Well-Known Member
You’re gonna get mad about this but you’re wrong. Head to head holds no more significance than any other game. Shit like that is why the polls are bullshit. People who don’t grasp math and statistics but go where their gut tells them.
I don’t mean anything bad, but you don’t understand the concept of independent events.
If let’s say Iowa lost its first game against Upper Central Dickwad University but ran the table, made the playoff, and won the whole thing. By your logic UCDU should be ranked higher because the head-to-head takes precedence.
No, you say?
Well then, tell us where you draw the cut off...
And don’t use gut feelings as a cutoff. This has to be mathematical otherwise you’re letting your homerish biases come through with full effect...
Head to head (or any single game) means jack shit by itself. The entire season has to be taken into account. Cherry picking by definition is the most homerish of homer biases because Team X’s criteria will never be anywhere close to Team Y’s criteria and now we’re back to some stupid fucking popularity poll.
Good, now show me the "science". Please detail, showing your work(as math teachers used to say), exactly what makes each team's "ranking".
BTW, please let the B1G office know that head-to-head needs to stop as a tiebreaker.