of how a ion engine works.
I think I have ocd and add, i need everything perfect, but not for very long. :)
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Tigerj - it looks to me like it is strength vs weakness for both offenses. IMHO, our DBacks have been getting burned all year long. I am mortified at the thought of how your 2 NFL-ready WRs will do against them. I will say that the Hawks are very good vs the run, so I get the feeling that even though Hill is a bona fide talent, Hawkeyenation isn't nearly as concerned with him as with ODB and Landry.

Our offense's strength is indeed the OLine. Now, I have heard very good things about the 2 DTs for the Tigers, but not necessarily the rest of the front 7. So, hopefully we will have success running the ball, bleeding the clock and playing "keep away" from the Tigers. We have very good TE's, but sadly they are under-utilized in this offense. Many of us on the board would like the coaching staff to throw the ball to them more often.

I am not sure we would have had a chance if Mettenburger were still the QB. We are all kind of hoping that the Freshman either misses the 2 WRs with inaccurate throws when they will be WIDE OPEN, (which they will be), or just doesn't go through his progressions to see them.

I'll tell you this, though: Iowa will be ready to play. The Bayou Bengals better take this game seriously or they will be staggering in the ring with a standing 8-count by halftime.

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