Greg Davis can't be playing with a full deck.

The most damning thing I can say is GD has made no difference, our offense is still poor. Why not bring in a young upstart for cheap that thinks outside the box a bit?
It still feels like Davis zigs when he should zag. Maybe I am just too knee jerk this year myself and that could well be, but it feels like Iowa just gets too cute sometimes.

Over all, not too bad a day as far as play calling. I am glad to see that we are finally lining up in the "I" in some 3rd and short, situations and running Weisman with a fullback in front of him, on quick hitters up the middle. The stretch plays in short yardage have burned Iowa more times than not in those situations.
Also, the catch Smith made on his TD score WAS THE PLAY OF THE GAME. That is the type of catch that we just haven't seen from an Iowa player lately. He did what needs to be done to win big games. He made a play! Kudos to Smith.
It still feels like Davis zigs when he should zag. Maybe I am just too knee jerk this year myself and that could well be, but it feels like Iowa just gets too cute sometimes.

This is exactly how I feel. This team is better than there 7-4 record if the offense had been in better positions at the right times.
And I have one word for you: Oklahoma State. Okie State was the first legitimate, top 15 team Baylor played this season.
Baylor is a sham. Gimmick. Fly by night. They are very lucky teams like Oklahoma, Texas and K-State suck this year. Yes, Oklahoma & Texas are very average. Pains me to say it, but Baylor would be a 3 or 4 loss team in the SEC. Awful non-conference schedule and a very down Big 12 = a nice season for Baylor. Their offense is a good fit for their schedule and where they play. Please stop using Baylor as some kind of pinnacle to shoot for.

Way to call your shot after the game is played. If you were not so busy trying to inflate your own ego you would understand that the post was not saying in the least we should emulate Baylor but noting that Baylor is the offense that ends up with the scoring efficiency not Texas despite the coordinator change.

Texas fans are calling out Davis but what have they accomplished since? Come back with their list of accomplishments if you want to debate it.
This is exactly how I feel. This team is better than there 7-4 record if the offense had been in better positions at the right times.

The only team we lost to that I feel like we would beat if we played again is n. Illinois. Other than that we just lost to better teams.

An for the record I don't put that loss on GD. First start for young QB that made a bad throw in his first pressure situation.
Kirk said the offense was embarrassed by how they played in the first half. The way they came out in the 3rd quarter proved that. I think people wil hand pick plays to complain about no matter who the OC is. I don't agree with all of his calls either, but the dude knows football way better than any of us so I'm not gonna sit back and pretend like I know better.

I know the offense is operating a lot better than it ever did last year so I'm not gonna complain. It doesn't accomplish anything. Plus I'm pretty thrilled with where the Hawks are at right now. Very few people thought 8 wins was reachable. The offense is certainly heading in the right direction. If some playmakers continue to emerge at WR then they'll make GD look like a genius. That TD by Smith is a perfect example. That's something that has been missing in the offense since McNutt left.
Hayden used to say,"Scratch where it itches"...I think sometimes Davis tries to scratch where he hopes it's itching. I just know that this offense is leaps and bounds ahead of last year's "3 yards and a cloud of dust" passing game so hopefully it will continue to improve going forward, including play calling, execution and better athletes at the skill positions. It all seems to be on the upswing, but definitely needs to keep trending that way.
75 plays. 400+ yds of offense. 170 yds rushing against one of the best run d's in the conference.

If not for the missed field goal and botched one, we score 30 against one of the better defenses in the league.

I must have watched a different game. Gd has been frusrating at times. This game wasnt one of them.

to the bolded part, not even close. look how Michigan has played and get back to me.

also, were you watching the game? my twitter feed of former iowa players, mr jon miller himself, and HGF were all screaming about the play calling in the first half. second half was better, but there are so many times where GD tries to outthink the room. the D won the game. if the O doesn't gift them basically 14 points, it could have been a blowout.
GD has been calling a KoK offense. Michigan tried to call a GD offense yesterday. The problems were we had issues with Michigan's pass rush, and our receivers aren't very fast. 11 games in to this season and Powell still doesn't know the routes? Apparently not.

My opinion which matter none? None of this is on the coaches. GD didn't make 4 turnovers yesterday, and he had nothing to do with three questionable penalties in the first half either.

As an aside, did anyone else notice the emotion (anger) KF displayed after the first penalty? He went after the officials for a full 5 minutes after it, and during the time out.
my last point. some really good calls yesterday, but some terrible ones too. just cut out the terrible ones and we're fine.
Way to call your shot after the game is played. If you were not so busy trying to inflate your own ego you would understand that the post was not saying in the least we should emulate Baylor but noting that Baylor is the offense that ends up with the scoring efficiency not Texas despite the coordinator change.

Texas fans are calling out Davis but what have they accomplished since? Come back with their list of accomplishments if you want to debate it.

And Baylor's scoring efficiency in the BIG would be what?? Who knows? In recent years, there have always been inflated offensive stats in the BIG 12. (Indiana would be a good fit in the Big12) Any coincidence their head coach came from Oklahoma? Nice to score some points but if he is going to be successful in the BIG, he damn well better figure out how to stop somebody.
I have not been critical of Greg Davis. Iowa's offense looks no different with him than it did with O'keefe.
Iowa is running the kind of offense that Kirk Ferentz wants to run.
Way to call your shot after the game is played. If you were not so busy trying to inflate your own ego you would understand that the post was not saying in the least we should emulate Baylor but noting that Baylor is the offense that ends up with the scoring efficiency not Texas despite the coordinator change.

Texas fans are calling out Davis but what have they accomplished since? Come back with their list of accomplishments if you want to debate it.

By the way, I called my shot in the Baylor game as soon as I saw they were favored by 9 points..It was the easiest $500 I have ever made.
And Baylor's scoring efficiency in the BIG would be what?? Who knows? In recent years, there have always been inflated offensive stats in the BIG 12. (Indiana would be a good fit in the Big12) Any coincidence their head coach came from Oklahoma? Nice to score some points but if he is going to be successful in the BIG, he damn well better figure out how to stop somebody.
I have not been critical of Greg Davis. Iowa's offense looks no different with him than it did with O'keefe.
Iowa is running the kind of offense that Kirk Ferentz wants to run.

I am not sure what you are trying debate as I agree with your sentiments. Go back and read the entire thread. My post was directed at the these posts that are critiquing our coordinator based on the comments of another fan base. This happens to be a fan base from a program with tons of money and resources along with an unlimited recruiting base. So what have they done exactly post Davis? That is the point. Not which team or what league has the most gimmicky offense or what offensive approach we do have or should have.

I threw Baylor out as a team that is having more success offensively than this fan base in their league so what kind of credibility do these fans have?
Did you watch the game ? Not trying to start anything but coaching is what won that game. We dont have more talant than Mich. Their QB didnt throw three interceptions. Watch the replay

Couldn't agree more. All of those stretch plays to Weismann that never work set up that awesome bootleg at the end. GD knew we would need that play.
how bout they take him in motion, stop at tail back and take the toss sweep. or just line up there, quick snap toss sweep.
Couldn't agree more. All of those stretch plays to Weismann that never work set up that awesome bootleg at the end. GD knew we would need that play.

All the sweeps to Weismann are the dumbest play calling in all of CFB period. They are not to set up anything he just is dumb enough of an OC to think it is going to work once a year.
I'd like to understand if after a play is signalled in, how much the QB will deviate based on what he sees. I suspect there are "automatics" in some circumstances. Also some look at what the D shows, call the play on the fly or chose between 2 options, I don't know how many variations there are.

Good questions for a presser don't you think? - I think the coaches would answer these kinds of questions.

I don't think anyone else on here knows either..but they sure do sound like they know.
All you mother lovers b!tching about the playcalling were the same ones that predicted us to have a losing record. So its apparent none of you have a clue what youre talking about.

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