Great game plan Ken

We may beat a good team but I doubt we'll be the favorite to win it all. If nothing changes we will be right where we are at this year.
I didn't mean 'nationally' we'd be picked to win it.....but some fans will equate a bowl win with a 10 win season.
You should be happy with AVERAGE if 'down years' get you 7 wins....Give me a break. You realize just a few years ago this team was winning 10 games consecutively and following that with a 9 win and 11 win year?

Just a question... but did you watch the team this year? Did you look at our schedule? Did you watch the games?

If you can say yes to all of those questions... Then I don't know how you can defend the coaching staff like you do. Every thread you are going in and complaining about the people complaining about the staff that is underachieving whether you want to believe it or not.

Maybe it is time to wake up. I defended KF all season, but I can't do it anymore. Everyone has every right to be ****ed at him and the job he has done the past 2 years and the direction we are going.
Our strategy and our playcalling looks like it's 1979, not 2011. We are the absolute easiest team for a defense to prepare for. When was the last screen pass we threw to a quick back? I don't remember either. Northwestern shoved it down nebraska's throat at lincoln, so i don't want to hear that nebraska is so good. Our offensive philosophy, schemes,execution suck. I agree with other posters that say we are the worst 2 minute drill team in college. Tell me why we run a hurry up against pittsburgh and score 4 td's, and then you barely see it the rest of the year? Do the coaches actually watch the games? We need serious change on the offensive side of the ball. We absolutely need a qb who can move out of the pocket and be a running threat for starters. I'm tired and am sick of this offense. Execution is a problem, but if you are afraid you are going to be pulled out and never play again( only if you are a freshman or maybe sophomore), then you would play scared too. How do you play with confidence if your coaches don't show any confidence in you?
Never compare Ferentz' offense with Fry's. Hayden was very creative and his offense was both pro-style and extremely multiple. His creativity and gutsy play-calling I believe instilled an aggresive identity where Hawkeye teams always believed they had a chance and could come back and win. We all knew we were screwed today by halftime.
Tell that to the receivers who dropped something like 6 passes today. And tell that to our QB who overthrew just about every ball.....that's not on coaching.
Meh, you didn't refute the point. NW rammed it down their throats; one whole drive was entirely running plays. They did this with 2nd and 3rd string qb's playing. Last game of the season and our offense is inept as ever. Seems like there might be a coaching/playcalling problem there somewhere. You don't have to be lockstep with the staff all of the time, you know.

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