Hear me out


Well-Known Member
A little about me... I've been given the banhammer on this site before, for my cynical views of the football team, particularly the head coach.

As I was sitting in kinnick today, I was actually very impressed with our team.

Despite losing to a "MAC team" (who I may remind you, has a very mobile and good to very good QB, and will most likely be a top 25 team at some point this season) I think I saw a TON of improvement.

Ruddock was on point for most of the game, aside for a couple miss read passes. (Both picks).

The only thing I left kinnick upset about is why Ruddock didn't play last year?

He is light years ahead of how vandenburg played last year.

Going into half time, we had scored 24 points. That got me super stoked on our D, and looking at the yardage, also our offense.

Bottom line, it's more productive this year which is what all of us complainers wanted.

One thing, the old Captain Kirk came out in the 3rd and we stopped blitzing (no pressure from the dline again, picked right up from last year) and we stopped blitzing and their QB got comfy.

MM was a beast today.

Ruddock has 100% heart. He WILL win us some games this year.

Weismann didn't look half as dominant as I thought he would.

We passed several times down field, despite what I've seen written on here.

Overall, I actually, to my surprise, left kinnick sunburnt, and much much more optimistic about this season than I came to kinnick.
Yes, much improved from last year. I am not up in arms as others are today about the loss. I have adjusted my expectations with this team over the last few years for certain reasons. As a result, I picked Northern IL to beat us.

Again, I think this team is much improved from last year, but lacks a playmaker on offense and two playmakers on defense to be a bowl bound team.

Ruddock still has some glaring issues to iron out but he was alright.

Our secondary is terrible, they bit hard on double moves and play fakes and they looked lost most of the game.
I think Rudock was > Stanzi in his first outing. And I think he has more upside potential than Stanzi.
Agree with the improvement. We just really needed a win. 2 of the turnovers and 2 of the D breakdowns murdered us. We got to see a lot of what many were asking for....losing just negates most of the positive. I just hope the players...namely Rudock... can forget it and learn...and improve...and win!
yes, Iowa beat Maine.

Stanzi's first start was not at Maine.

Rudock shows a ton of promise..but was not ready next year and also I dont think the staff wanted to throw Jake in there last year when the receivers didn't have any clue what was going on.

As for the secondary being shaky today...they picked on Lomax...and they were not great but once again, Iowa's pass rush was non existent without the linebackers.
Stanzi's first start was not at Maine.

Rudock shows a ton of promise..but was not ready next year and also I dont think the staff wanted to throw Jake in there last year when the receivers didn't have any clue what was going on.

As for the secondary being shaky today...they picked on Lomax...and they were not great but once again, Iowa's pass rush was non existent without the linebackers.

Ahh your right, He started against FIU.
My memory sucks so I checked the interwebs. Looks like Stanzi's had some snaps the previous year, then played but didn't start vs Maine. He started for the first time the next week against Florida International.
When will you guys figure out that it's not a QB issue at Iowa? The offensive scheme sucks and nobody can succeed when they throw horizontal passes in the flats over and over and over again. 3rd and 8 play card says quick slant to Martin-Manly for 2 yards. Complete one pass to the TE, then run Weisman into 8 man fronts until we punt. Defensively we do not blitz, letting opposing QB's stand in the pocket until guys run wide open. Wait to see what WMU does to us if their QB is back after last night's concussion.
As the OP stated, I have to agree, there is a whole lot more things to be positive about after this first game than to be negative about...I for one am looking forward to the rest of the season.
To be honest, I kind of tired of anylizing the why or how come. I'm tired of losing to MAC teams. I'm tired of losing 7 games in a row. I'm just tired of losing. I lived in Colorado from '97 to '13, and I can promise you that people in Colorado could care less about college football, let alone Big 10 or Iowa football. I wear the Hawkeye colors proudly. But even in Colorado, last season, people that gave a passing thought, laughed about Iowa. Guys and Gals, it isn't good.