Hawks Minny Game Day Thread (official)

Here we go again. Defense is terrible. Offense needs to have about a 5 minute drive, if not longer. Bend, don't break is not working.
Who posted the pick of Swiss cheese earlier to describe Minnesota's D? To be fair that more than describes the Hawkeye D, good Lord can teams run up the middle on us this year! Remember (just 2 years ago) when the middle was the teeth of our D, a chainsaw?
No excuse why this should be close.

Minnesota is a garbage team who hasn't been doing much of anything all day ad it's close.

Iowa State and this game. Just awful teams where Iowa plays down to the level of competition. I can live with the Penn State showing because they actually are decent.

Not impressed at all right now.
Defense has no balls and no heart. Man up and have some respect for the jersey.

Yeah, that or they're just not good. I don't get the obsession with effort and "lack of heart" with some fans. I don't see any evidence that they're not trying. They're just bad.
pound the ground! proud and loud! fish and chips! chicken and biscuits!