Good Luck to Mr. Forbes

I don't believe Iowa is talking with Forbes this week.

I think that if we get to next week that could happen. Also if we get to next week, there may be a couple guys still in the tournament they could take a run at.

We just dont know anything for sure, and people are saying some things that could wind up looking foolish after the fact.

However, I do have a growing concern that Iowa is placing too much emphasis on a 'press conference hire'...someone that is going to appease the populace that way.

Just go hire me a freaking basketball coach that can recruit.

Good point Jon, but wouldn't the "press-conference" hire if landed, theoretically already be a proven recruiter?
Exhibit A

Thanks for once again bringing nothing to the table other than calling out other posters.

As for Forbes or anyone else, as long as they can get a legit Big Ten coaching staff this will be a tremendous upgrade over the past circus.
Isnt that the whole idea behind gambling? AD's take chances on guys all the time. Some pan out, some don't.
He laid out some parameters at his press conference. Don't feel any assistants really fit his bill. You may be right...I however feel our guy is still in the tournament.
He laid out some parameters at his press conference. Don't feel any assistants really fit his bill. You may be right...I however feel our guy is still in the tournament.

He did, but whomever he hires is going to a gamble, an experiement of some sort. Getting someone like Pearl in here has been a pipe dream from day one. If one of those parameters was getting someone who has had experience at the BCS level, then the field is pretty wide.

I'd be willing to bet that the next coach is somebody that hasn't been talked about. If Barta is doing this right, not making anything public will be required by both parties - the search party and/or Barta himself, and whomever it is he's talking to.
Just listened to an interview with Forbes and the one quote that I loved is not about X's and O's it is about getting Jimmy's and Joe's...I don't care who Iowa gets as long as the person can a Division 1 level MOST of the coaches should already have a solid X's and O's background.
I don't believe Iowa is talking with Forbes this week.

I think that if we get to next week that could happen. Also if we get to next week, there may be a couple guys still in the tournament they could take a run at.

We just dont know anything for sure, and people are saying some things that could wind up looking foolish after the fact.

However, I do have a growing concern that Iowa is placing too much emphasis on a 'press conference hire'...someone that is going to appease the populace that way.

Just go hire me a freaking basketball coach that can recruit.

Of the candidates that are out there Jon, who would you consider a Press Conference hire?

Also, are there names out there that you think would qualify as being both a press conference hire and an unproven coach/recruiter?

They seem to be mutually exclusive no?
I don't believe Iowa is talking with Forbes this week.

I think that if we get to next week that could happen. Also if we get to next week, there may be a couple guys still in the tournament they could take a run at.

We just dont know anything for sure, and people are saying some things that could wind up looking foolish after the fact.

However, I do have a growing concern that Iowa is placing too much emphasis on a 'press conference hire'...someone that is going to appease the populace that way.

Just go hire me a freaking basketball coach that can recruit.

Jon, Barta just paid $2.4M to TL and needs butts in the seats right away. A "press conference" or "big name" hire is the only way to do this next season. Unfortunately, we all know the W's won't be there next year and we all know that doesn't fill the arena. This is what happens when attendance is at an all-time low and revenues are plummeting. I agree, this is a risky way to do things, but I understand where GB is coming from. With some of the names that have been floated out there I think we may have been better off keeping TL another year.
Why do you care your a football school anyway. Or until you have a down season in football then your a wrestling school. When college wrestling dies out you will be a medical school. Then your fan base will hurt because half your 80% of your fans aren't alums and are t-shirt fans.
My opinion:

Forbes- press conference- ok, splash factor- minimal, recruiter- yes
Gregory- PC- good,splash factor- minimal, recruiter- yes
Lavin- PC- win,splash factor- big, recruter -yes
Drew- PC- win,splash- big ,recruiter- yes
Gillispie- PC win, splash-huge,recruiter- yes

Just off the cuff impressions...does not indicate anything about future performance.
He did, but whomever he hires is going to a gamble, an experiement of some sort. Getting someone like Pearl in here has been a pipe dream from day one. If one of those parameters was getting someone who has had experience at the BCS level, then the field is pretty wide.

I'd be willing to bet that the next coach is somebody that hasn't been talked about. If Barta is doing this right, not making anything public will be required by both parties - the search party and/or Barta himself, and whomever it is he's talking to.

Just thought I would bump this and beat my chest a little bit.

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