Herbstreit Deletes Twitter account

This is ridiculous on all accounts...

First of all - at what point did the entirety of the city of Columbus get all hopped up on goofballs? I've been there several times and find it to be a great city. Not sure what element of the fanbase this is, but I suspect not the majority.

Secondly, Herbie - grow a frickin pair will you? You're a public figure in a public job from one of the most high profile programs in the country. You don't want people responding to you or questioning you? Grow up.
If your twitter account was constantly bombarded with a-holes why would you keep it? I know I wouldn't. Not because I'm a puss but why wade through all that crap?
Secondly, Herbie - grow a frickin pair will you? You're a public figure in a public job from one of the most high profile programs in the country. You don't want people responding to you or questioning you? Grow up.

I agree...two times today Boss!

If you are in the public eye and give opinions and analysis for a living, people are going to take shots at you every single day. Just don't check the account for a week or two...dont look at @ replies at all for a while...but don't delete it
I dunno, I am leaning toward Herbie on this one. fO$U fan is legitimately psycho in a lot of cases, and when mobbed up, they are downright frightening.
Herbie has a lot of kids and a wife to support and keep safe.
I'd back away from those zealots, too. Who knows what they are capable of. :mad:

Kirk Herbstreit asked Tressel if he could address the OSU team a day before one of their games last year. JT said sure, Herbie proceeded to explain to them how he had to rip OSU a little more than other teams to maintain his credibility. He then broke down crying and told the team he was a buckeye thru and thru. Now he jams it in OSU by making it personal with Pryor (again) and ripping Tressel. I have no problem with Kirk saying whatever he wants but don't think you can talk out both sides of your mouth and have OSU fans not respond. Kirk is b*tch-made.
Kirk Herbstreit asked Tressel if he could address the OSU team a day before one of their games last year. JT said sure, Herbie proceeded to explain to them how he had to rip OSU a little more than other teams to maintain his credibility. He then broke down crying and told the team he was a buckeye thru and thru. Now he jams it in OSU by making it personal with Pryor (again) and ripping Tressel. I have no problem with Kirk saying whatever he wants but don't think you can talk out both sides of your mouth and have OSU fans not respond. Kirk is b*tch-made.

He didn't say anything that wasn't true. Just because all you OSU fans don't agree with it doesn't mean he's wrong.
Kirk Herbstreit asked Tressel if he could address the OSU team a day before one of their games last year. JT said sure, Herbie proceeded to explain to them how he had to rip OSU a little more than other teams to maintain his credibility. He then broke down crying and told the team he was a buckeye thru and thru. Now he jams it in OSU by making it personal with Pryor (again) and ripping Tressel. I have no problem with Kirk saying whatever he wants but don't think you can talk out both sides of your mouth and have OSU fans not respond. Kirk is b*tch-made.

He didn't say anything that wasn't true. Just because all you OSU fans don't agree with it doesn't mean he's wrong.
Like I said, he can say whatever he wants but don't act surprised when ex-players, current players and fans call you out for being fake. The only thing I have a problem with is Herbie making it personal with Pryor. Herbie got he feelings hurt because Pryor called him a fake buckeye and now he takes shots at him as a player and a person. Pryor is 10x the player Herbie ever was.
Like I said, he can say whatever he wants but don't act surprised when ex-players, current players and fans call you out for being fake. The only thing I have a problem with is Herbie making it personal with Pryor. Herbie got he feelings hurt because Pryor called him a fake buckeye and now he takes shots at him as a player and a person. Pryor is 10x the player Herbie ever was.

Is Herbie a fake Buckeye because he didn't cheat?
I like Herbstreit but he needs some thicker skin or he should go sell insurance. If you don't want people criticizing you about your opinions, then don't give them. Pretty simple

You can't be private if you are in public.
Herbie has one of the best jobs in the country. If ESPN gave me that job and told me I had to take shots at Iowa, I would tear the hawks a new one. Sounds like Herbie is being a b**ch
Herbie is in a tough spot. He is a great football analyst in my opinion and he has 20 more years on the perch. His job transcends his past with Ohio State from a financial standpoint and nothing he can do in the future related to OSU will come close financially.

He loves his school. But he has decided to be a college football analyst. He has to know what is going to come his way when he is critical of his school. Crap, when I write articles that are somewhat critical of Iowa, there are people that email me calling me a fake Iowa fan or not a real fan or he didn't go to school there. I can only imagine what sort of stuff Herbstreit gets.

That being said, it's a part of the job...he is trying to keep a foot in both worlds...that is not impossible, but you had better be prepared for the blow back and be able to live with it.
So let me get this straight. Herbie is a puss because he deleted his twitter account? lol
Some of you people need to step away from the computer and go work out or something.
Same place mine went....I'm sure we missed out on a real gem.

Was just a rebuttal to your post that decided to bring a mans personal life into the discussion just because he is saying some bad things about your team. All of which happen to be true.

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