Good ole Perrault must be hurting for ratings...


Well-Known Member
...cause he's really trying to stir up the Hawk fans today. His latest bout of verbal diarrhea, saying that if the Hawks should go the distance, the team and fans should hope we get the Rose Bowl instead of the NC game as per his flawed thinking, Iowa wants no part of Florida/Bama/Texas. What a complete tool he is. Isn't that the goal of all the teams when the season starts? Get to the championship game? Don't get me wrong, it would be amazing to go to the Rose Bowl and I would love to see it, but if there is a chance, no matter how small, that this Iowa team could get to the NC game, you're damn right I would want to see it, and I'm sure the team would to. God Matt is an idiot for even thinking something that retarded. Per his reasoning, what do you think Kirk's conversation to the team would look like? "Ok guys, huddle up. We're 12-0 and the BCS selection show is tonight. Now, let's bow our heads and pray we don't go to the NC game because we couldn't hold a candle to the SEC champ. I mean, you guys are good, but look at them, they're the SEC for Gods sake. They would slaughter us..."
Who's to say that Bama doesn't lose to LSU, who then beats Florida in the SEC title game to eliminate both, so Iowa plays Texas?
I used the SEC as an example. He was saying Iowa doesn't want a part of Florida, Bama, or Texas (he later added LSU in case that we're to happen too).
i sent matt an email while he was spewing his garbage and asked if he was telling nebraska fan in 01 that they didnt want any part of miami that year or that they didnt want any part of CU. still am yet to get a reply from him. o well hawks just need to keep doing what they do best and thats win while giving us heart failure in the process!
If I remember right, about a month ago he was saying.......... why isn't that their goal/expectations every year to try and compete for a national title. Talking out of both sides of his mouth.

I think that I would rather see the Hawks play Texas, Alabama, or Florida right now, more than Oregon. Oregon is playing the best football in the NCAA right now.
If I remember right, about a month ago he was saying.......... why isn't that their goal/expectations every year to try and compete for a national title. Talking out of both sides of his mouth.

I think that I would rather see the Hawks play Texas, Alabama, or Florida right now, more than Oregon. Oregon is playing the best football in the NCAA right now.

I totally forgot about that. He was complaining because Hawk fans are complacent with 8 or 9 win regular seasons and he said we as fans should be demanding more. Now we're thinking big and he's ripping us down because we "don't want a piece of them"...Again, total tooleration on his part.
Dude's out of his league. Ken Miller's got to be wondering what he did to deserve this.

Ken probably wishes he wouldn't have signed that contract and should have followed Marty over to 1700.

I've listened maybe 3 times since the Monday after the ISU game. No need to go into that again but that day proved to me just how clueless this dude. You could have went over to cyclonefanatic and looked in the Iowa/ISU game thread and see him ripping the Hawks and when Iowa destroyed the clones he was ****** and it showed on that Monday show. My guess is he lost a $hitload of money because most of the week all he talked about was the spread and how ISU had covered something like 9 of the last 11 times.
He doesn't think we can compete with those teams. Neither does anyone else outside of the state. Not sure why this is such an outrage.

Now then...where I found his argument to be flawed was when he said on one hand that using how Iowa fared against SEC teams in years past is irrelevant because those were different teams and different years, but then turned around and said that we don't want Big Ten teams in there because Ohio State got killed twice.

Its irrelevant to discuss how Iowa did in the past five years in order to determine how they'd do this year, but it is relevant to discuss how Ohio State did years ago? C'mon Matt, you're better than that.
That is another thing about him and saying he doesn't want to see another Big 10 team in the NC. Well how about we don't see another Big 12 team, since 2001 the Big 10 has one national title and the Big 12 has one. Here are the beatdowns the Big 12 has taken:

2001: Miami Fla 37 Nebraska 14
2003: LSU 21 Oklahoma 14
2004: USC 55 Oklahoma 19
2008: Florida 24 Oklahoma 14

So what makes the Big 12 more deserving than the Big 10 in recent years? People say that Texas was probably the best team in the Big 12 last year, yet they only beat OSU by 3 in the Fiesta Bowl and scored the winning TD with under a minute to play. If you beat up on the Big 10 I think people need to start realizing that the Big 12 hasn't had any more success when it comes to national championship games, the Texas/USC is still fresh and that is what people are remembering instead of looking at the whole picture and that is the Big 10 is 1-2 in title games since 01 and the Big 12 is 1-4 so who the hell wants to see the Big 12 get beat down again?
For the record, I don't mind the show. Matt isn't as bad as some of you make him out to be.

That being said he said two things today that left me shaking my head.

1) That Iowa fans shouldn't want to go to the NC game. Really? I can understand him thinking Iowa wouldn't have a shot, but to say that the team or its fans shouldn't want the opportunity is pretty dumb. Even a blowout loss in the championship game is a big accomplishment for this team.

2) He said that he never wants to see another Big 10 team in a championship game because OSU lost twice. First of all never is a very long time. Second, the strength of the conferences varies so much that ten years from now it isn't unthinkable that the Big 10 will be the best conference in America
I think that I would rather see the Hawks play Texas, Alabama, or Florida right now, more than Oregon. Oregon is playing the best football in the NCAA right now.

I totally agree that Oregon would be as tough of a challenge as any of the other 3. If he really did say we shouldn't want the Hawks to play in the NC game, then it's just another example of why I don't listen to him anymore. What a ridiculous statement! I suggest those in central Iowa head over to 1700. If Marty can get his ratings up, maybe they'd be able to get Miller to jump ship.....probably would be a huge pay cut for him but he might decide it's worth it.
I heard this Donkey today as well. I don't mind listening to criticism and enjoy getting another perspective from time to time, but this Donkey crossed the line today.

To insult the whole state where you are making a living by telling everyone to hope we don't play in the championship game because it would be embarrassing is complete bush league.

No to mention we have had pretty good games with 2 out of 3 of those teams in recent history.

If this Donkey's intention was to rial all the Iowa fans by insulting them then he was successful. He also was successful in causing me to turn the channel.
Florida still has FSU and Alabama/LSU to play.
Texas still has A&M
Alabama has a nasty schedule to finish
Iowa has OSU
Cincy has Illannoy and West Virginia
Boise has NO ONE
The ducks still have to play Arizona away.

The point is there is alot of football to play and weeks 10-12 are when the upsets happen.

Keep your hats on! It's gonna be C-R-A-Z-Y.
He also said an undefeated Iowa would not deserve to play in the BCS title game over a 1 loss Alabama or Florida.

You know Perrault is bad when I turn him off to listen to Marty Tirrell.
Has he started his Creighton and MVC Basketball talk yet? Just wait. Both Iowa and ISU fans will quickly grow tired of the MVC love.
Ken probably wishes he wouldn't have signed that contract and should have followed Marty over to 1700.

I've listened maybe 3 times since the Monday after the ISU game. No need to go into that again but that day proved to me just how clueless this dude. You could have went over to cyclonefanatic and looked in the Iowa/ISU game thread and see him ripping the Hawks and when Iowa destroyed the clones he was ****** and it showed on that Monday show. My guess is he lost a $hitload of money because most of the week all he talked about was the spread and how ISU had covered something like 9 of the last 11 times.

That was some good reading. In fact, if anyone is looking for a laugh, go check out the games threads the MSU and Indiana games over there. Hilarious!
I rarely listen to him but I did hear him say that the 02 OSU defense had 11 players that made NFL teams and the Hawks 09 D might have 2 players that will make NFL teams.

He said Clayborn is too small and Angerer is a good college LB but not NFL material. He said Sash might make an NFL roster. No mention of Spievey & Edds which should tell you all you need to know about his knowledge of the Hawks.

Anyone know if he is accurate with his 2002 OSU statement that 11 players made NFL rosters?
when the caller mentioned Edds as one of the hawkeyes that would play in the league, one of the two, i believe miller said Edds would not make it in the league due to his size. what a load, dude has speed. and couldnt Clayborn play an olb sorta like Dumervil does for the Broncos? assuming he is deemed "too small" like perault says?
Ok - one thing I do is my homework....the Iowa 09 D vs. Ohio St 09 D did not come from thin came from Sports Illustrated:

2nd - I said "I don't want to see Iowa in the National Championship Game" because I don't - I didn't mean it as "Iowa fans should not want their team to play for the National Championship" I clarified this a few times on the air today.

3rd - I'm not some bandwagon guy who is going to say things to appease the audience. I say what I think - bash away but I think Iowa vs. Oregon in the Rose Bowl would be a GREAT game. The Rose Bowl and a Big 10 title would be awesome for Iowa. Sure, this is a maybe a-once-in-a-lifetime season with all the breaks and bounces but I just think you've got 3 games to play and all 3 could wind up as L's. Lots more football to go before 12-0.

1 thing - You think you can turn the ball over 6 times and beat Texas, Alabama or Florida? Seriously now - you think you can hang with those teams with the mistakes your offense has made on a constant basis? I think it's great to pull for the home team and want to see an upset if you did play for the title BUT you have a QB who makes major mistakes every week only to pull out miracles at the end. Guess what - you don't get to makes mistakes like that against ELITE teams. You have a 3rd string running back who is a true freshmen...Elite teams don't struggle with UNI, Arkansas St, and Indiana AT HOME.

I know this post is going to get blasted which is fine....I'm used to that...but don't say I'm making stuff up or I don't know what I'm talking about. We agree to disagree on opinion on a game that we will never see....that's cool with me.

Finally - I didn't say the comments about Angerer and Clayborn - that was Ken. I just said that Ohio St's D had 11 players drafted (I was wrong it was 13, all 11 starters were drafted).

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