"He has excused himself from the rest of the game"


Well-Known Member
That is the most polite way of kicking a guy out of a game I have ever heard. Made it sound like it was his decision. Classic and Classy.
Just like when this happened:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI5ypqU6cG8]Giving Him the Business - YouTube[/ame]
#3 for Purdue threw a punch towards the end of the game and got booted. That was how the ref addressed it. It was just a weird euphamistic way to kick a guy out...way too PC for me.
interesting comments by Ed P. on the radio after that happened.....about Purdue players and their 'classless' behavior during the game and at a bowl game......
I found it interesting that #3 got kicked out of the game, but stayed on the sidelines and came out to the after game hand shakes. I thought if you were kicked out, you were required to leave the sidelines? Also, does he miss next week too?
The best thing about that was the Iowa player's reaction to getting punched.

Did anyone else see him laugh and then point at his helmet like "you idiot! I'm wearing a helmet and you punched me!"

Had to rewind the DVR a few times on that one haha