Good example of why Darboh


chose Michigan over Iowa
he said the diciplinary actions worried him
i myself was critical of himbut with the way this Coker situation is unfolding
this is a good example of why we can't get better players when players get suspended by the University President or AD and they can hide behind student privacy laws
lets put it this way if it ever comes out why and the public and it was nothing that deserved a suspension in the eyes of the big boosters Sally Mason and Barta are going to look for new jobs
If it does come out, you and everyone else with think the suspension was much to do about nothing, the suspension was a knee jerk reaction to events that happened with two fb players a couple of years ago and that is what is troubling...
chose Michigan over Iowa
he said the diciplinary actions worried him
i myself was critical of himbut with the way this Coker situation is unfolding
this is a good example of why we can't get better players when players get suspended by the University President or AD and they can hide behind student privacy laws
lets put it this way if it ever comes out why and the public and it was nothing that deserved a suspension in the eyes of the big boosters Sally Mason and Barta are going to look for new jobs

Hey, the period "." button is the button between the comma & the slash, usually two buttons to the right of the M. :p

I kid because I care. :D
Put it this way. The IC police or any other law isnt investigating Marcus Coker, but university officials think he should be suspended. Im sure he feels like nobody is in his corner. Wouldnt be surprised one bit if he transferred. Others deserved to be suspended, but this one is just crap and no, Im not gonna say how I know this.
So which is it? Iowa has lost control of the players or they are too strict? I can't keep up with the criticism of the coach and university so I need some help.
Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't Darboh have his mind made up before Coker got suspended? I'm not saying Coker's suspension wasn't undeserved, I know nothing about it. As far as I know, Iowa hasn't had a lot of undeserved suspensions that would keep recruits away. I would think things like kids getting busted for drugs and the Rhabdo thing might have more of an impact on recruiting. Maybe I'm missing something.
I've been to Ann Arbor, its basically like a little bit bigger version of Iowa City. Darboh is going there because Iowa got out-recruited. I don't see Iowa winning too many recruiting battles with Hoke in the future.
If you know something, tell it, or don't come on here at all with these little false peaks behind the curtain. Stop playing "I've got a secret". It's not productive. If you're really sworn to secrecy and been told information in confidence, then uphold your vow. If this is truly a matter of privacy, then even revealing you know something but can't tell is a potential breach of that privacy.
I see the OP's theory--that the policies in place that got Coker suspended are also policies that turned off Darboh--but I don't know if that's true or not. I suppose it's possible that recruits get (or can request) a copy of the student-athlete code of conduct at each school and if one is demonstrably more strict than another that could be a turn off, but I've followed recruiting a long time and never heard of that before.

It's possible, just not very likely.

Edit: I should say, I've never heard of that being a deciding factor before. I don't want to make a guess either way on the frequency of recruits researching rules.
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I see the OP's theory--that the policies in place that got Coker suspended are also policies that turned off Darboh--but I don't know if that's true or not. I suppose it's possible that recruits get (or can request) a copy of the student-athlete code of conduct at each school and if one is demonstrably more strict than another that could be a turn off, but I've followed recruiting a long time and never heard of that before.It's possible, just not very likely.

i would say they can because you want to know restrictions. just think of the code for byu and how strict it is. players should want to know those things.
I see the OP's theory...when I correctly position my tinfoil hat next to my foil covered walls.
If you know something, tell it, or don't come on here at all with these little false peaks behind the curtain. Stop playing "I've got a secret". It's not productive. If you're really sworn to secrecy and been told information in confidence, then uphold your vow. If this is truly a matter of privacy, then even revealing you know something but can't tell is a potential breach of that privacy.

Are those fake mountains? Breast implants? :)
If he's basing his choice of school around how much trouble he can get into without being suspended, then we don't want him here. I don't believe he did that however.
A kid chose another school over Iowa. BFD.
These types of suspensions happen at every school, Iowa is not alone, of course we hear about these and the rumor mill flies, Michigian and everyother school has plenty of suspensions that we dont hear about so its just not Iowa. Whether you agree or disagree with the Coker suspension being to excessive for whatever the reason, the truth is something happened to warrant some type of discipline, I certainly understand college kids will make mistakes and I made plenty myself and learned from them and moved on, but as a Iowa student athlete they also need to be more aware of the situations they are in or any actions they do can and will be scrutinized.
I'm not sure I understand. The op thinks that he chose UM over Iowa because of how punishments are handed out? isn't that a red flag right there? "I plan on doing things I shouldn't, but I'd get in less trouble over there...". Maybe we don't want kids like that?
i see this thread went over most peoples head
my point was that Darbogh stated clearly early on, that the way dicipline was handled was a concern
i never said that the Coker situation affected his decision
sorry kids are not perfect, they do screw up
I neither implied nor said i knew anything about the Coker situation, but there are a lot of people out there talking about it being a BS suspension

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