Hairball leaving Michigan

Kelly surprises me...good coach, but he would cost a ton, and the way he left ND came across as pretty douchy. If we WAS willing to bail immediately on LSU, that is another red flag.

It feels like Fleck, Campbell, and Klieman (and probably Rhule) are all the same guy. Really good coach who has done good things out of the spotlight. Are any of them elite? Can any live up to what Mich will demand?

The one I think is intriguing is Dabo...he has proven he is elite, and ACC is a sinking ship. What he jump for a godfather offer?
Kelly is just weird. Anyone that'd leave ND on their own must have issues. He wasn't getting forced out of there yet decided to go to LSU which is a step down from ND to many. Sideways at best. Then you look at how the guy recruits and everything and I can see why he hasn't been killing it down there so far.

So if Kelly has a wandering eye again why would Michigan want him? They should want someone who'd treat Michigan like the destination job of all destination jobs that it is. Kelly sure wouldn't do that. Campbell and Klieman would make sense. Rhule had he not just taken the Neb job woulda as well. Fleck I think would take it in a heartbeat but Michigan probably wouldn't want him.

Dabo would be such a terrible culture fit at Michigan.... Hopefully both sides would be aware of that. I was surprised we didn't hear Dabos name more with the Bama gig. I agree with your take on the ACC with FSU pretty much wanting out at all costs like they are. Dabo is an interesting character but he doesn't fit everywhere. His best bet would probably be to ride it out at Clemson as long as he can.
You never want to be the guy replacing the legend.

You want to be the guy who replaced the guy who replaced the legend....
Depends on what it pays. Or if it's your first foot in the door job. Mayo at NE is a good example. Zero hesitation for a guy like that to replace Belicheat. None at all. Everything is situational and this old adage doesn't play the way it kinda used to.
You never want to be the guy replacing the legend.

You want to be the guy who replaced the guy who replaced the legend....
Or in Rhule's case, the guy who replaced the guy who replaced the guy who replaced the guy who replaced the guy who replaced the guy who replaced the legend.

Depends on what it pays. Or if it's your first foot in the door job. Mayo at NE is a good example. Zero hesitation for a guy like that to replace Belicheat. None at all. Everything is situational and this old adage doesn't play the way it kinda used to.
When you are an assistant and have never had a HC job before and your main street cred is in one organization, you take whatever HC is offered to you. There are only 32 of them. Worrying about Bill's shadow should be about the 37th concern on your list, and let's face it, his shadow aint what it used to be. Those titles are all with Brady. That plane crashed right into the ground when Tom left the organization. Belicheck was average or below before and after Brady was his QB.

I also note that Bill was ostensibly fired from NE, and despite wanting another gig, no one has offered him one yet. Just saying.....
When you are an assistant and have never had a HC job before and your main street cred is in one organization, you take whatever HC is offered to you. There are only 32 of them. Worrying about Bill's shadow should be about the 37th concern on your list, and let's face it, his shadow aint what it used to be. Those titles are all with Brady. That plane crashed right into the ground when Tom left the organization. Belicheck was average or below before and after Brady was his QB.

I also note that Bill was ostensibly fired from NE, and despite wanting another gig, no one has offered him one yet. Just saying.....
The Bill not getting another job thing seems surprising for some in general. But he's not going to be for everyone. He'll want to be the GM too and not a lot of organizations are about handing all power over to a HC anymore. Especially one as old as he is. Most teams when hiring a new HC want to find someone who'll stick around 4 plus yrs if they can. Bill can't guarantee that even if he truly would intend to.

I kinda thought if Jerry Jones woulda got a wild hair and got rid of McCarthy he coulda brought in Bill to try and be a short term 'fix' for that team. That only woulda worked if he and Bill woulda been able to GM together kinda. Seemed like a pie in the sky longshot of a thing because I could see Bill never wanting to work for him regardless. He was close with Parcells and he has the hindsight of knowing how that all went too.
The Bill not getting another job thing seems surprising for some in general. But he's not going to be for everyone. He'll want to be the GM too and not a lot of organizations are about handing all power over to a HC anymore. Especially one as old as he is. Most teams when hiring a new HC want to find someone who'll stick around 4 plus yrs if they can. Bill can't guarantee that even if he truly would intend to.

I kinda thought if Jerry Jones woulda got a wild hair and got rid of McCarthy he coulda brought in Bill to try and be a short term 'fix' for that team. That only woulda worked if he and Bill woulda been able to GM together kinda. Seemed like a pie in the sky longshot of a thing because I could see Bill never wanting to work for him regardless. He was close with Parcells and he has the hindsight of knowing how that all went too.
I don't see anyone giving Bill full personnel decisions like he had in NE. He was actually not a good GM. His drafts were regularly panned. Again, take Tom Brady out of Bill's life and he is probably Ron Rivara.
I don't see anyone giving Bill full personnel decisions like he had in NE. He was actually not a good GM. His drafts were regularly panned. Again, take Tom Brady out of Bill's life and he is probably Ron Rivara.
Me either and they shouldn't. There's too much that goes into wearing just one of those hats that makes doing both very well impossible.