Great Officiating!

The smart move was realizing that once Leonard caught the ball in the post, there was no reason for the defender to leave their feet, because they weren't going to affect him in any way. So they put all of their energy into fronting and bothering the entry passes. Pretty good way to avoid fouling and giving Leonard 3-point plays instead of 2.
Every board complains about officiating after a loss. But I can only think of 2 games where Iowa really got hosed, at UNI and at home against NW.

When I start to question officiating is generally end of game situations where they swallow the whistle a bit too much at times. I don't mind a game that is tightly or loosely called but just like consistency. Generally the cream rises to the top though and the team that wins is the team that just makes plays.

I know all fans complain. I am very happy Iowa won because I would hate to be around here if the roles were reversed.
It's the nature of the beast.

Basketball officiating is one of the most subjective jobs in sports. It's a tough gig. And worse yet, it has an effect on the game.

This is why it's discussed so often, win or lose.

It's an element of the game whether people think it's excuses, crying, whining, etc... it's part of the game.

I get it, but it can be overblown too. I totally understand when a star player picks up two quick ticky-tack fouls it can change things greatly.
You know damn well the calls are going our way when McCabe plays 25 minutes and does not get a single foul called on him.

How the heck did that happen????
Every board complains about officiating after a loss. But I can only think of 2 games where Iowa really got hosed, at UNI and at home against NW.

I agree with this completely. I usually let things go quickly, but I'm still a little bitter about the officiating during the NW game. It was that criminal.

But anyways, that's what a message board is for. My wife doesn't want to listen to me complain after Iowa loses so I come on here to complain. : )

Heck, you should have checked out CF after the Texas game (football). Somehow it was the refs fault that they were down 35-0.
I bet on the Illinois boards they are complaining about the refs with no free throw attempts the whole game. Blame should be on the players who played bad and not on the refs.

Actually I've lurked the Illinois boards for about 30 minutes and there really isn't that much complaining about the officiating.
Mostly, "Goodbye, Bruce" and what a turnover machine Brandon Paul is.
Iowa was called for 10 PFs while Illinois was called for 13. Additionally, keep in mind that Illinois was intentionally fouling the last few minutes. Of the top of my head, I believe Gatens went to the line twice after being intentionally fouled, White once and Marble once. In other words, Illinois got more non-intentional foul calls than Iowa.

Further, looking at the Illinois board, the only criticism regarding the officiating that I've seen is that "[t]he refs decided to call nothing today...." In other words, neither Iowa nor Illinois were getting calls. 9 Observations from the Iowa BTT Game

I recall seeing fouls that I thought should've been called both ways. However, win or lose, at the end of this game, I don't think either team could point to officiating as a factor in losing. Iowa won this game on a neutral court straight up. The better team is clearly advancing.
Here's the deal...

FOULS CALLED: Iowa 10, Illinois 13.

Not a big discrepancy. Can't fault Iowa for Illinois bad gameplan.
Iowa was called for 10 PFs while Illinois was called for 13. Additionally, keep in mind that Illinois was intentionally fouling the last few minutes. Of the top of my head, I believe Gatens went to the line twice after being intentionally fouled, White once and Marble once. In other words, Illinois got more non-intentional foul calls than Iowa.

Further, looking at the Illinois board, the only criticism regarding the officiating that I've seen is that "[t]he refs decided to call nothing today...." In other words, neither Iowa nor Illinois were getting calls. 9 Observations from the Iowa BTT Game

I recall seeing fouls that I thought should've been called both ways. However, win or lose, at the end of this game, I don't think either team could point to officiating as a factor in losing. Iowa won this game on a neutral court straight up. The better team is clearly advancing.

Dang beat me to it! :)
Just took a trip to the Illini Scout board and I am impressed with how well they are handling it. One guy made a move on blaming the refs and the rest of them gang'd up on him on how it was an evenly called game.

The other thing that stood out was the amount of locked threads. Must have a controlling mod over there. I would have loved to seen how that Alford thread play out.
Iowa did a nice job of using the way the refs were letting most things go against Leonard. I will admit that there were some missed calls or poor ones, but I really enjoyed how the refs let a lot go today. Hopefully we see that tomorrow too.
It's the nature of the beast.

Basketball officiating is one of the most subjective jobs in sports. It's a tough gig. And worse yet, it has an effect on the game.

This is why it's discussed so often, win or lose.

It's an element of the game whether people think it's excuses, crying, whining, etc... it's part of the game.

Truth. And there was only one game that I really felt the refs played a part in turning the tide of the game, which was UNI. Other than that, yeah there have been bad calls, but they've gone both ways. When you lose, it's easier to point to a few bad calls that could have played a roll. All fanbases do it.
Everyone was worried but this has been one of the best officiated games all year long. Go stripes!
Of course it was, unless you are an Illini fan.

Illinois shot NO FREE THROWS for the game? If that had happened to Iowa some of you would be looking up officials' profiles to figure out if they habitually don't call fouls against teams that are barely over 500 on their overall record.

Didn't we have a game earlier in the year where we shot no free throws, or only two or something like that? People thought the refs sucked in that game.

If I am covering ground that someone already mentioned earlier in this thread I apologize. Personally, I don't think the game was officiated poorly. But it seems more than a little strange that there was not one free throw attempted by Illinois in the entire game.

But I'm sure someone will reason away why in this case it was good officiating but when it goes against us it isn't.
It was a good job of officiating and that is what Illinois gets for playing the way they do. I only can count 3-4 times I thought a whistle should have been blown and wasn't. Illinois didn't penetrate with the dribble at all and when the ball was in the lane their big guy had the ball.
The funny thing is that when it happens to your team it doesn't matter what style you play. It's simply impossible that a game would be called where one team (your opponent) has 20 free throw attempts and you have none.
Dang beat me to it! :)
Fans won't complain about fouls not being called if they hate their coach and want him gone and they just lost in the first round of the conference tournament, sealing the aforementioned coach's fate.

I believe we can all relate to that.

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