Gotta love Nebraska fans

What a joke. I guess the best defense is a good offense.

Everybody knows that Nebraska is Thug U. It's been that way for a long time.

You will learn to love Nebraska fans almost as much as you love Iowa State fans.

My suggestion: Drop the Clowns from the schedule; it cuts your heartburn in half.
Thanks for the link, I sent that to my friend here who sent me the list and he goes that was from like 1995. I told him thats the last time they were worth writing about.
He goes, 01? I tell him yeah... for like 5 minutes.
God I love being the only Iowa on my side of the office.
I live amongst them. My roommate is a Nebraska fan and student at UNL, its horrible. Yes, Johnny Rodgers robbed a gas station while he was a student here in Lincoln in 1971. The only heisman trophy winner convicted of a felony before winning the trophy.

As far as Suh goes, I've heard rumors from my UNL friends that he got pulled over, had been drinking but wasnt actually administered a breathalizer until much, much later on. Like I said thats just a rumor I've heard but it would not surprise me if it was the case.
VERY TRUE...and he smashed into a parked vehicle too...but they made sure they didn't pursue him until the next morning. If it was nowdays Rodgers would of had his Heisman stripped.
Lawrence Phillips, Thunder Collins, two prominent ones, the biggest might be Christian Peter in his tell all book about drugs, women, drinking and Osborne knew about it all.
AND......they don't have to deal with the Iowa City Keystone Cops that go out of their way to target players. You can argue that all you want, but iowa City will NEVER look the other way on anything, for anybody.
AND......they don't have to deal with the Iowa City Keystone Cops that go out of their way to target players. You can argue that all you want, but iowa City will NEVER look the other way on anything, for anybody.

I told my coworker about the "stat" that IC police department has that they rack up over 10 k a weekend on alcohol related fines. He was like Keanu Reeves saying "Whoa..."
I have been Drunk in PUBLIC (Ron White voice) in downtown Lincoln and TALKED to cops and got nothing, cept boobs flashed at us from another drunk gal.
VERY TRUE...and he smashed into a parked vehicle too...but they made sure they didn't pursue him until the next morning. If it was nowdays Rodgers would of had his Heisman stripped.
Lawrence Phillips, Thunder Collins, two prominent ones, the biggest might be Christian Peter in his tell all book about drugs, women, drinking and Osborne knew about it all.
Holy Di*k!! Did you say Christian Peter? I think youv'e got the wrong guy. I'm pretty sure your'e thinking of Heavenly Johnson. No, wait...maybe I'm thinking of Godly Crank. Now I'm confused. Never mind. I'll ask my buddy, Religious Donger. Maybe he remembers.
Sorry I questioned you about Christian Peter in my earlier post. I did some research on the Blackskirt defense that he was a part of:

LC: Episcopalian Sausage; Public display of affection with livestock (1992)
RC: Protestant Pe*ker; Public urination (1994)
FS: Jewish Junk; Excessive b.o. (1995)
SS: Baptist Weiner; Public display of arrogance (1994)
NG: Catholic Schlong; Sex with a minor (1992)
DT: Mormon Member; Excessively yellow teeth (1993)
DT: Christian Peter; All-around bad egg (1995)
DE: Methodist Meat; Public lack of Nowledge (1994)
DE: Lutheran Lumber; Criminally dumb (1993)
LB: Mennonite Unit; Running with scissors (1992)
LB: Atheist Twig; Violent stupidity (1994)
VERY TRUE...and he smashed into a parked vehicle too...but they made sure they didn't pursue him until the next morning. If it was nowdays Rodgers would of had his Heisman stripped.
Lawrence Phillips, Thunder Collins, two prominent ones, the biggest might be Christian Peter in his tell all book about drugs, women, drinking and Osborne knew about it all.
I realize that this is an old thread, but my goodness, man! Seriously, are you dilusional or a compulsive liar?

First, there are good cops and bad cops everywhere. I have a cousin who was a Lincoln cop, and a couple of friends who currently are, one works Nebraska games. Just like any other city, while a few cops look the other way when athletes get into trouble, most do their jobs without prejudice to the offender. And, some Lincoln cops actually go out of their way to give the high profile football players a hard time because they are jealous of the attention that they get.

As for the Suh incident, yes, he wrecked his car about 2 AM after a game and had a blood alcohol level under the legal limit. He wasn't sited for DUI, his insurance paid for the damage. People get into accidents all the time, big deal.

Reading the article that was posted (from 1995 or whenever) and adding in Terrell Farley, it seems to me that there were about 7 or 8 (I could be wrong, probably forgetting someone) Huskers who were arrested during the period that we were dominating college football. Two of them (Washington and Benning) were either not charged or found not guilty. So, on the average of about 2 guys per year.

The problem was, most of these were high profile guys and Nebraska was kicking the crap out of everyone at the time. I'm not excusing anything these players did, but for all of the negative press Nebraska got, they were not nearly as bad as OU, CU, or Miami in the 80's, FSU, Miami, or Va Tech in the 90s. Hell, compared to Iowa in the 2000's, the 90's Huskers looked like a bunch of choir boys. Bottom line, football programs are a microcosm of society, most of the players are good kids, and a few are bad apples. It doesn't matter if its Alabama, Notre Dame, Nebraska, Texas, or Iowa.

You have to dig up about 40 years worth run-ins with the law of Husker football players to even compare to what is going on in Iowa City since KF took over. Numerous arrests, DJK/PED coverup, and now the whole "Condition-gate" deal, Iowa looks to be totally out of control. It's just that nobody really cares because Iowa is irrelevant.

Just to prove the point that you either have no clue about what you are talking about or that you are a flat out liar, Christian Peter didn't write a damn book. Before you spout off, you need to get your facts straight.
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I give them props to put a list like that together. Who has that kind of time?? Jesus!
I have no proof but I imagine Nebraska has a very similar list of their own.

I've seen this list before. I think they just ripped an already created list that was available prior to DJK which is also why he is not on it.
The problem was, most of these were high profile guys and Nebraska was kicking the crap out of everyone at the time. I'm not excusing anything these players did, but for all of the negative press Nebraska got, they were not nearly as bad as OU, CU, or Miami in the 80's, FSU, Miami, or Va Tech in the 90s. Hell, compared to Iowa in the 2000's, the 90's Huskers looked like a bunch of choir boys.

Got your Husker kool aid right here.
I'll gladly have a sip. Just to prove my point, 2 of the cases mentioned (Peter and Williams) happened before Nebraska was ripping off National Championships, and no one ever mentioned them until after LP went all Spiderman on Scott Frost's apartment.
Thunder Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SPORTS PEOPLE - FOOTBALL - SPORTS PEOPLE - FOOTBALL - Former Nebraska Player Is Paralyzed -

Christian Peter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - NCAA Football - Suspended 'Husker Incognito enrolls at Oregon - Tuesday September 28, 2004 9:54PM - NCAA Football - Suspended 'Husker Incognito enrolls at Oregon - Tuesday September 28, 2004 9:54PM
(By the way there was a far more interesting story about Purify while he was in school but HIPAA laws prevented the press from covering it)

Well, we have murder here, nakedly assaulting cops, and more. And this is just a small list of the few off the top of my head.

Go to he!! nebraska. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

****** bags.
Thunder Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SPORTS PEOPLE - FOOTBALL - SPORTS PEOPLE - FOOTBALL - Former Nebraska Player Is Paralyzed -

Christian Peter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - NCAA Football - Suspended 'Husker Incognito enrolls at Oregon - Tuesday September 28, 2004 9:54PM - NCAA Football - Suspended 'Husker Incognito enrolls at Oregon - Tuesday September 28, 2004 9:54PM
(By the way there was a far more interesting story about Purify while he was in school but HIPAA laws prevented the press from covering it)

Well, we have murder here, nakedly assaulting cops, and more. And this is just a small list of the few off the top of my head.

Go to he!! nebraska. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

****** bags.
If you are referring to Scott Baldwin, nice of you to grasp at straws. The guy is clinically schizcophrenic, and was off of his meds. Bad deal.

Thunder, stupid d-bag. Most of what he did happened well after his football career ended. I think he was kicked out of school.

Christian Peter-alcoholic d-bag. I've heard that since he kicked the bottle he is a much different person. Not sure.

Incognito- angry, stupid d-bag, who was kicked out of Nebraska.

Purify- First, HIPPA regs are for the health care profession, not for the media. If you are referring to the rumor that he enjoyed partaking in extra cirricular activities, IDK, but would not be suprised. He would fit in at Iowa City nicely.

Like I said, I'm not excusing any of this behavior, it's just funny that you had to bring up Nebraska's law-breaking football players to somehow try and justify Iowa's out of control program. It is funny that you had to stretch about 15 years, from the early 1990's (Baldwin) to the mid 2000's (Purify) to have a percentage of the arrests that Iowa has had in the last 5 years. Nice try though.
I consistently set low expectations for 74Hunter and he fails to achieve them.

I was pointing out just a few of the more illustrious student athletes who spent time in the Cornhusker program. Really was attempting to point out some of the more serious offenders. Baldwin was mentioned because of the fact that had the good Mr. Davis sent him home the first time he was discovered naked and out of control (that time in Lincoln) as opposed to keeping him within the program, he probably would still be able to walk.

Dirty is dirty and kids are kids. There are some programs that could point out these issues at Iowa. UNL isn't one of them.

And oh by the way, maybe you should call Matt Perrault about the Purify "situation". I lived in the area when he had his event, and Matt had his show in Omaha. I'm sure he can share with you how the media was entirely handcuffed from reporting what really went on when he spent an evening resting in a local hospital.

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