Harbaugh just got slapped


Well-Known Member
NCAA giving him a 4 yr show cause for all the BS he was doing. So he isn't coming back to college football anytime soon. And he was smart enough to know something of the sort was gonna be coming his way so he got out ahead of the posse. Here's a quote from the NCAA. He "engaged in unethical conduct, failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance and violated head coach responsibility obligations."

He wasn't exactly cooperative with the investigation.... Michigan is getting 3 yrs of probation a fine and bitch slap on the wrist is all. Not even losing any scholarships the best I can tell. Go figure...
What about the new HC? Last I saw he was heavily implicated.

Can't wait to see the Netflix show on this whole thing. Will be eye opening.
Figured would be this. Proves that it is worth cheating. The $$$$ are too great for universities not to at this point.
Not like he ever would but he’s never going back to college. What sucks is this worked out perfectly. He wins a natty and goes back to the NFL to make tons of money and never suffer repercussions.
What about the new HC? Last I saw he was heavily implicated.

Can't wait to see the Netflix show on this whole thing. Will be eye opening.
On going I believe... It's just insulting to try selling that Stallions did all he did, traveling all over hell to all those games etc all on his own. Like it was his idea and he took it upon himself to pay for and travel like that knowing full well he was cheating... And what good is collecting all the info he did if it wasn't being passed on to all the other coaches and then the players? Everyone knew. Maybe not the players cause they aren't asking questions like 'where's this info coming from' most likely but the other coaches on staff sure would. They all damn well knew especially Harbaugh

He was directed to do it from the top. It woulda been like if Jon Budmayr had been doing the same thing for us prior to this yr. Just the $ it woulda took would've been substantial. Why would someone not making all that much do that? That had to be signed off on from above. So to whatever extent they covered their tracks that way follow the $.
The NCAA trying to enforce anything at this point is laughable. 10 years ago, this would be a big deal, but now, you just shrug your shoulders.
Especially the paying players part obviously. Whatever Harbaugh did during covid I didn't keep up with but evidently he was skirting rules for that then too. And of course it was his not cooperating during said investigations that really pissed off the NCAA. Has the coverup is worse then the crime sort of feel to it too. Had a little bit of everything to it. Good riddance glad he's gone.
This was an easy situation for the NCAA to flex what tiny muscle they have left. You target a coach that is no longer in college and so neither he nor his University are really going to do anything here.

I GUARANTY you that if Harbaugh stayed at Michigan this "investigation" would have stretched out for years and at best he gets a couple more games suspension. The NCAA will not take on a real fight anymore. They are neutered.
I remember when Bill Frieder was head coach at Arizona St at the end of his career. He was on the hot seat for something and said, 'if the goal is something other than winning, someone needs to let me know'!

I pesonally think the worst example I can think of is North Carolina BB giving their players credit for a course that didn't even exist. They sued the NCAA and said it was none of their business and, after several years, won!!

And, we can never forget the JoePa scandal where PSU had to vacate all the wins he coached. They just waited a few years, cried it was too harsh, and got them all back.

This is just another case of jumping ship before the hammer comes down.
I remember when Bill Frieder was head coach at Arizona St at the end of his career. He was on the hot seat for something and said, 'if the goal is something other than winning, someone needs to let me know'!

I pesonally think the worst example I can think of is North Carolina BB giving their players credit for a course that didn't even exist. They sued the NCAA and said it was none of their business and, after several years, won!!

And, we can never forget the JoePa scandal where PSU had to vacate all the wins he coached. They just waited a few years, cried it was too harsh, and got them all back.

This is just another case of jumping ship before the hammer comes down.
In fairness on the PSU deal, it was the product of a legal settlement on the eve of trial that the NCAA was going to lose. While I applaud the NCAA for hammering PSU for harboring a pedophile in their midst for decades, it had no basis to vacate those wins. There were no rules broken to obtain those wins, just unspeakable crimes against humanity.

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