Good ole Perrault must be hurting for ratings...

Ok - one thing I do is my homework....the Iowa 09 D vs. Ohio St 09 D did not come from thin came from Sports Illustrated:

2nd - I said "I don't want to see Iowa in the National Championship Game" because I don't - I didn't mean it as "Iowa fans should not want their team to play for the National Championship" I clarified this a few times on the air today.

3rd - I'm not some bandwagon guy who is going to say things to appease the audience. I say what I think - bash away but I think Iowa vs. Oregon in the Rose Bowl would be a GREAT game. The Rose Bowl and a Big 10 title would be awesome for Iowa. Sure, this is a maybe a-once-in-a-lifetime season with all the breaks and bounces but I just think you've got 3 games to play and all 3 could wind up as L's. Lots more football to go before 12-0.

1 thing - You think you can turn the ball over 6 times and beat Texas, Alabama or Florida? Seriously now - you think you can hang with those teams with the mistakes your offense has made on a constant basis? I think it's great to pull for the home team and want to see an upset if you did play for the title BUT you have a QB who makes major mistakes every week only to pull out miracles at the end. Guess what - you don't get to makes mistakes like that against ELITE teams. You have a 3rd string running back who is a true freshmen...Elite teams don't struggle with UNI, Arkansas St, and Indiana AT HOME.

I know this post is going to get blasted which is fine....I'm used to that...but don't say I'm making stuff up or I don't know what I'm talking about. We agree to disagree on opinion on a game that we will never see....that's cool with me.

Finally - I didn't say the comments about Angerer and Clayborn - that was Ken. I just said that Ohio St's D had 11 players drafted (I was wrong it was 13, all 11 starters were drafted).

Sorry I missed it your little diatribe. I was listening to 1700. If it wasn't for Ken, you'd be talking to dead air. Click.
I rarely listen to him but I did hear him say that the 02 OSU defense had 11 players that made NFL teams and the Hawks 09 D might have 2 players that will make NFL teams.

He said Clayborn is too small and Angerer is a good college LB but not NFL material. He said Sash might make an NFL roster. No mention of Spievey & Edds which should tell you all you need to know about his knowledge

So all three players eligible for the NFL draft WERE drafted. Angerer 2nd round, Spievey 3rd round, Edds 4th round. The players remaining from the 09 D are Clayborn, Ballard, Klug, Binns, Hunter, Sash, Greenwood & Prater.

Does anyone here still listen to Perrault? Are people really mesmerized by complete ignorance for the sake of a personal agenda?
How does Matt get a job in Iowa when he hates the hawks? How did that 8 turnover loss sting? Please Please go back to Nebraska. It seemed like you wanted Bulaga to drop out of the first round. Come on Matt you know he is a great player and he did everything right at Iowa to get where he is. Don't be such a hater. Next year when Adrian C is drafted in the first round you will be rooting for him to drop aswell. And if Adrian does get drafted high all you will talk about is how much better Suh is than him. Feel like you are not wanted around Matt? Well i speak for the majority when i say leave our Hawkeye state. We dont need you and we dont want you. You are a waste of quality air time. Wow i feel better now....
This guy is a joke. I feel bad for Ken Miller. Hopefully at some point they can find someone who works better with Ken. I never thought anybody could make me listen to Marty, but KXNO found someone who could do it. I listened this week for about 3 minutes each day of the week and every time he was talking about something Anti-hawks. Maybe it was a coincindence, but it seems to happen about as much as he can fit it in. He is a little like Marty in that he will take whatever stance will tick people off. He can say he doesn't do that, but he does. If Iowa won the national championship in football, he would find some way to degrade it. He would say there wasn't any elite team that year, or that Iowa was lucky they didn't have to play so and so. He would find some way to say it was not legit...He spent most of this football season when I tuned in. Any time he can say something to stir the pot, he does. I'm just glad we have more options now so we can tune him out until they pull the plug.
Why not make a new thread calling him out rather then bumping such an old thread. I thought he and Ken did alright during the season. I disagreed with some things he said (especially this) but it is his opinion to have.

Also I'm a little irritated that their show is hardly being podcast anymore. It was always good getting to listen to Miller and Deace right after listening to their show at work. helps the morning go by pretty quickly.

Also did Matt ever call out the Nebraska guy who comes on their show about their QB?
Good Lord people, why are most of you making such a big deal about Matt?? If you don't like him then don't listen to him, its as simple as that. There is no need to have your blood pressure sky rocket over somebodys opinion.
So all three players eligible for the NFL draft WERE drafted. Angerer 2nd round, Spievey 3rd round, Edds 4th round. The players remaining from the 09 D are Clayborn, Ballard, Klug, Binns, Hunter, Sash, Greenwood & Prater.

Does anyone here still listen to Perrault? Are people really mesmerized by complete ignorance for the sake of a personal agenda?

And once again Perrault looks like a moron. Haha
Good Lord people, why are most of you making such a big deal about Matt?? If you don't like him then don't listen to him, its as simple as that.

I don't listen to him and that is why I am trying to find out if anyone still does. And if they do, why?
That guy is the worst kind of shock jock. I have lived in omaha for a couple years and had the burden of catching him on 590 a few times. Just an absolute idiot who is completely uninformed, and announces his opinion on things like they matter at all. "Bo Pelini is THE guy" nobody gives a **** about you opinion. Im really sure he was waiting to see if the guy from omaha who gets less rating then the commercials endorses you.

Anyways Imagine my horror when I come back to Iowa to see my family and turned on KXNO and had to listen to that schill again. Why did they hire a Creighton homer in Des Moines? Creighton isnt even popular in Omaha, a bad fan base that only shows up if they are top 20.

/rant, Go Hawks!
Exactly... I have heard his annoying garb go both ways so many times I dont think he knows what he is saying half the time. He was run out of Omaha because of his constant disrepect for the midwest teams and his East Coast bias. The dude needs to go in the worst way.... Outside of maybe making money, I cannot for the life of me understand why his maintaining his own Creighton site. Of which even today he defended everything Creighton has done using ISU and Iowa as his own political cases as to what not to do. I like the way that Deace gave his some backtalk because he doesnt get that much from his partner on the afternoon show.
That is to the point and perfectly said... I cant believe that he wants to work here if he hates the hawks that much. Did he really say he "Doesnt want to see the Hawks in the NC game"? How could anyone say such a thing and want to live/work here?