Hawkeyes Get Visit from 4-Star QB

So it looks like Iowa got a visit as a favor to GD because Peavey and GD worked together. Youd think thats what a friend would do. Theres nothing wrong with that Im sure every one of us have gotten a break from a friend or person we have worked with. This time it didnt work out.

However kind words from a former coworker doesnt mean that KF and GD are two of the best coaches in the country. It doesnt mean that only message board folk see problems with both of their coaching and anyone thats had a job in football knows that KF and GD are football masterminds. DP5555 this def wasnt a told you so moment that you tried to make it.

In the end this is a good thing. Its not what you know but who you know sometimes(Ex: KF salary because of Norm Parker). Its also refreshng to see the staff go after higher talent. I think the talent level for the most part has been fine but you still have to be going after the 4 and 5 star talent.

All in all good job GD you gave the program a fighting chance.

Are you a hawk fan or a clone. I know you hate KF and envy his salary, but to think he does not try to win is laughable. Yeah he is conservative and plays a bland style but that style has won us a lot of games in the past. I just don't understand why you put him down all the time with digs. Must be a weird life.
Are you a hawk fan or a clone. I know you hate KF and envy his salary, but to think he does not try to win is laughable. Yeah he is conservative and plays a bland style but that style has won us a lot of games in the past. I just don't understand why you put him down all the time with digs. Must be a weird life.

Hey pal there is another thread if you want to change topics. Sorry I hurt your feelings but please try to stay on topic. I would be glad to go over any statements Ive made about KF with you but you need to respond to them in the correct thread. You KF fans need to stay on topic.

Do you have anything to add about GD and Peaveys dad?
So it looks like Iowa got a visit as a favor to GD because Peavey and GD worked together. Youd think thats what a friend would do. Theres nothing wrong with that Im sure every one of us have gotten a break from a friend or person we have worked with. This time it didnt work out.

However kind words from a former coworker doesnt mean that KF and GD are two of the best coaches in the country. It doesnt mean that only message board folk see problems with both of their coaching and anyone thats had a job in football knows that KF and GD are football masterminds. DP5555 this def wasnt a told you so moment that you tried to make it.

In the end this is a good thing. Its not what you know but who you know sometimes(Ex: KF salary because of Norm Parker). Its also refreshng to see the staff go after higher talent. I think the talent level for the most part has been fine but you still have to be going after the 4 and 5 star talent.

All in all good job GD you gave the program a fighting chance.

Lol I wasn't trying to make it a "told you so moment". The kids dad actually has a vast amount of experience in football and he had some great things to say about our head coach. I was making a point.

Dude I've tried to have legitimate conversations with you. I'm a pretty laid back guy, and I spent 8 years in the Army. I learned a lot about respect, and it's a priority for me to show it. It takes a lot to get me to break the rules, but in your case I'll make an exception. If you actually are a Hawkeye fan (which is doubtful), you are nothing more than a cowardly ******* dbag. Nothing else can be said. I'm done responding to your posts because there is absolutely ZERO common sense in them.
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Lol I wasn't trying to make it a "told you so moment". The kids dad actually has a vast amount of experience in football and he had some great things to say about our head coach. I was making a point.

Dude I've tried to have legitimate conversations with you. I'm a pretty laid back guy, and I spent 8 years in the Army. I learned a lot about respect, and it's a priority for me to show it. It takes a lot to get me to break the rules, but in your case I'll make an exception. If you actually are a Hawkeye fan (which is doubtful), you are nothing more than a cowardly ******* dbag. Nothing else can be said. I'm done responding to your posts because there is absolutely ZERO common sense in them.
lol are you kidding me? Also, you calling ANYONE a "dbag" is laughable. You literally have no clue wtf you even say half of the time. To say that you weren't trying to make it a "told you so" moment is absolutely comical. Now...say something dumb.
lol are you kidding me? Also, you calling ANYONE a "dbag" is laughable. You literally have no clue wtf you even say half of the time. To say that you weren't trying to make it a "told you so" moment is absolutely comical. Now...say something dumb.

Me having no clue what I'm saying half the time still means I know twice as much as you, because you and your pal OutofhisDamnMind don't have a clue WTF you're saying ever. I'm good at seeing the silver lining. I'll take 1/2 vs 0/2 any day. Thanks for the compliment Mak.

All Hawkeye message boards have become KF battlegrounds. That comes with the territory when you look at where the program is at. I understand that. A lot of it is KF bashing. Some of it is warranted and some of it is insane. The only point I was trying to make is that people who are actually inside the football world still have a tremendous amount of respect for KF. If you took it as an "I told you so" then that's fine, but that was not my intent with the message.
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Me having no clue what I'm saying half the time still means I know twice as much as you, because you and your pal OutofhisDamnMind don't have a clue WTF you're saying ever. I'm good at seeing the silver lining. I'll take 1/2 vs 0/2 any day. Thanks for the compliment Mak.

All Hawkeye message boards have become KF battlegrounds. That comes with the territory when you look at where the program is at. I understand that. A lot of it is KF bashing. Some of it is warranted and some of it is insane. The only point I was trying to make is that people who are actually inside the football world still have a tremendous amount of respect for KF. If you took it as an "I told you so" then that's fine, but that was not my intent with the message.
I find it quite comical that OOTH makes jabs at KF often out of humor with a big dose of truth, and in this case was staying on topic, yet it's the cheerleader crew like you that is always calling names and attacking people who don't agree with you personally like calling him a "dbag". I think it says a lot about what you actually have to offer as an actual rebuttal to his statements, as well as your mental ability to recall any you may have.
I've responded respectfully to his statements plenty of times. I resorted to calling him a dbag because I'm to the point where I'm just calling it like I see it. There's no other explanation for it nor do I need one. The guy has zero common sense to his posts. There's no point having a rebuttal for them. There's been a number of times when he's been flat out proven wrong and he just comes up with an excuse. He bends the truth in order to fit his narrative. Like his recollection of the end of the Nebraska game for example. It's completely pointless responding anymore.

You use the "cheerleader crew" reference once again, (as you did in a previous thread) and then proceed to lecture about name-calling lol. Pot meet kettle. You're in the same boat as out OOTH. Not gonna bother anymore. Move along.
Back on topic, pretty bummed we didn't luck out with Peavey. He could have been a game-changer. Will be interesting to see what Biels does with him at Arkansas. Sounds like a good kid. Can't fault him for sticking with his commitment.
I've responded respectfully to his statements plenty of times. I resorted to calling him a dbag because I'm to the point where I'm just calling it like I see it. There's no other explanation for it nor do I need one. The guy has zero common sense to his posts. There's no point having a rebuttal for them. There's been a number of times when he's been flat out proven wrong and he just comes up with an excuse. He bends the truth in order to fit his narrative. Like his recollection of the end of the Nebraska game for example. It's completely pointless responding anymore.

You use the "cheerleader crew" reference once again, (as you did in a previous thread) and then proceed to lecture about name-calling lol. Pot meet kettle. You're in the same boat as out OOTH. Not gonna bother anymore. Move along.
Trust me. Cheerleader is the nicest thing I can say about my opinion of your intelligence level. I frankly think so little of you that it makes no sense for me to stoop to calling you a "dbag" or any other accurate word I find you to be. I hope this helps.
Trust me. Cheerleader is the nicest thing I can say about my opinion of your intelligence level. I frankly think so little of you that it makes no sense for me to stoop to calling you a "dbag" or any other accurate word I find you to be. I hope this helps.

I came up with a cheer for ya buddy. Just for you :)

I'm fake, so like Tupac after death, I go by Makaveli.
I hate life cuz I lost my job at a goddamn Hy-Vee deli.
The best poon I've ever had was a jar of warmed up Schmueckers jelly,
and afterwards, my Mom told me "You're underwear smells like moldy Carlos Okelly's!"

I'm so full of **** I'm startin to grow a big pot belly,
and sometimes I just wish I could afford Air Force Ones like Nelly.
Instead I'm stuck peein on chicks like R. Kelly,
and when I hate, I hate so hard my breath gets kinda smelly.

Oh, in case you forgot, my motherfuc%$in name is Makaveli!

Okay I'm pretty sure that's all that rhymes with your name. Thank you come again.
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I came up with a cheer for ya buddy. Just for you :)

I'm fake, so like Tupac after death, I go by Makaveli.
I hate life cuz I lost my job at a goddamn Hy-Vee deli.
The best poon I've ever had was a jar of warmed up Schmueckers jelly,
and afterwards, my Mom told me "You're underwear smells like moldy Carlos Okelly's!"

I'm so full of **** I'm startin to grow a big pot belly,
and sometimes I just wish I could afford Air Force Ones like Nelly.
Instead I'm stuck peein on chicks like R. Kelly,
and when I hate, I hate so hard my breath gets kinda smelly.

Oh, in case you forgot, my motherfuc%$in name is Makaveli!

Okay I'm pretty sure that's all that rhymes with your name. Thank you come again.

Man what is wrong with you? Have you let this make you crazy? Is this class to you? Are you 12?

The reason you resort to name calling is because you can not argue with me. Plain and simple. You get upset when you have nothing to say.

Im sorry that my point of view makes you so mad, but lets remember that you decided to take this thread in that direction.

If you look at what I wrote I was saying good things about GD. He gave Iowa a shot at landing this kid. It didnt work out, but thats what you have to do. GD and KF did NOTHING WRONG. I wasnt saying they did anything bad in recruiting this kid.

However you wanted to come in here and say this guys dad know what hes talking about(dont lie you have never heard of him before this thread). You wanted this to be the he was a coach and he knows football and you message board people are dum dum heads. That wasnt the case and now that I pointed it out on how things work you want to get mad and blow up this thread with your cryfest.

If you dont want to respond to me then stop..... youve said it before now do it. Almost anytime you and I have gone back and forth you get upset call me a name(I am yet to call you anything) and then say "Im done responding". You then wait for somebody like MR Dean Vogs to come along and you try to chime in on his thoughts. So just be done man. You get too upset to argue football.
Man what is wrong with you? Have you let this make you crazy? Is this class to you? Are you 12?

The reason you resort to name calling is because you can not argue with me. Plain and simple. You get upset when you have nothing to say.

Im sorry that my point of view makes you so mad, but lets remember that you decided to take this thread in that direction.

If you look at what I wrote I was saying good things about GD. He gave Iowa a shot at landing this kid. It didnt work out, but thats what you have to do. GD and KF did NOTHING WRONG. I wasnt saying they did anything bad in recruiting this kid.

However you wanted to come in here and say this guys dad know what hes talking about(dont lie you have never heard of him before this thread). You wanted this to be the he was a coach and he knows football and you message board people are dum dum heads. That wasnt the case and now that I pointed it out on how things work you want to get mad and blow up this thread with your cryfest.

If you dont want to respond to me then stop..... youve said it before now do it. Almost anytime you and I have gone back and forth you get upset call me a name(I am yet to call you anything) and then say "Im done responding". You then wait for somebody like MR Dean Vogs to come along and you try to chime in on his thoughts. So just be done man. You get too upset to argue football.

Agreed. I get too upset arguing football with someone who is intellectually incapable of producing rational thoughts. Not to mention incapable of admitting you are wrong even when the facts are put out right in front of you. You will be the first person I've ever used the "ignore" feature on. Goodbye.
Agreed. I get too upset arguing football with someone who is intellectually incapable of producing rational thoughts. Not to mention incapable of admitting you are wrong even when the facts are put out right in front of you. You will be the first person I've ever used the "ignore" feature on. Goodbye.

Welp this is the 10th time youve said you were done talking to me.

I was wrong about who had the ball at the end of the Nebraska game. Deanvogs pointed that out. I said I was wrong(its in the KF hate thread if you want to go check that you are wrong). Also the fact that Nebraska had the ball at the end of the game did not change anything I was arguing. It didnt change anything. Name any other time that I was proven wrong.

Hey look who changed the topic once again. You should tell HN your sorry and that your done responding to me.....again.
Are you a hawk fan or a clone. I know you hate KF and envy his salary, but to think he does not try to win is laughable. Yeah he is conservative and plays a bland style but that style has won us a lot of games in the past. I just don't understand why you put him down all the time with digs. Must be a weird life.

Personal attacks mean you don't have much ammo for your point.

You can luv American and want a new POTUS.

You can luv your football team and want a new coach.

You're struggling to see the big picture. The University of Iowa wasn't invented to make any one man (and his family members) the most powerful Lords in all of Westeros.
I came up with a cheer for ya buddy. Just for you :)

I'm fake, so like Tupac after death, I go by Makaveli.
I hate life cuz I lost my job at a goddamn Hy-Vee deli.
The best poon I've ever had was a jar of warmed up Schmueckers jelly,
and afterwards, my Mom told me "You're underwear smells like moldy Carlos Okelly's!"

I'm so full of **** I'm startin to grow a big pot belly,
and sometimes I just wish I could afford Air Force Ones like Nelly.
Instead I'm stuck peein on chicks like R. Kelly,
and when I hate, I hate so hard my breath gets kinda smelly.

Oh, in case you forgot, my motherfuc%$in name is Makaveli!

Okay I'm pretty sure that's all that rhymes with your name. Thank you come again.

Yeah you have lost your mind.

Time to maybe step away from the boards completely.

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