Greenwood shirt update.

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I doubt he shut down his business just for this. He saw a moment where he could capitalize on a sad situation and went straight for it.

If you want to be more helpful to the Greenwood family, just donate to a fund directly for Brett.

Ok, what I'm about to write is not to be mean. I have no ill intent towards you or anyone else who thinks this.

First, I don't think you realize how small my company is. I am the only paid employee. I am growing rapidly, but right now, I call on my retired mom and sometimes my sisters to help me out when needed. So I don't have employees waiting around for a project. Which is why this did shut down my business. I was selling these at about three every ten minutes Tuesday morning and had to deactivate it because I wanted local supporters to get their shirts for game day. What profit hungry person would deactivate a product selling that fast? I could have sold 500 that day and even more the next. We are customer service driven and I wanted hawk fans that bought them to have their shirts to support Brett. That is why I started this, and I originally thought I would sell maybe 20 at most.

Back to shutting my business down. I refused several people wanting to order other things beside these shirts. Just couldn't do it for them. I had a hard time communicating with my current customers due to all the phone calls and emails. I even refused a radio interview because we had to get the shirts we sold out so people could wear them in support. I just didn't have time to talk. I slept a total of 5 hours combined Monday and Tuesday night. On Tuesday, I had to drop everything because our supplier didn't ship the shirts in time, so I drove round trip to Chicago to get blank green shirts. I really could go on and on. But in the end, I'm glad I did what I did, and I am thankful for friends and family who came in and helped.

MeanDrunk, I would like you to do one thing for me. If you go to the game, go up to the first vendor you see selling Iowa green shirts and ask them, "How much is being donated, because you're only selling these so fast because of Brett, and you shouldn't be making a profit". Please report back with the answer.
Ok, what I'm about to write is not to be mean. I have no ill intent towards you or anyone else who thinks this.

First, I don't think you realize how small my company is. I am the only paid employee. I am growing rapidly, but right now, I call on my retired mom and sometimes my sisters to help me out when needed. So I don't have employees waiting around for a project. Which is why this did shut down my business. I was selling these at about three every ten minutes Tuesday morning and had to deactivate it because I wanted local supporters to get their shirts for game day. What profit hungry person would deactivate a product selling that fast? I could have sold 500 that day and even more the next. We are customer service driven and I wanted hawk fans that bought them to have their shirts to support Brett. That is why I started this, and I originally thought I would sell maybe 20 at most.

Back to shutting my business down. I refused several people wanting to order other things beside these shirts. Just couldn't do it for them. I had a hard time communicating with my current customers due to all the phone calls and emails. I even refused a radio interview because we had to get the shirts we sold out so people could wear them in support. I just didn't have time to talk. I slept a total of 5 hours combined Monday and Tuesday night. On Tuesday, I had to drop everything because our supplier didn't ship the shirts in time, so I drove round trip to Chicago to get blank green shirts. I really could go on and on. But in the end, I'm glad I did what I did, and I am thankful for friends and family who came in and helped.

MeanDrunk, I would like you to do one thing for me. If you go to the game, go up to the first vendor you see selling Iowa green shirts and ask them, "How much is being donated, because you're only selling these so fast because of Brett, and you shouldn't be making a profit". Please report back with the answer.

I'm seeing plenty of explicit and implicit costs here that would clearly balance out a big majority of any profits turned once you also factor opportunity costs from not selling other products that did NOT include a partial donation off the gross sale.
MeanDrunk...I'd just like to say that I think you're missing the boat here...the cost of the shirt isn't just the shirt itself, it's in the time, the process and the equipment and supplies as well...I don't know exactly how much Jester is making off of this, but after all of the work, supplies and a round tripper to Chicago at 3.49 a gallon, I'm guessing it's not much.

So good on ya, Jester! And MeanDrunk, I still love ya...I just think you're off base this time.
If he's donating $7/shirt or whatever it's much more than others would donate. The point is: you may have been thinking about buying a green shirt, why not buy it from a source that will donate a reasonable amount of the selling price to the cause? The guy could have donated $1/shirt or nothing at all. If you don't care about the shirt, just donate to the family. If you were getting a shirt regardless, might as well help out the family.
As long as he's telling the truth which I have no doubt that he is, he's donating 7 bucks per shirt. If you don't want him to make any money don't buy one.

If you're going to the game it'd be a cool gesture to where a green shirt even if you just go and buy one yourself.
Scheels and Iowa Apparel are now selling green shirts for Saturday. Maybe you could take it up with them too. I'm sure Game Day Ron will be happy to hear about too. No doubt he's jumped on the bandwagon.
Check out this new site:

Went online today...someone sounds late to the game.
Some of you posting on this subject have no common sense. first off to even begin to think that a small family screen print shop is going to process such an order on a last minute basis without putting something in it to cover their costs AND profit to cover their other lost business, is ludicrous.
T-shirts have a very thin margin to work with on a good, simple order, that is given all at one time with a week or two to process, that is ink on a light color cheap shirt.Jester has said so himself that he was thinking maybe 20-30 shirts max. So when you're doing your "math", take into consideration that the pricing was initially based on a smaller order. for him to remain in business to pay his overhead and pay his bills he can't be giving away his time.

Good for him for factoring in whatever, especially since he had to make an inventory run.most screen printers don't have much inventory on hand and have to rely on the wholesaler to have a certain color and quantity in stock and has to pay up front with expedited postage to boot for any rush order. the shirts don't just appear for free.AND Jester not only included a charitable donation, but he upped it when the quantity breaks he was getting were surpassed. Further, what charitable organization do you know, even a so called non profit, where the pricing doesn't have included in it the dollars to cover costs, material, operating AND time.

I too lost friends in 9/11, and thank you to the vendors and their capitalism that help keep it alive in so many ways. Godspeed to ya Jester, and I hope as a Hawk fan and shirt supplier you keep coming back to the HN and fulfilling a void, and helping out a distraught family.
Enough of attacking Jester for this. This pisses me off. Someone throws in and does something good and all some people can do is ***** about it? Go visit another website and make it your home, I really don't want you around here.
Enough of attacking Jester for this. This pisses me off. Someone throws in and does something good and all some people can do is ***** about it? Go visit another website and make it your home, I really don't want you around here.
Here!! Here!!

I commend you and the service you have provided the Greenwoods and the Hawkeye Community. Thank you Jester.
Scheels and Iowa Apparel are now selling green shirts for Saturday. Maybe you could take it up with them too. I'm sure Game Day Ron will be happy to hear about too. No doubt he's jumped on the bandwagon.

Any of these places have hoodies? It may be chilling for my green tee-shirt Saturday.
I may be grilling him hard, but I had a spot where I do not like those who capitalize on tragedies. Just like those idiots who made commemorative 9/11 ribbons,etc just to capitalize on a tragedy. He's making a profit, and a nice one at that on a sad situation.

If someone finds out if there is a trust open for the Greenwood family, I'd be more than happy to donate to it.

Using the logic of the quote above, you must expect the EMT's that hauled Brett, the ER doctors, the countless people that are taking care of him, and anyone associated with his care in any way to donate their time. After all by accepting a paycheck they are making a profit out of his tragedy. You also must have great angst for all professional firefighters, EMT's, homicide detectives, military personnel involved in combat, etc. for accepting their paychecks and not donating their time and in your words "capitalizing on tragedy". And while we are at it why don't we throw anyone who supplies the previously mentioned with equipment, fuel, electricity and so on. These people also make a profit. HOW DARE THEY!

Get over it
Using the logic of the quote above, you must expect the EMT's that hauled Brett, the ER doctors, the countless people that are taking care of him, and anyone associated with his care in any way to donate their time. After all by accepting a paycheck they are making a profit out of his tragedy. You also must have great angst for all professional firefighters, EMT's, homicide detectives, military personnel involved in combat, etc. for accepting their paychecks and not donating their time and in your words "capitalizing on tragedy". And while we are at it why don't we throw anyone who supplies the previously mentioned with equipment, fuel, electricity and so on. These people also make a profit. HOW DARE THEY!

Get over it
Your mother must be proud of your incredible debate skills.
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