Here are some Playoff Questions that Come to Mind

I see some of you guys denigrating the B1G's on-field performance and then making arguments about how money is the number one objective of the new college football order. The B1G schools still have (and will continue) to have the largest alumni bases and tv viewers.

The B1G will be competitive now and in the future on the field. They have been anywhere from the 2nd to 4th best conference since the inception of the BCS and should continue that standing for the next few seasons. Personally I think the B1G will be the 2nd best conference this season and even stronger next year - possibly even stronger than the SEC.

Finally I think Jon's point about lower tiered conferences losing members will be wrong depending on how the TV money is distributed. It is possible to fund all 85 schollies for every ( all 123 or whatever exist now) school with the expected TV revenues, which would tremendously ease the financial burden on lower tiered schools from now on. All football revenue outside of the play off money could go into the schools' athletic department and possibly eliminate tax payer funding for all division 1 schools.
Another well reasoned response.
Backed up by lots of facts & stuff.

You should work at the B1G offices.

Let's talk about facts and evidence. Show us one conference other than the SEC that has a winning record against the B1G in the BCS Era. One.
I'm an ISU fan who roots for Iowa, so I'm not exactly a Big 10 homer. And you're being ridiculous here trey.

It is my opinion that great coaches make all the difference. During the SEC's recent run, they had Urban Meyer, Les Miles, Nick Saban, etc. all leading their historically most powerful schools.

Now, when those schools were all headed by Mike Shula and Ron Zook, exactly nobody was saying this.

During most of this period, Rich Rod was coaching Michigan, and Tressel was not exactly great in the big games.

Fast forward to now. Hoke has stuff to prove, but he looks like he has Michigan going in the right direction. Meyer is now at OSU. Wisconsin, Iowa, MSU, Penn St, and Nebraska are all schools with good enough programs to jump up into the top 4.
As far as the other points in Miller's post, I hope they don't go past 4. I think 4 is what's needed to get a true champion, because I think there can be 3 or 4 schools with legit gripes about being the championship game. Example: OSU last year, Undefeated Auburn the year they were left out, etc.

I can't think of a time the 5th place team could even remotely try and make a point about how they should be in the title game. 4 is all you need here.

There goes ND for Michigan.
I'm an ISU fan who roots for Iowa, so I'm not exactly a Big 10 homer. And you're being ridiculous here trey.

It is my opinion that great coaches make all the difference. During the SEC's recent run, they had Urban Meyer, Les Miles, Nick Saban, etc. all leading their historically most powerful schools.

Now, when those schools were all headed by Mike Shula and Ron Zook, exactly nobody was saying this.

During most of this period, Rich Rod was coaching Michigan, and Tressel was not exactly great in the big games.

Fast forward to now. Hoke has stuff to prove, but he looks like he has Michigan going in the right direction. Meyer is now at OSU. Wisconsin, Iowa, MSU, Penn St, and Nebraska are all schools with good enough programs to jump up into the top 4.

I hope you're right but I doubt either win a championship.
So much working against them.

But also keep in mind that the SEC has had 4 different schools win championships since the B1G won its last title. Two of them twice each.

This is a mountain, not a hill.
I can't think of a time the 5th place team could even remotely try and make a point about how they should be in the title game. 4 is all you need here.

One year, maybe 2008, there were five unbeatens, who I guess all had a claim. But that was the exception that proves the rule.
I hope you're right but I doubt either win a championship.
So much working against them.

But also keep in mind that the SEC has had 4 different schools win championships since the B1G won its last title. Two of them twice each.

This is a mountain, not a hill.

Not many people are arguing that the Big Ten is better than the SEC.
I hope you're right but I doubt either win a championship.
So much working against them.

But also keep in mind that the SEC has had 4 different schools win championships since the B1G won its last title. Two of them twice each.

This is a mountain, not a hill.

All major college sports are cyclical among both teams and conferences....always have been and always will be. The fact that you don't know this tells me you are, at most, 25 years old. Either that or you are really dense. And normally the deciding factor in whether a team or conference is up in the cycle or down are coaches.

Take Alabama for example. After Gene Stallings left, they had coaches the likes of Mike Dubose, Dennis Francheone and Mike Shula. Overall record during that time was 67-55 with 4 losing seasons. Not exactly world beaters. In comes Nick Saban and, bam, they're relevant again. Take LSU, before Nick Saban came along (and then Les Miles), their record in the 10 seasons prior was a combined 51-57 with 7 losing seasons in 10 years under the likes of Mike Archer, Curley Hallman and Gerry DiNardo. Pretty relevant there, huh? Or take Florida under the Zooker....I think we know how that turned out.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. And conferences are no different. For the last 10 years, the SEC, to their credit, has had a slew of really good football coaches. Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, Les Miles, Bobby Petrino, Steve Spurrier, Mark Richt, etc, etc. We can debate their morals or lackthereof....or debate their understanding of the rulebook or lackthereof.....but these are good/great coaches. You couldn't say the same for the Big 10 as a whole during this time. But that tide, I believe is now turning.

Bottom line is that the cyclical nature of sports will turn things 180 degrees as they always do. But it's always funny to see the young lads and their "latest is greatest" and "the sky is falling" mentality come on these boards and preach their BS as if it's gospel. That's why I continue to come here....for the comedy factor it produces! :)
People see who wins championships.
The rest of it is noise.

Yet, you say the B1G is the 4th or 5th best conference. So which is it? Either a conference wins a title or it doesn't matter, right?

I'm sure you were saying in 2000 and 2001 that the SEC was a crappy conference since they didn't have a team in the top 5 of the BCS rankings or 2005 for that matter. Look the SEC is on a nice run but things can change if you don't want to admit that than fine.
All major college sports are cyclical among both teams and conferences....always have been and always will be. The fact that you don't know this tells me you are, at most, 25 years old. Either that or you are really dense. And normally the deciding factor in whether a team or conference is up in the cycle or down are coaches.

Take Alabama for example. After Gene Stallings left, they had coaches the likes of Mike Dubose, Dennis Francheone and Mike Shula. Overall record during that time was 67-55 with 4 losing seasons. Not exactly world beaters. In comes Nick Saban and, bam, they're relevant again. Take LSU, before Nick Saban came along (and then Les Miles), their record in the 10 seasons prior was a combined 51-57 with 7 losing seasons in 10 years under the likes of Mike Archer, Curley Hallman and Gerry DiNardo. Pretty relevant there, huh? Or take Florida under the Zooker....I think we know how that turned out.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. And conferences are no different. For the last 10 years, the SEC, to their credit, has had a slew of really good football coaches. Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, Les Miles, Bobby Petrino, Steve Spurrier, Mark Richt, etc, etc. We can debate their morals or lackthereof....or debate their understanding of the rulebook or lackthereof.....but these are good/great coaches. You couldn't say the same for the Big 10 as a whole during this time. But that tide, I believe is now turning.

Bottom line is that the cyclical nature of sports will turn things 180 degrees as they always do. But it's always funny to see the young lads and their "latest is greatest" and "the sky is falling" mentality come on these boards and preach their BS as if it's gospel. That's why I continue to come here....for the comedy factor it produces! :)

For starters, I wish I was only 25.

Secondly, when was the B1G's cycle? When did they win titles at this rate?

How many more years title-less would it take for you to say, yep, they suck?
Not many people are arguing that the Big Ten is better than the SEC.

That's painfully obvious to even the most tunnel visioned B1G fan.
The difference we have is that you think its just "cyclical".
I think its more than that.

A decade and counting is my evidence
That's painfully obvious to even the most tunnel visioned B1G fan.
The difference we have is that you think its just "cyclical".
I think its more than that.

A decade and counting is my evidence

Friendly wager: I say that an SEC school does NOT win the BCS title in football this year. If they do, I ban myself from the board for two weeks. If they don't, you do the same. You in?
That's painfully obvious to even the most tunnel visioned B1G fan.
The difference we have is that you think its just "cyclical".
I think its more than that.

A decade and counting is my evidence

Right, but besides the SEC, which conferences have won BCS titles since OSU did it in 2002? Texas won one and USC one one that was revoked. It's not as if every other BCS conference is reeling them in like the SEC. Cripes.
I am 99% sure Title IX has nothing to do with this discussion, on my phone so I can't post everything relevant from here, but it only forces opportuniy, has nothing to do with how scholarships are funded.

I looked at the wiki and can't post the link.
That's painfully obvious to even the most tunnel visioned B1G fan.
The difference we have is that you think its just "cyclical".
I think its more than that.

A decade and counting is my evidence

My evidence is every decade of college football before that. If you don't think these things are cyclical, then I don't know what to tell you.

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