Has Ferentz lost Marc Morehouse?

I don't know if KF has lost Morehouse, but I find his tweet very hard to believe. KF has had success over his tenure and KF is much more "likeable" than SA. My point is I don't think KF could reap the hate that Alford reaped if he never won another game.
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Marc Morehouse, the Iowa football beat writer for The Gazette, tweeted the following last evening:

Ferentz has reached Alford-ness as far as polarizing figures go. I find that shocking.
Interesting comparison.

I really like Marc, and he does a great job, but I think he has forgotten what the last few years were like under Alford. There were people who actually wanted Iowa to lose, just to increase the chances of him being fired. We are a looooooooooong way away from that with Ferentz. Plus, I don't think I know anybody that has anything bad to say about Kirk the man. He may be polarizing right now, but all he has to do is win a couple of games. Alford went past the point of no return.
That is a retarded comparison if you ask me.

I hate to say it, but I'm not so sure about that right now. It occurred to me that some things we saw in the Alford era, that I think we're starting to see too much of in the Ferentz era now, are things like playing to your level of competition. Beat a ranked team, and then turn around and lay an egg against one of the conference's bottom feeders. Underachieving with talented teams. Players leaving the program (happened with SA and got worse under Lick). Any of that sound familiar?

As people, I would say that a SA and KF comparison is retarted. But on the field and on the basketball court, I can draw a few parallels between SA's era and the past 6-7 years with the football program.

Ferentz has achieved alot more than Alford ever did though.. That's one big difference between the two.
Marc is one of the best.

He almost immediately went back on that. Alford wasn't polarizing, people genuinely hated him. I don't know anyone who liked him as a person. Barta's ultimatum to him was about Alford not being a good fit.

I would argue that so much of the passion and debate about KF is because everyone loves him as a person and wants him to succeed.
It's an awful comparison. Ive interacted with hundreds of people over the last week, and the only place I've run into someone that's wanted him gone is here.

With Alfraud we had people who never watched a game of basketball in their lives who wanted him gone.
Marc Morehouse, the Iowa football beat writer for The Gazette, tweeted the following last evening:


Ferentz has reached Alford-ness as far as polarizing figures go. I find that shocking.​

Interesting comparison.

I don't think we're there yet... But we're close. And I'm not saying this due to my own opinion of Ferentz. I like Ferentz, but I think there are a multitude of factors and similarities we're starting to see that we've seen as Alford & Lick were thrown out. If he splits 2-2 in the next 4 I think the meltdown will quiet as we'll make a ****** bowl and will carry us over with a couple good wins. If we do worse than 2-2 which is highly probable at this point then it is going to be a VERY VERY LONGGGGGG 8 monthssss..... Listening to people ***** and moan and calling for heads.
It's an awful comparison. Ive interacted with hundreds of people over the last week, and the only place I've run into someone that's wanted him gone is here.

With Alfraud we had people who never watched a game of basketball in their lives who wanted him gone.

I' don't know where you live, but 9/10 people I talked to NOT on this board were not speaking to highly of Ferentz at the moment.

The thought that a message board somehow isn't how "real" fans think always make me chuckle.
Alford rubbed people the wrong way off the court and I don't think Ferentz does that off the field. Just look at all the rumors that flew around Alford that had nothing to do with the sport he coached.

Right there shows that fans have not soured on Ferentz like hey did on Alford.

Plus Ferentz has never had a Pierre Pierce situation. The 2nd incident with Pierce sealed the fate for Alford in many people's eyes.
Alford rubbed people the wrong way off the court and I don't think Ferentz does that off the field. Just look at all the rumors that flew around Alford that had nothing to do with the sport he coached.

Right there shows that fans have not soured on Ferentz like hey did on Alford.

Plus Ferentz has never had a Pierre Pierce situation. The 2nd incident with Pierce sealed the fate for Alford in many people's eyes.

False - the first PP incident lost Alford. The entire women's AD refused to acknowledge Alfraud's existence after that.

Plus people hated Tonya too.

KF has had an incredible amount of off the field issues. If he weren't viewed so positively, he would've been toast.

Remember the tone after the 2007 season? Everyone was getting arrested, we had missed a bowl game. Remember when we were 3-3 in 2008. He was as good as gone. Everytime he puts his check in his bank account he ought to call Shonn Greene and thank him endlessly.
I'm pretty sure the Ferentz situation is more like the Mr. Davis situation than the Alford one. I mean, what exactly did Steve Alford win at Iowa? Two NCAA tournament games(not in the same year). Gee, thanks for the memories...
Marc Morehouse, the Iowa football beat writer for The Gazette, tweeted the following last evening:


Ferentz has reached Alford-ness as far as polarizing figures go. I find that shocking.​

Interesting comparison.

He loses a lot of credibility with that statement.
It's an awful comparison. Ive interacted with hundreds of people over the last week, and the only place I've run into someone that's wanted him gone is here.

With Alfraud we had people who never watched a game of basketball in their lives who wanted him gone.
I mean, what exactly did Steve Alford win at Iowa? Two NCAA tournament games(not in the same year). Gee, thanks for the memories...

Just one actually.. But the point remains. The Alford era was pretty uninspiring to say the least.

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