Hard to repeat 12-0

Sign me up for three or four mediocre years before the next top-10 run. SIGN ME UP NOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
Sign me up for three or four mediocre years before the next top-10 run. SIGN ME UP NOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
Just read this tweet:

Iowa (5) and Wisconsin (3) have 8 top ten finishes since Nebraska last finished in the top ten.
Remember things could be worse, we could be Nebraska fans.
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12-0 is unlikely of coarse but it was this year as well. A likely and reasonable argument will be that we will have targets on our back next year that we didn't have this year. Maybe but with all of the trashing we took after we got to about 7-0 this year, I feel good about how the team may handle it. I don't think anyone didn't give us their best shot after ESecPN started taking pot shots at us. I am more worried about how the team could take the Rose Bowl loss. Did the team start buying into the support from Iowa fans and go into the game unprepared? If so, did they learn the lesson we hope they did? We are not laden with elite talent but if this team takes the very humbling experience in Pasadena and works their assets off because of it, I think we will be happy with how the team performs next season.
Yup, I'm sure Iowa will win the conference again some day. They were an eyelash away from it this year.

2004 was the most recent. It wasn't the first time, and I don't think it'll be the last even though the addition of a conference title game makes it a bit more difficult than it used to be. But that also means you dont necessarily have to go undefeated to do it - Just win the West, and you have 1 game left to get it done.

Yes, 12-0 is very difficult and not likely to happen 2 years in a row, but next year's schedule is also pretty manageable. As long as everyone continues to work hard like this year. It's not completely out of the question.

Realistically, I think 9-10 wins with that schedule is a pretty reasonable goal, with 11+ being gravy. This feels much like a 2009/10 situation, so let's just hope things turn out better than 2010 did. That's still pretty fresh in my mind.

Agreed. All around.
I think anything less than a B1G West title is a pretty big disappointment. No reason to believe they can't win the West next year.
I'd put likelihood of winning the 2016 west in this order.

Nebraska - Up because of return QB, coaching staff settling in, winnable schedule. Defense is suspect though.
Minnesota - Up because of return QB, the only team out of the top five with an easier schedule than last year.
Wisconsin - Down because very difficult schedule, need to break in a new quarterback under fire early.
Northwestern - Down because of difficult schedule, lots of seniors graduating especially on defense.
Illinois - Returning QB and lots of upper classmen might surprise a few teams.
Purdue - Nope

Not a huge amount of talent difference in the first five; Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Minnesota.
I want another shot at them. At half time.

Our band comes out dressed up like a bunch of crack heads and junkies with money bulging out of every pocket. Have a guy dressed up like their mascot with a mega giant straw leading up to his nose and a huge white caulky substance the width and length of the goal line. Have some kind of vacuum device hidden in the straw and have it suck up the goal line. While all this is going on the Iowa band plays the music "Cocaine"........... It's alright, it's alright it's alright Cocaine!!!!

This deserves its own thread!
The hawks toughest opponents are at home in 2016 so I think they can win the west and have a 50-70% chance of doing it. Hawks hold the home field and those are big wins vs wisky, mich, jNW and Nebby.

No reason they cant beat most of purdue, minny, penn st rutgers, etc on the road.

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