Help Adam Rittenberg: how to abbreviate Nebraska, Northwestern

74Hunter you are an obvious worthless troll trying to flame, so I will oblige you.

Nebraska football has sucked for the past 10 years. Iowa's record is better over that period. You would have been a second division team in the Big Ten.

Yes, you won some national championships in the nineties. Congratulations.

But you will not be a big factor in the Big Ten. Moving to this conference is a big step up. A very average Iowa team this year defeated Missouri, who was supposed to be one of the best two teams in your conference. In fact, I think you are, in reality, about on Iowa's level right now, behind Ohio State, Wisconsin and Penn State.

I predict a 4-4 record for you in the Big Ten this fall. At that point, you can crawl back into your troll hole.
4 conferences, by 4 do you mean the Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Association, which split to form the Missouri Valley Conference, then Big 6, then Big 7, then Big 8, then Big 12? You mean that ONE conference? I believe that the Big 10 is the second conference we have been a part of since the 20’s.

You’re right, Nebraska wasn’t wanted, were they. Oh yeah, our application to the Big 10 was excepted just a year ago, was it not? NU was probably the 3rd choice of the Big 10 (Notre Dame and Texa$$ being 1 and 2), but we were a much better fit.

The better question is: If Iowa was in the Big 12, was disgruntled, and the Big 10 had 1 spot to fill, would YOU be invited to join? What does Iowa bring? A mediocre football team that has no national television presence, no National Championships, 1 Heisman winner, 14 bowl wins, and a mere 11 conference titles? A crappy basketball team? A crappy baseball team? Do you even have a women’s volleyball team? Oh, that’s right, your national power of a wrestling program would probably get you an invite, right? Iowa might as well be ISU or Drake.

And BTW, you're welcome for that boatload of cash your university just made off of new TV deals and the CCG. You can thank DONU for that.

The real question is, why are Nebraska fans so insecure? The B10 was already making "boatloads" of cash, and if Nebraska is worth so much money why did the B12 have such crappy TV deals?

You can thank the B10 for taking you in and sparing you from having to deal with your yearly nailbiter with ISU in the future.
Iowa fans were humbled this year. Despite the surprising win over Missouri, the 2010 season did not go as we had hoped. We are humble and hoping for the best in 2011.

But it appears that nothing on earth can humble a Nebraska fan. Not an embarrassing bowl loss to a horrible Washington team; not an embarrassing one point win over a truly horrible Iowa State;not the shellacking you took from Oklahoma; not even a psychotic coach who threatens players and acts like a juvenile delinquent on the sidelines.

Nothing. The Nebraska fan's arrogance is like death and taxes: an absolute certainty.

Well, welcome to the Big Ten you Big Red idiots. You are going to get your *** handed to you this fall, starting with losses to Ohio State and Wisconsin, for starters. You are not in the Big Two and Little Six anymore. Welcome to a real conference. Good luck; you'll need it.
The real question is, why are Nebraska fans so insecure? The B10 was already making "boatloads" of cash, and if Nebraska is worth so much money why did the B12 have such crappy TV deals

you went the wrong way. Why did the Big 12's TV package get considerably better when Nebraska left? Clearly they were holding the Big 12 back. :)
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74 Hunter - Um, academics? Your third rate university just became, by far, the lowest ranked academic institution in its conference. But don't let a lack of intelligence or reason get in your way.
Iowa fans were humbled this year. Despite the surprising win over Missouri, the 2010 season did not go as we had hoped. We are humble and hoping for the best in 2011.

But it appears that nothing on earth can humble a Nebraska fan. Not an embarrassing bowl loss to a horrible Washington team; not an embarrassing one point win over a truly horrible Iowa State;not the shellacking you took from Oklahoma; not even a psychotic coach who threatens players and acts like a juvenile delinquent on the sidelines.

Nothing. The Nebraska fan's arrogance is like death and taxes: an absolute certainty.

Well, welcome to the Big Ten you Big Red idiots. You are going to get your *** handed to you this fall, starting with losses to Ohio State and Wisconsin, for starters. You are not in the Big Two and Little Six anymore. Welcome to a real conference. Good luck; you'll need it.

I live with one, tell me about it. Although she is starting to understand Nebby is not even close to what it once was. I like Nebbys shot next year in the B10, revamped O, a D thats not used to playing run based teams, an over confidence in speed (which is no better than most b10 teams). Yea I like thier chances of getting thier arses handed to them.
Funny story, when I met my ole lady, I said I dont care what you have done in the past, because it's the past, I only care about what you are going to do this day forward. She gave me a very odd look, which at the time I thought was a woman thing I did not understand, I am thinking now it's a Husker fan thing. A concept that is very hard for Huskers to grasp.
Nebraska football has sucked for the past 10 years. Iowa's record is better over that period.
Since the 2000 season, Iowa is 88-50, DONU is 96-48. Iowa has 2 Big 10 co-championships, DONU has won/shared 5 Divisional titles.

Congrats. In the Golden Age of Iowa football, your team has had almost exactly the same amount of success as DONU has had in our Age of Turmoil. This had been the worst 10 year stretch we have had since the 50's. We have had 3 coaching changes, changes in the AD department, yet our success (which no Husker fan thumps his chest over) is roughly the same as Iowa's.

You would have been a second division team in the Big Ten.
But you will not be a big factor in the Big Ten. Moving to this conference is a big step up.
Second division, just like we were in the Big 12? Oh, and should we bring up which conference is better? Bowl Records from 2000-2009 (per Phil Steel), Big 12 is 38-39, Big 10 is 28-41. Last year, the Big 12 had 5 teams finish in the top 20, the Big 10 had 3. Oh, and the Big 12 normally has a team that plays for the MNC.

Football wise, this is, at best a lateral move, but likely a step down. For the university (and state) as a whole, it is a step up. No one outside of the Big 10 is impressed with Big 10 football.

A very average Iowa team this year defeated Missouri, who was supposed to be one of the best two teams in your conference.
Yes, the same Mizzou team that DONU routed. Nobody said that Mizzou would be the 2nd best in the Big 12. Second best in the North, but the thought was Mizzou was 4th or 5th best in the Big 12 overall, which they ended up being.

In fact, I think you are, in reality, about on Iowa's level right now, behind Ohio State, Wisconsin and Penn State.

I predict a 4-4 record for you in the Big Ten this fall. At that point, you can crawl back into your troll hole.
Possibly, but only because we have replaced or restructured half of our coaching staff, our offense is in shambles, and the Big 10 made sure to match it's marquee program (DONU) against the the best of the rest.
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The real question is, why are Nebraska fans so insecure? The B10 was already making "boatloads" of cash, and if Nebraska is worth so much money why did the B12 have such crappy TV deals?
Poor leadership, no Big 12 network, and Texa$$' greed. If anyone thinks that the Big 12 will get better TV deals now due to the promises made by Dan Beebe, I hope that got that in writing, 'cause it ain't gonna happen.

You can thank the B10 for taking you in and sparing you from having to deal with your yearly nailbiter with ISU in the future.
I will thank the Big 10 for security, stability, and the CIC. But before you cast stones, you may want to make sure you beat Northwestern, aka, K State of the Big 10.
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But it appears that nothing on earth can humble a Nebraska fan.
Humble, we lost 4 games by a total of 25 points. That was with an inept offensive coordinator and a freshman QB who played at about 75% for half of the year. More importantly, we have the ability to understand that we were only in year 3 of a rebuilding process, and we still went 10-4. One that showed flashes of hope here and there.

Not an embarrassing bowl loss to a horrible Washington team;
Horrible loss, that no one cared about, not the fans, and apparently not the team.

not an embarrassing one point win over a truly horrible Iowa State;
Bad game that we were fortunate to win.

not the shellacking you took from Oklahoma
23-20, wow, what a butt-whooping that was.

not even a psychotic coach who threatens players and acts like a juvenile delinquent on the sidelines.
I guess I don't remember the "threat," but those in glass houses should not throw stones. You may want to worry more about your training staff hospitalizing a good number of your players, your players taking illegal PEDs, and your players getting arrested, more than our coach getting upset over a pretty obvious screw job.

Nothing. The Nebraska fan's arrogance is like death and taxes: an absolute certainty.
Much like your ignorance.

You are not in the Big Two and Little Six anymore. Welcome to a real conference.
Really, well, the Big 8's last year was 1995, in which there were 4 Big 8 teams that finished in the Top 10. Your post is so full of epic fail.

Good luck; you'll need it.
Apparently when dealing with opposing fan bases.
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Since the 2000 season, Iowa is 88-50, DONU is 96-48. Iowa has 2 Big 10 co-championships, DONU has won/shared 5 Divisional titles.

How the mighty have fallen. Does anyone else in here remember when Nebraska used to win national titles? Now they get excited about sharing divisional titles. When you play in a six team division that is a national joke I wouldn't be too proud of that. Where oh where have you gone Tommy Frazier?
Since the 2000 season, Iowa is 88-50, DONU is 96-48. Iowa has 2 Big 10 co-championships, DONU has won/shared 5 Divisional titles.

How the mighty have fallen. Does anyone else in here remember when Nebraska used to win national titles? Now they get excited about sharing divisional titles. When you play in a six team division that is a national joke I wouldn't be too proud of that. Where oh where have you gone Tommy Frazier?

Thanks for leaving out this part:

In the Golden Age of Iowa football, your team has had almost exactly the same amount of success as DONU has had in our Age of Turmoil. This had been the worst 10 year stretch we have had since the 50's. We have had 3 coaching changes, changes in the AD department, yet our success (which no Husker fan thumps his chest over) is roughly the same as Iowa's.

I used the Divisional Title as a point of reference, meaning, the Big 12 North Title is as impressive as winning a Big 10 Co-Championship. I guess that point was lost on those who went to the "more impressive" academic institution.
Thanks for leaving out this part:

I used the Divisional Title as a point of reference, meaning, the Big 12 North Title is as impressive as winning a Big 10 Co-Championship. I guess that point was lost on those who went to the "more impressive" academic institution.

Because it's not near as impressive. Winning a B10 co-championship means you tied for the best out of 11 teams. Winning or sharing a B12 North divisional title means you shared the title for a six team division that was by far the lesser of two divisions in the conference. A division whose champion got crushed yearly in the B12 title game, by scores like 70-3.

Tying for the B10 championship with the national champion is a little more impressive.

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