Herbstreit trashes B10


Well-Known Member
Kirk was on in the last half hour today with Cowherd and basically trashed the Big 10 for lack of speed and athletic talent. Said the coaches need to do a much better job of recruiting in order to compete with teams in the SEC. Cowherd said the best athletes are always going to want to play in warmer climates, that the Big 10 and Big East are always going to be at a disadvantage.

Herbstreit described the New Year's Day 0-5 record as the "darkest day" ever in Big 10 football. Said the league had a similar experience in 2007, came back and did a little better in 2008 and then had a pretty good record in 2009-10, especially in the BCS games. Everyone thought the league was on the way to recovery from the 2007 debacle.

But then the league was humiliated on Saturday.

He also shared that he had had a chance to visit the Wisconsin and TCU practices ahead of the Rose Bowl. Said the difference was striking; after coming off the field at breaks each TCU starter would get a sheet of paper to review on plays, etc., while the No. 2's were practicing. Said it really kept the entire team focused. No such thing during the Wisconsin practice.
The gap between the SEC and Big10 would be narrower if the NCAA tightened up the rules on over-signing.
Kirk was on in the last half hour today with Cowherd and basically trashed the Big 10 for lack of speed and athletic talent. Said the coaches need to do a much better job of recruiting in order to compete with teams in the SEC. Cowherd said the best athletes are always going to want to play in warmer climates, that the Big 10 and Big East are always going to be at a disadvantage.

Herbstreit described the New Year's Day 0-5 record as the "darkest day" ever in Big 10 football. Said the league had a similar experience in 2007, came back and did a little better in 2008 and then had a pretty good record in 2009-10, especially in the BCS games. Everyone thought the league was on the way to recovery from the 2007 debacle.

But then the league was humiliated on Saturday.

He also shared that he had had a chance to visit the Wisconsin and TCU practices ahead of the Rose Bowl. Said the difference was striking; after coming off the field at breaks each TCU starter would get a sheet of paper to review on plays, etc., while the No. 2's were practicing. Said it really kept the entire team focused. No such thing during the Wisconsin practice.

I don't worry about what Kirk Herbstreit says, to tell you the truth. Has he beat Michigan?
Kirk was on in the last half hour today with Cowherd and basically trashed the Big 10 for lack of speed and athletic talent. Said the coaches need to do a much better job of recruiting in order to compete with teams in the SEC. Cowherd said the best athletes are always going to want to play in warmer climates, that the Big 10 and Big East are always going to be at a disadvantage.

Herbstreit described the New Year's Day 0-5 record as the "darkest day" ever in Big 10 football. Said the league had a similar experience in 2007, came back and did a little better in 2008 and then had a pretty good record in 2009-10, especially in the BCS games. Everyone thought the league was on the way to recovery from the 2007 debacle.

But then the league was humiliated on Saturday.

He also shared that he had had a chance to visit the Wisconsin and TCU practices ahead of the Rose Bowl. Said the difference was striking; after coming off the field at breaks each TCU starter would get a sheet of paper to review on plays, etc., while the No. 2's were practicing. Said it really kept the entire team focused. No such thing during the Wisconsin practice.

I've heard the "warmer climate" argument before. Maybe it's true for college, but I've never heard of a player turning down an NFL job in the frigid north if offered. If the Packers are the only ones offering, you better like the snow if you want a job.
The gap between the SEC and Big10 would be narrower if the NCAA tightened up the rules on over-signing.

or cracked down on paying players to play...

If money wasn't an issue I'd rather the Big 10 not play such a tough bowl schedule.

But money is always an issue.

If teams like Northwestern or MSU would show up for a bowl game every now and then that would help.

Iowa is 5-2 in bowl games since 2002

Illinois 1-1

Indiana 0-1

Michigan 2-5

MSU 0-5

Minn 3-4

NW 0-5

OSU 5-3 (game yet to be played this year)

PSU 4-3

Purdue 2-3

Wisc 4-5
Anybody who believed MSU was a top-10 team is/was delusional. Michigan had no business being in a bowl game, and PSU belonged in a December 1st bowl. It would be extremely embarrassing for the conference had Iowa and Illinois also crapped the bed.
The SEC exploits several advantages over the Big 10, including:
1- Lower academic standards. Many SEC stars could not be admitted to Big Ten schools.
2 -- Oversigning. Where's the NCAA on this reprehensible practice?
3 -- Virtual home field advantage in most bowl games.
4 -- Better weather advantage that appeals to many skill positions.

But if the Big Ten would make better use of the talent it has, it would compete more effectively against the SEC despite the many inherent advantags the SEC enjoys. Until the Big Ten opens up its offensive and defensive schemes -- and I do NOT mean spread offenses -- it will continue to struggle.
cowterd is lame, but what did herbstreit say that isn't true?
Van Pelt and Rusillo were also talking about the B10 NYD flame-out, and they hit on some of the same points. They're not wrong, either.
That whole bit about 'the matchups aren't fair to the B10' is baloney, too. Not one of the NYD games was a blatant mismatch on paper. Shoot, the only real paper mismatch of the bowls was putting unranked Iowa up against #12 MissWho. :D
Certain coaches just didn't (or don't know how to) prepare and it was obvious.
I hate to say this, but I give NW a pass because of Persa being out.
PSU's QB is a joke and I don't know why he was playing in the 2nd half, but they looked fairly prepared for FU...er, I mean, UF...in all other aspects of their game.
Wiscy...wow. Abandon that monster running attack and put the game on tolzien's shoulders?? *cough*KOK-like*cough* Legitimized a non-AQ program from a school of 9400 students.:mad:
Kirk was on in the last half hour today with Cowherd and basically trashed the Big 10 for lack of speed and athletic talent. Said the coaches need to do a much better job of recruiting in order to compete with teams in the SEC. Cowherd said the best athletes are always going to want to play in warmer climates, that the Big 10 and Big East are always going to be at a disadvantage.

Herbstreit described the New Year's Day 0-5 record as the "darkest day" ever in Big 10 football. Said the league had a similar experience in 2007, came back and did a little better in 2008 and then had a pretty good record in 2009-10, especially in the BCS games. Everyone thought the league was on the way to recovery from the 2007 debacle.

But then the league was humiliated on Saturday.

He also shared that he had had a chance to visit the Wisconsin and TCU practices ahead of the Rose Bowl. Said the difference was striking; after coming off the field at breaks each TCU starter would get a sheet of paper to review on plays, etc., while the No. 2's were practicing. Said it really kept the entire team focused. No such thing during the Wisconsin practice.

It's not like anyone can defend the B10. We laid an egg on NYD :(
Kirk was on in the last half hour today with Cowherd and basically trashed the Big 10 for lack of speed and athletic talent. Said the coaches need to do a much better job of recruiting in order to compete with teams in the SEC. Cowherd said the best athletes are always going to want to play in warmer climates, that the Big 10 and Big East are always going to be at a disadvantage.

Herbstreit described the New Year's Day 0-5 record as the "darkest day" ever in Big 10 football. Said the league had a similar experience in 2007, came back and did a little better in 2008 and then had a pretty good record in 2009-10, especially in the BCS games. Everyone thought the league was on the way to recovery from the 2007 debacle.

But then the league was humiliated on Saturday.

He also shared that he had had a chance to visit the Wisconsin and TCU practices ahead of the Rose Bowl. Said the difference was striking; after coming off the field at breaks each TCU starter would get a sheet of paper to review on plays, etc., while the No. 2's were practicing. Said it really kept the entire team focused. No such thing during the Wisconsin practice.

What could he have possibly said? Honestly, there is no good defense for what the BigTen did on NYD. Only NW played anywhere near their capability. Wisc didn't play a bad game, so to speak, but honestly, why didn't they just keep running and jamming the ball down TCU's throat?
cowterd is lame, but what did herbstreit say that isn't true?
Van Pelt and Rusillo were also talking about the B10 NYD flame-out, and they hit on some of the same points. They're not wrong, either.
That whole bit about 'the matchups aren't fair to the B10' is baloney, too. Not one of the NYD games was a blatant mismatch on paper. Shoot, the only real paper mismatch of the bowls was putting unranked Iowa up against #12 MissWho. :D
Certain coaches just didn't (or don't know how to) prepare and it was obvious.
I hate to say this, but I give NW a pass because of Persa being out.
PSU's QB is a joke and I don't know why he was playing in the 2nd half, but they looked fairly prepared for FU...er, I mean, UF...in all other aspects of their game.
Wiscy...wow. Abandon that monster running attack and put the game on tolzien's shoulders?? *cough*KOK-like*cough* Legitimized a non-AQ program from a school of 9400 students.:mad:

I pretty much agree here, but I would say that NW without their starting QB was also a mismatch on paper.

Wisc abandoned a very-successful inside running game for no apparent reason. It was like KOK was calling the plays. TCU is a good team, but there is no reason that Wisc should have lost to them.

NW actually played better than I expected. I truly think that, without Persa, that it was a pretty big mis-match.

PSU seemed to be prepared, but I truly can't figure out why they didn't let Bolden take a shot. I don't know if they would have won, but I hve to think that they would have been a lot better without the 5 picks.

Michigan with RickRod is a damn joke. I expected little from them, and they managed to provide even less. Their gimack offense disappeared when a team had time to prepare for them. I truly don't know how they can be that bad on defense with 11 players on the field. Any 11 players should be able to do a bit better than that, much less "Michigan talent"...

MSU was just, plain embarassing. Apparently, they simply couldn't be bothered to prepare at all. I expected them to lose (Alabama is a very good team), but I at least expected them to make somewhat of a game of it.

Iowa and/or Illinois probably would have represented the BigTen better than any of the last 3 (PSU, MSU, UM) in those bowls...
The speed and talent issue of the south has been a topic of discussion for decades. Can't argue it but don't think things are going to change much in the future as long as players enjoy warmer weather spots and/or staying a bit closer to home. The CA, FL, TX, AL, GA kids don't have too go far to find a program that is regularly in the Top 20.

There are a few exceptions of schools in the north being able to attract the southern boys with some regularity but not the norm for most programs. Some of the southern programs can put speed at most any position if they choose. Us northerners are happy with finding a couple to fill skill positions or moving down to the second/third tier for some leftovers.
OSU puts a lot skill position players into the league.

Michigan did up until 3 years ago.

Legends and Leaders and with the NYD debacle it just pretty much setting it up on a tee for all the big ten haters.

NW and Michigan losses doesn't bother me that much, its the Wisky/MSU games that hurts.

I'm a big OSU fan tonite, a win would alleviate some of the big ten bashing.
OSU puts a lot skill position players into the league.

Michigan did up until 3 years ago.

Legends and Leaders and with the NYD debacle it just pretty much setting it up on a tee for all the big ten haters.

NW and Michigan losses doesn't bother me that much, its the Wisky/MSU games that hurts.

I'm a big OSU fan TOMORROW NIGHT, a win would alleviate some of the big ten bashing.


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