Great game plan Ken


Persa, Colter and Siemian are all better than Vandenberg. Jacob Schmidt is better than Coker. Ebert is better than Coker. Dunsmore is better than Fiedorwicz. The only place we are better than Northwestern is on the sideline - the braintrust running our squad is the best in the B10.

Please Lord give me Northwesterns offense and Norm Parker's defense.

It is just shameful how poorly we recruit offensive players. Heck McNutt was recruited to be a QB! Maybe we should recruit WR and make them QBs?

The offense was horrible AGAIN today. Hey KOK, #4 and #15 are their best players. Let's make sure JVB finds them and gets guys lined up against someone else? I know you don't have TE that can catch a cold but that dude wearing #6 or #11 can get free if you design the right game plan. After the D adjusts then mix them up with some passes back to McNutt.
He's not an Iowa fan. He just comes on this site to screw with people and get a rise, which he is clearly accomplishing. Once you realize he is a DB and stop arguing with him, you will be much happier.

No, I am an Iowa fan, tool. I'm an Iowa fan who's getting pi$$ed at paying NFL prices for tickets to watch a program that is neck and neck with Northwestern for that coveted spot just above the Indianas and Minnesotas of the conference.
He's not an Iowa fan. He just comes on this site to screw with people and get a rise, which he is clearly accomplishing. Once you realize he is a DB and stop arguing with him, you will be much happier.

I think he is a true fan....calling it as he sees it and usually correct. Maybe you should face the mirror? This program is heading into the tank and being driven there by KOK. In 13 years I don't think IOWA has been in the top three of the Lowly B1G ten in offense.....what does that tell you? Tells me we are 13 years late in making big changes
Please Lord give me Northwesterns offense and Norm Parker's defense.

It is just shameful how poorly we recruit offensive players. Heck McNutt was recruited to be a QB! Maybe we should recruit WR and make them QBs?

The offense was horrible AGAIN today. Hey KOK, #4 and #15 are their best players. Let's make sure JVB finds them and gets guys lined up against someone else? I know you don't have TE that can catch a cold but that dude wearing #6 or #11 can get free if you design the right game plan. After the D adjusts then mix them up with some passes back to McNutt.

I do love the seven step drop plays when the defense is clearly going to blitz. Slow developing plays are the way to beat the blitz.
McNutt looked frustrated all game long.

Vandenberg was about as bad as I've ever seen him.

The offensive line was terrible today.

The play calling wasn't the problem for the majority of the day.
^Guess what dude, they were able to score 28 on Nebraska. Iowa's caveman offense ain't cutting it.
Tell that to the receivers who dropped something like 6 passes today. And tell that to our QB who overthrew just about every ball.....that's not on coaching.
McNutt looked frustrated all game long.

Vandenberg was about as bad as I've ever seen him.

The offensive line was terrible today.

The play calling wasn't the problem for the majority of the day.
Couldn't be more wrong. The O-line had a great day...especially running the ball. If you look back and watch them, they were pushing the d line 3 yards before Coker was touched.
Going into this game we had the qb with the most passing yards in the Big 10, wr with the most receiving yards, and rb with the 2nd most rushing yards and we can't score until 3 minutes left in the game? Truly, truly pathetic. And what even makes it worse is the defense played well enough for us to win.
The secret to beating NU's D is to have your quarterback take one or two steps to the side - there by becoming a mobile QB and our D falling all over themselves
I hope you are joking...7 wins?? An average season and we should be happy with that?
You should be happy with AVERAGE if 'down years' get you 7 wins....Give me a break. You realize just a few years ago this team was winning 10 games consecutively and following that with a 9 win and 11 win year?
Offense was BAD today... Defense did great for being on field all day

Yes. Defense did an admirable job. Nebby had the frickin ball for 38 minutes. Iowa did the three-and-out shuffle a lot. Especially in the 3rd quarter. How can a defense hold up to THAT?
Going into this game we had the qb with the most passing yards in the Big 10, wr with the most receiving yards, and rb with the 2nd most rushing yards and we can't score until 3 minutes left in the game? Truly, truly pathetic. And what even makes it worse is the defense played well enough for us to win.

That's the truly amazing part. The defense did play well enough for us to win.

The offensive problems seem structural, and transcend years, players, quarterbacks, and opponents.

I haven't bashed KF and KOK, but one can't deny that Iowa's defense typically carries the underpeforming offense, regardless the year. The same happened today.
I bet we'll play someone really good in the bowl game, win, and then hear about how great our staff is in preparing for bowl games and how next year we'll be the favorite to win it all.
We may beat a good team but I doubt we'll be the favorite to win it all. If nothing changes we will be right where we are at this year.

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