Help Adam Rittenberg: how to abbreviate Nebraska, Northwestern

Now that the Big Ten has announced they are through with it's expansion, letting DONUT in is a little underwhelming. As far as academics and research is concerned DONUT degrades the entire conference. They should be grateful that the Big Ten has stooped down to pick it up.
Now that the Big Ten has announced they are through with it's expansion, letting DONUT in is a little underwhelming.
Et tu? You seemed to be one of the more level headed Hawk fans that I have run it to (sigh).

As far as football is concerned, with the exception of Notre Dame and Texa$$, DONU is the best draw the Big 10 could hope for. But DONU is a better fit for the culture of the Big 10 than the other 2.

As far as academics and research is concerned DONUT degrades the entire conference. They should be grateful that the Big Ten has stooped down to pick it up.
A little dramatic, eh? While DONU may not have the academic presitge of some of the other Big 10 schools, it was obviously good enough to be accepted. Also, improvements have been made in the past few years to increase our academic standing. A new technology/research park is planned on the old state fairgounds, which should help, too.
Et tu? You seemed to be one of the more level headed Hawk fans that I have run it to (sigh).

As far as football is concerned, with the exception of Notre Dame and Texa$$, DONU is the best draw the Big 10 could hope for. But DONU is a better fit for the culture of the Big 10 than the other 2.

A little dramatic, eh? While DONU may not have the academic presitge of some of the other Big 10 schools, it was obviously good enough to be accepted. Also, improvements have been made in the past few years to increase our academic standing. A new technology/research park is planned on the old state fairgounds, which should help, too.
So what you are saying is until recently your academics were not up to snuff to get in? We know you had to be schooled on the recruiting standards. We know you are expanding your stadium. Just curious what else were you lacking on for the last oh I dont know say 100 years? You do know you wont be able to recruit like you used to, right? You do know that there will be tighter rules on athletic academics, right? It's one thing to have a good ball team but another to be able to say you did it with higher standards than the rest.
So what you are saying is until recently your academics were not up to snuff to get in?
I don't remember DONU ever looking forward to getting into the Big 10, until last year. Then, we were accepted immediately. We were "ok" with the Big 12 and probably would have stayed, except that there may not be a Big 12 for much longer.

We know you had to be schooled on the recruiting standards.
Is this supposed to be a dig? Yeah, I would guess that each conference has different recruiting standards that schools have to adhere to, but I would bet that Mr. Davis, Harvey, and Bo have it under control.

Just curious what else were you lacking on for the last oh I dont know say 100 years? You do know you wont be able to recruit like you used to, right? You do know that there will be tighter rules on athletic academics, right? It's one thing to have a good ball team but another to be able to say you did it with higher standards than the rest.
Regarding athletes staying eligible, I can't see it being a bigger issue now at DONU. We have a great academic support system for athletes.

I don't know the specifics of the Big 10 or Big 12 when it comes to entrance standards, etc, but from what I heard from Texa$$ fans, they seem to think that the Big 10 has less stringent entrance standards than the Big 12. But then again, that is Bo & Company's job to worry about, not mine.
Husker guy, you are one strange dude. Why are you expending energy on an Iowa board? It doesn't make sense.

By the way, you are falling into the same trap that Iowa State fans fall into with Iowa. You are worrying about Iowa. IOWA. Are you kidding me?

Your success will be based on how you do against Ohio State, Penn State and Michigan. Not Iowa.

Based on how you stacked up against the powers of the Big 12 the past decade, I predict you won't do very well. In fact, I think Nebraska will have a hard time being relevant in the Big Ten, at least with that nut job coach you have now.

But keep thinking about Iowa. Lose some sleep over Iowa. Respond to every email. Keep trolling on this board. We love it.

See you in the fall. It will be a long year for you guys. We know how tough this conference is. You are clueless.

Oh, but keep trolling. Expend that energy, dude
As far as football is concerned, with the exception of Notre Dame and Texa$$, DONU is the best draw the Big 10 could hope for. But DONU is a better fit for the culture of the Big 10 than the other 2.

As far as football (money) is concerned, the best the Big 10 could hope for would be a California school.
74Hunter, here are the records of the two schools over the past 10 years:

1. Record

Iowa 85 41
Cornheads 84 46

2. Conference Championships

Iowa 2
Corn 0 (divisions championships meaning NOTHING)

3. Top 10 poll finishes

Iowa 4
Corn 1

4. BCS games

Iowa 2
Corn 1

5. BCS wins

Iowa 1
Corn 0

6. Bowl wins

Iowa 6
Corn 5

As far as football (money) is concerned, the best the Big 10 could hope for would be a California school.
I wouldn't say that. With the exception of maybe USC (when they are good), there are no California schools that would offer the overall national footprint of DONU. There are transplanted DONU fans all across the country, the Big 10 Network did not get the huge bump from the 1.7 million people that reside in the state of Nebraska.

And Nebraska is a big spender when it comes to athletics overall.
Husker guy, you are one strange dude. Why are you expending energy on an Iowa board? It doesn't make sense.

By the way, you are falling into the same trap that Iowa State fans fall into with Iowa. You are worrying about Iowa. IOWA. Are you kidding me?

Your success will be based on how you do against Ohio State, Penn State and Michigan. Not Iowa.

But keep thinking about Iowa. Lose some sleep over Iowa. Respond to every email. Keep trolling on this board. We love it.
This is hilarious to me. The only reason I found this board is because a fellow Husker fan on a Husker board linked to it. He stated how idiotic Hawk fans were because they felt that winning the Big 10 was more important/impressive than winning a MNC. I checked it out, and found out that Hawk fans are absolutely obsessed with DONU, and I have to admit, I have a fascination with y'all's Cornhusker obsession.

What brings me back it that there are a lot of lies and innuendo that is spread about DONU on this board, and I like to refute it.

Make no mistake about it, Husker fans (me included) DON'T care about or think about Iowa football. Most of us didn't even know there was another Division 1 football team in the state besides ISU, until Iowa showed up on our schedule about 10 or so years ago. Heck, I don't even know when the last time our teams played, I just know that Crouch was our qb, and we beat Iowa in back to back years. They were both just another game, I couldn't tell you the years.

However, most Iowa fans can tell you the year, date, the exact time the game ended, what they were doing, and their feelings about the game the last time Iowa beat Nebraska. It's more important to them than their wedding or the birth of their kids.

Go to a Husker football board, and Iowa football is barely mentioned, let alone do we any sort of comparision between Iowa and Nebraska football, unlike this board. The only time Iowa football is even mentioned is because we have to play them this year, because of "hospital-gate," because of DKJ (or whatever his name is), or because of the rash of arrests of Iowa football players the past few years.

Based on how you stacked up against the powers of the Big 12 the past decade, I predict you won't do very well. In fact, I think Nebraska will have a hard time being relevant in the Big Ten, at least with that nut job coach you have now.

See you in the fall. It will be a long year for you guys. We know how tough this conference is. You are clueless.
I love it that how our team fared against Texa$$ or OU 8 years ago is somehow relevant in this discussion. You are a joke.

Let's see, last year DONU went 2-2 against the top 4 teams in the Big 12, the two losses being by a total of 6 points, with an inept offensive coordinator and a freshman qb who was playing at about 60-70%.

I'll take our chances in a weaker league, one that doesn't have a team (let alone 2) that is in the National Championship discussion on an annual basis.

nut job coach
Funny, maybe your coach should worry about not hospitalizing a bunch of his players, or maybe he should concern himself with stopping his players from distributing illegal PEDs to his other players.

Oh, but keep trolling. Expend that energy, dude
Maybe you should understand the definition of a troll. I don't come here to bash your program. I don't insult your posters or your program. I could care less. I don't have to bash Iowa football. It is what it is.

I simply refute the blatant mis-information that Hawk fans spread. And I need something to do during the day, lol!
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This is hilarious to me. The only reason I found this board is because a fellow Husker fan on a Husker board linked to it. He stated how idiotic Hawk fans were because they felt that winning the Big 10 was more important/impressive than winning a MNC. I checked it out, and found out that Hawk fans are absolutely obsessed with DONU, and I have to admit, I have a fascination with y'all's Cornhusker obsession.

I have about 20 close friends that are Cornhuskers....they all are awaiting the Iowa game on the schedule. We aren't obsessed with you. You aren't, I would assume, obsessed with Iowa. It's called a natural rivalry that should have happened long ago. It's going to be fun, and I personally can't wait. In fact all of my Nebraska fans are already planning on going to that game and I will be tagging along. Iowa fans aren't the only ones excited for this game, no matter what you and your Husker boards are saying.
I wouldn't say that. With the exception of maybe USC (when they are good), there are no California schools that would offer the overall national footprint of DONU. There are transplanted DONU fans all across the country, the Big 10 Network did not get the huge bump from the 1.7 million people that reside in the state of Nebraska.

And Nebraska is a big spender when it comes to athletics overall.

There are transplanted fans of most "big" schools all over everywhere. Some may be more vocal than others, but to pretend they don't exist is silly. The big money for the Big 10 in adding another school will be from the TV revenue, and population drives that.
There are transplanted fans of most "big" schools all over everywhere. Some may be more vocal than others, but to pretend they don't exist is silly. The big money for the Big 10 in adding another school will be from the TV revenue, and population drives that.
Certainly. But California is a geographic non-fit.

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