Goofers Luving Themselves Some Weisman!

I think Iowa stopped running because Minnesota was run blitzing like crazy the second half. If Vandenberg and the receivers had coordinated better he could have had a huge day.

Not positive because I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I think we average 4 yds/carry in the second half. I think we quit running simply to work on our passing game.
Agreed. We didn't abandon the running game. We simply quit running the ball and focused on the passing game because we definitely need the work on that aspect of the offense. The running game was shut down simply because rather than to run the ball at will the coaches believed it would be more beneficial to work on the execution in the passing game.

I think, BTW, the passing game still needs more work than the Hawks have available practice time. I HOPE I'm wrong and it "clicks"...