Good Luck to Mr. Forbes

On a sidenote...why do we want the 2nd assistant off a staff? HE doesn't fit the requirements Barta laid out....
Bruce Pearl was not Tom Davis' top assistant. Gary Close was. Kind of a moot argument, too, as Pearl brought Forbes on when Gillespie moved out of his position.

Nice job by Pearl to get Forbes, and this would be a nice get for Iowa as well.
Bruce Pearl was not Tom Davis' top assistant. Gary Close was. Kind of a moot argument, too, as Pearl brought Forbes on when Gillespie moved out of his position.

Nice job by Pearl to get Forbes, and this would be a nice get for Iowa as well.
loess, you got served on this dude's first post. Ouch.
Ok. I could have sworn that either Kakert or Jon that reported he would be in line to get interviewed today. I'm not having any luck finding it, so I may have been wrong on the specific date. However, my original post stands... GOOD LUCK MR. FORBES!!!!!!

On a sidenote...why do we want the 2nd assistant off a staff? HE doesn't fit the requirements Barta laid out....
  1. Tennessee's #1 assistant came from UW-Milwaukee with Pearl
  2. Pearl ACTIVELY recruited Forbes to join him at Tennessee
  3. Forbes has been associated with 3 different programs that have attracted top tier classes to schools that, at the time, were NOT known for their men's basketball programs
  4. Forbes WANTS the Iowa job and is letting people know it
I think he would do a good job at Iowa.

Hey wait a second. Maybe Forbes has been working for us in disguise (No Glasses):


"Chris Doyle"

Actually why DON'T you want him. You're the staunchest detractor on the Forbes high that's been hazing listlessly through the board. Prove your case.
Well vice versa, he can recruit, but most know he is recruiting for Bruce Pearl. What happens when he is just closing the deal...not making the initial contacts that asst. coaches do. IF Bruce thought he was his right hand man he would be the associate head coach. He isn't...A totally unproven 2nd line assistant is not what Mr. Barta is going to base his career on. My 2 cents...
loess will probably find away to ***** about whoever gets the job.

Well vice versa, he can recruit, but most know he is recruiting for Bruce Pearl. What happens when he is just closing the deal...not making the initial contacts that asst. coaches do. IF Bruce thought he was his right hand man he would be the associate head coach. He isn't...A totally unproven 2nd line assistant is not what Mr. Barta is going to base his career on. My 2 cents...

Exhibit A
Titles like associate head coach are a way around having more assistants at some schools and or trying to keep people on your staff that may have other offers. It's a resume builder.

Getting hung up on the menutia takes away from the questions that are more important.

Re: Forbes and today, I had heard earlier this week that they were to speak today. Haven't followed up on it since then. Will make a call
Hey wait a second. Maybe Forbes has been working for us in disguise (No Glasses):


"Chris Doyle"


Doesn't Forbes sport a chin gotee now? I thought I saw him sporting one int he tourney and recall thinking it made him look alot cooler and less like a baker.
Well vice versa, he can recruit, but most know he is recruiting for Bruce Pearl. What happens when he is just closing the deal...not making the initial contacts that asst. coaches do. IF Bruce thought he was his right hand man he would be the associate head coach. He isn't...A totally unproven 2nd line assistant is not what Mr. Barta is going to base his career on. My 2 cents...

Pearl is not going to demote Jones. Even though Forbes is recruiting for Pearl, he still has to develop relationships and it's been said that he's very, very good at that. Both Josh Selby, a top 5 2010 player, and his mom have both stated how much they like Forbes. There are reports that he de-commited from UT because of Pearl but it was difficult due to their relationship with Forbes.

Not only would I be excited about Forbes (his passion and recruiting ability), but I'd also be excited to see what kind of staff he'd put together. I just have a feeling it'd include a former Hawk great - and that'd be great for the program IMO.
I lived in Nebraska for 6 years. Don't EVER associate me with that state again. All I heard was Huskers Huskers Huskers, which is why I cheer for them to lose Every Game They play. No matter the sport.

Get over it...I lived there for 24 I had 4 times as much and the 24 years before that lived within 40 miles of Omaha.
Titles like associate head coach are a way around having more assistants at some schools and or trying to keep people on your staff that may have other offers. It's a resume builder.

Getting hung up on the menutia takes away from the questions that are more important.

Re: Forbes and today, I had heard earlier this week that they were to speak today. Haven't followed up on it since then. Will make a call

The longer the search goes on, the less focused it seems. I would like to see an Iowa guy like Steve Forbes get the chance to coach Iowa. Why not? Is it just me, or does the search seem to lack focus? Considering that Lickliter had problems with recruiting, retention, discipline, eligibility, and attendance, I can't believe that Barta didn't have 3 potential replacements identified throughout the year. Good Grief!
The longer the search goes on, the less focused it seems. I would like to see an Iowa guy like Steve Forbes get the chance to coach Iowa. Why not? Is it just me, or does the search seem to lack focus? Considering that Lickliter had problems with recruiting, retention, discipline, eligibility, and attendance, I can't believe that Barta didn't have 3 potential replacements identified throughout the year. Good Grief!

The search seems unfocused because none of us knows who is on the list, who is getting interviewed and when, etc.

The collective message board mind is unfocused. That doesn't mean Barta's mind is unfocused.
Good points guys, I just feel a bigger splash is coming. I have no issues with him if all other avenues are exhausted. But I believe he is a big gamble for Barta. One he could look good at and one he could fail at. Touche boys...
I don't believe Iowa is talking with Forbes this week.

I think that if we get to next week that could happen. Also if we get to next week, there may be a couple guys still in the tournament they could take a run at.

We just dont know anything for sure, and people are saying some things that could wind up looking foolish after the fact.

However, I do have a growing concern that Iowa is placing too much emphasis on a 'press conference hire'...someone that is going to appease the populace that way.

Just go hire me a freaking basketball coach that can recruit.
Good points guys, I just feel a bigger splash is coming. I have no issues with him if all other avenues are exhausted. But I believe he is a big gamble for Barta. One he could look good at and one he could fail at. Touche boys...

Isnt that the whole idea behind gambling? AD's take chances on guys all the time. Some pan out, some don't.

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