Harbaugh is a piece of work

He's coaching at Michigan. He's not going to have a problem landing recruits with his pedigree and prior success and NFL experience. He doesn't need Colin Coward's show.
I agree he sure hasn't so far. But that don't stop the Urban Meyers of the world from taking advantage of any microphone they can get in front of to promote their program and their way of doing things. Most coaches are just way less oblivious to what that was all about then he was. It was beyond an awkward interview to listen to. As cut throat of a business recruiting is there will be coaches that use that interview to try to negative recruit against him. Don't know if it'd have any kind of impact but it wouldn't surprise me if some slimy coach tries.
The big 10 is a buy, a bye, or a goodbye? What a terribly worded question. Harbaugh was bad before that question but not "make news" bad. After that question, it was pretty much 100% on Cowherd.
after getting home from work and watching it again I will partly go back on my previous stance. Cowherd's questions really sucked. They were weak and he did rush onto different topics without extending the conversation. But Harbaugh still gave unenthusiastic, lame, short answers
after getting home from work and watching it again I will partly go back on my previous stance. Cowherd's questions really sucked. They were weak and he did rush onto different topics without extending the conversation. But Harbaugh still gave unenthusiastic, lame, short answers

The blame really should be evenly split. For some reason Harbaugh had trouble gathering his thoughts. He almost sounded drugged up. He definitely wasn't trying to be a jerk though. The bye question was the worst. I think Harbaugh thought he was making fun of the Big 10 saying they are so bad that whenever you play them you basically have a bye. After he figured out what Cowherd really meant, the damage was done.
harbaugh was pre-occupied. It was obvious he had other things on his mind. this is a guy who wears the exact same outffi every day just so he does not have to think about what he has to wear that day.

Still, somehow this guy flipped our 4* RB from Iowa to Mich and our backup QB too.

harbaugh was pre-occupied. It was obvious he had other things on his mind. this is a guy who wears the exact same outfit every day just so he does not have to think about what he has to wear that day. his mind works differently.

Still, somehow this guy flipped our 4* RB from Iowa to Mich and flipped our backup QB too.

I've heard Jim give good interviews before. I could tell Harbaugh was put off right off the bat with him. He seemed to set a tone before he even asked a question. He basically dogged his recruiting class and hinted they weren't going to do anything big this year but eventually would be good. Then he introduces Harbaugh to the show with Harbaugh having heard all that. Cowherd usually does have a condescending tone and I don't think Jim was down with it. Jim is also a guy that I don't think cares is giving an awkward interview. Jim acted like a ***** for sure but I am glad he did it on Cowherd's show. Hate that guy.
Just watched it. That's all Harbaugh. Yeah, Cowherd kinda missed with the whole "buy the B1G" thing, but come on.

I get why folks don't like Cowherd. Personally, I don't mind him.

Harbaugh is a winner, good coach, a motivator, a players coach, a Damn good recruiter it seems...and he's a d!ck. He can give a good interview, obviously he shouldn't have done this one.
He's coaching at Michigan. He's not going to have a problem landing recruits with his pedigree and prior success and NFL experience. He doesn't need Colin Coward's show.

If he wins football games nobody at Michigan will care if he's complete jerk. He doesn't beat tOSU within a few years suddenly he'll be a complete insufferable jerk that they'll want to get rid of. That's how it works folks. Winning is the best deoderant.
harbaugh was pre-occupied. It was obvious he had other things on his mind. this is a guy who wears the exact same outffi every day just so he does not have to think about what he has to wear that day.

Still, somehow this guy flipped our 4* RB from Iowa to Mich and our backup QB too.

Hey you, he was only a 4* the day after he flipped to Michigan. While at Iowa, he was miraculously a 3*, so really, he flipped a 3*. But, what's more impressive is that he was able to manufacture a 4* player somehow. The man had Godly powers, indeed.
Harbaugh is probably a jerk but that interview questioning and lead in was atrocious by Cowherd. Was this night at the improv?
Just caught a little of it, but Jim Harbaugh was a bit of a turd on the Colin Cowherd radio show this morning. I'm hot and cold on Cowherd, but Harbaugh really came off as a jerk. I could link....but there's plenty of stuff via your search engine.

Ha, no way. I don't care for Harbaugh or Cowher, but this is all on Cowherd.

Seems like there may be a little bad blood between them, too. Cowherd is a typical over-caffeinated espn frontrunner. Harbaugh beat Cowherd at his own game, period. Cowshit was going 100 mph hoping that Harbaugh would trip up and say something stupid that espn could run with for awhile. Jim took his time and eventually Cowherd couldn't take it and decided to cut him loose.

Harbaugh 1 - Cowherd 0
Why does everyone just assume this guy is a good football coach? What has he ever done, anyway?

This can't be a real question can it? San Diego? Stanford?.........how about the 49ers? Heard of them? Well, this dumb question is coming from the guy that still believes in the Ol' Captain.
Cringeworthy. Put me in the category that both guys(Harbaugh/Cowherd) are at fault for this crapfest. Now more than ever I am convinced Harbaugh won't be at Michigan long term his schtick just grinds on you I can see the Michigan administration just waving the white flag no matter what type of success Harbaugh is having.

I think Urban Meyer will be gone within 5 years, who the bleep knows where Iowa will be in 5 years, so I will sit back and enjoy Meyer/Harbaugh while we have them because it is gonna be brief.

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