Hawks are leading B1G into future...


Well-Known Member
Everyone has noticed that the B1G is said to be known for more shutdown defenses and they like to win ugly for the most part.
I remember that Steve Deace said that by picking up Fran's type of run and gun offense, we would not only go against the grain but we also would make an immediate impact in the league for two main reasons. One was that we would be fighting the rest of the B1G with the same type of offense scheme that was beating the B1G in alot of major battles. Secondly that we would be going after another type of player from from the the schemes in the league that we would have alot less competition for those types of players.
As I started typing this I heard two guys on ESPN radio talking about how basketball is getting ruined by teams playing to win 50 to 49 games. They would like to see the shot clock shortened to force those slowdown type offenses to have to score and do it at a high tempo. Think about it, just as MSU and Wisky brought in a new type of scheme to slow down the game, Fran will now lead us in a new era of high tempo and high scoring offenses and put alot less emphasis on defense. I love the direction we are going and I think that this will lead the B1G into a new and better era of basketball.
I don't know why they would want to force everyone to play the same kind of game? I love watching the different styles in the NCAA tourney.
How boring would it be if everybody played the same kind of game?
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I don't know why they would want to force everyone to play the same kind of game? I love watching the different styles in the NCAA tourney.
How boring would it be if everybody played the same kind of game?

Agreed. I want to see different styles and see how other teams are forced to change things from game to game. Watching the same stuff over and over again would become very boring.
i think our style gives us a great recruiting advantage. i think it is the main reason we even had a chance with Gesell.
Steve Deace is fat and a Christian fundamentalist...

You know it was coming from "that guy", so I nipped it in the bud...
I was watching or reading something a few weeks ago that talked about scoring averages in college basketball and it peaked in the early 1970s. Teams routinely would have games end 96-88 or thereabouts. When Bob Knight came to Indiana that changed and changed dramatically. After he had success playing lock down defense, most of the Big Ten followed and it has been largely the norm and not the exception since in this conference.

I wouldn't mind seeing the shot clock dropped to 30 seconds to help speed up play a little, but I think the biggest thing killing college basketball is the block/charge call. It is an abomination how the college kids play defense now. They either have learned from the officials or are actually taught by their coaches to flop now instead of moving your feet and playing physical to keep your guy from getting to the hoop. It is awful and I cringe every time I see an official make an emphatic charge call on a blatant flop. You see it 5-8 times per game now and it is sickening. I pray that the rules are altered to give the offensive player the benefit of the doubt on these block/charge plays or it will just get worse and worse.
I don't know why they would want to force everyone to play the same kind of game? I love watching the different styles in the NCAA tourney.
How boring would it be if everybody played the same kind of game?

Everybody does play exactly the same way.

Everything is shot clock-3ball oriented.
I don't think they should force everyone to play a certain way BUT Basketball is meant to be played fast...it's not football or hockey on a court. It's a game of quick change and there are a few coaches in the BIG that try to slooooooooooow the pace down...I can't stand watching that basketball, I'm so happy Lickliter is gone.
I don't think they should force everyone to play a certain way BUT Basketball is meant to be played fast...it's not football or hockey on a court. It's a game of quick change and there are a few coaches in the BIG that try to slooooooooooow the pace down...I can't stand watching that basketball, I'm so happy Lickliter is gone.

It almost helped killed the NBA thanks to the Pistons and New York Knicks...they're still trying to get it back to where it used to be.
Well the bad pub that some of the teams are getting right now will also help us in recruiting because we will be the change that these same analysts want to see.
Also someone on this board mentioned that Fran has a few B1G coaches that don't really like him. I believe it now seeing how Fran didn't come into the league kissing up to MSU or Wisky like Lick did. Plus Fran didn't come into the league and automatically adopt the slow down, put you to sleep offensive scheme. I feel it is time for a new leader in the B1G and that is none other than our very own Fran the man.
threads like this always make me laugh. yes, Iowa IS that influential that their .500 season is leading the way in changing the future of big ten basketball.

give me a break. OP you are clueless
I don't know that Fran has the intention of putting less emphasis on defense although I have wondered about that in the first two seasons. Listen to his radio interview that somebody linked here. He said that we have to improve on defense and that the focus on skill development in the offseason and in fall practice will revolve around defense. He feels that we already have a potent offensive team and wants to play that way but that we had a poor defensive team this year and have to get better on that end of the court.

You can find a happy medium between sitting on the shot clock for 30 seconds and playing run and gun where you score 90 but give up 100 like we did against Oregon. We play lockdown defense and then look to push the tempo in transition on offense and we will really have something and still play a style different from the norm in the Big Ten. I would welcome more fluid basketball in the Big Ten but like the different styles of play also.
Threads like this always make me laugh...blah blah blah..! This is just the start. I can envision years well beyond this one that will be much more productive. Just as Coach Knight changed the league, IMO so will Fran. At least it doesn't hurt to aim high.

threads like this always make me laugh. yes, Iowa IS that influential that their .500 season is leading the way in changing the future of big ten basketball. give me a break. OP you are clueless
A little faster paced game is okay by me, but that Oregon game was TERRIBLE to watch. I am fine watching Iowa score over and over, but can't stand it when the other guys get easy buckets again and again.
It almost helped killed the NBA thanks to the Pistons and New York Knicks...they're still trying to get it back to where it used to be.

The difference is that the NBA has outstanding defense that makes it difficult for even great offenses to score. Great atheletes playing great defense.

NCAA BB is going on 20 years of consistent talent drain. Outside of FR there are few really talented players and many of them aren't on campus enough to develop their talent well. College is just as much about bad offense and lack of talent than it is about good defense.

As for the OP, Ohio St is the current and future leader of the B10 in basketball until Matta leaves. They are one of the few teams to actually have athletes. They can play any style they want.
shot clock needs to be shortened, hell the women have a shorter shot clock than the men by 5 seconds. Then we only have to watch Jordan Taylor dribble around for 25 seconds before he chucks a shot to beat the clock...
shot clock needs to be shortened, hell the women have a shorter shot clock than the men by 5 seconds. Then we only have to watch Jordan Taylor dribble around for 25 seconds before he chucks a shot to beat the clock...

I'd like to see the NCAA go the 24 second shot clock like the NBA.
A little faster paced game is okay by me, but that Oregon game was TERRIBLE to watch. I am fine watching Iowa score over and over, but can't stand it when the other guys get easy buckets again and again.

I actually got bored watching that game. We can't just trade baskets with teams who have better atheletes and expect to outscore them. I had feared that Fran wants to play that way but I think now we will see this team evolve into something very different from what we saw this season. Fran spent the first two seasons installing the offense. Now that he has some size and athletic guards who can defend I think it will become more about pressuring teams defensively and using that to create offense. Fran left little doubt in that interview the other day that he still wants a high-powered offense but intends to get after it defensively. It will look different from what people who want to just run and gun expect IMO.

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