Good Coaches Can Have Poor Seasons

You should really rethink this stance. You can't say team A losing an entire starting 5 for the season has no excuse because team B had his 8th man miss two games with a sprained ankle. That is an extreme example to prove that all injuries aren't created equal. That said, our injury bug has been fairly minor. Unless Bohannon is hurt worse than its being let on anyway.
Yes. If the entire team was murdered, they would have an excuse
The coaches you mentioned accomplished a lot more in previous seasons than Fran ever has. Look at Dantonio's previous six seasons before his bad year. 39-9 in conference games. I'd say he was getting it done and had earned some good will, to say the least.

KF had won 2 conference titles, four Top 10 finishes, won the Orange Bowl a couple years prior to his 4-8 year. Not to mention, KF's buyout would have been HUGE thanks to our AD.

Matt Painter had also had some years finishing 1st-2nd in the conference. Purdue was in a bit of a lull there, but they've bounced back again.

There was prior proof that those coaches would be fine.

Not that Fran hasn't had SOME success at Iowa, but not at the levels the other coaches you mentioned have had. Not really an apples to apples comparison IMO. I'm not saying fire Fran NOW, but this would be a bit more valid of a comparison if he had won a conference title, had a deep NCAA run or two, had teams finish ranked in the Top 10-15, etc. It also would be easier to accept if this team was at least showing some promise despite the L's, but they're getting their doors blown off.

As for Fran recruiting well, it's hard to accept that when his 2014-15 classes were total disasters. That's biting us right now.

Thank you. Kind of thought these were pretty obvious differences and observations. In comparison, if Fran were a football coach, the highlights in 8 yrs would be a few upsets and a couple close losses to 2nd rate teams in 3rd tier bowls. OP is higher than a kite if he thinks Fran deserves to even he mentioned in the same breath as KF or MD. Seriously wtf.
Iowa does have an exceptional men's basketball coaching staff. They will get this turned around quickly.

Seriously man, absolutely no one is buying your shit. Make another alt and try another angle bc your posts are almost more painful than watching this dumpster fire of a basketball team.
It's pretty obvious this team had high hopes and packed it in when things went bad. The question is, does that happen to good coaches? I think it does but maybe not as often. I also think Fran and his hyberhole gave them the big heads that cost them to begin with. I always liked the way he talked up his players. But I don't think I do anymore.
Yes. If the entire team was murdered, they would have an excuse

My post isn't even about this team. It's about the "injuries aren't an excuse" line. I believe the Packers losing Rodgers hurt them way worse than other teams losing random players. All teams have injuries. But that doesn't mean all teams injuries are equal. In some cases it's not even close.

Again, this post has nothing to do with this team.
All those coaches listed above had shown prior success much higher than Fran has. Fran’s best seasons at Iowa were what a 7 seed and a fairly uncontested second round loss.
Good coaches usually have at least some good seasons.

This team is poorly coached. When Fran has guys to overcome that (marble, White, uthoff, Jok) they do average. This year they are probably the worst power 5 conference team.

Off the top of my head I'd say it's us, Colorado and Cal fighting for the bottom spot.
It's pretty obvious this team had high hopes and packed it in when things went bad. The question is, does that happen to good coaches? I think it does but maybe not as often. I also think Fran and his hyberhole gave them the big heads that cost them to begin with. I always liked the way he talked up his players. But I don't think I do anymore.
It’s really an interesting thought. I can’t figure out if that’s it or if there is some other internal issue with this team.

But to your point after the strong finish to last year, the postseason honors for Cook, JBo, and Baer, strong showings by Garza and Nunge in the PTL, and winning some games overseas people were really buying into this team. In reality the PTL is the PTL and we played a bunch of high school level teams overseas. Then we go out to the Caymans and get punched in the mouth and haven’t recovered since.

Now I don’t think that’s the only issue here because I think these guys have tried to turn it on and play hard. I also think it’s poor decisions by Fran and other coaches exposing our deficiencies.
It’s really an interesting thought. I can’t figure out if that’s it or if there is some other internal issue with this team.

But to your point after the strong finish to last year, the postseason honors for Cook, JBo, and Baer, strong showings by Garza and Nunge in the PTL, and winning some games overseas people were really buying into this team. In reality the PTL is the PTL and we played a bunch of high school level teams overseas. Then we go out to the Caymans and get punched in the mouth and haven’t recovered since.

Now I don’t think that’s the only issue here because I think these guys have tried to turn it on and play hard. I also think it’s poor decisions by Fran and other coaches exposing our deficiencies.

It's not the only issue. If they were actually as good as they thought they were, then played terrible, they would be something like 10-3 in non con and 3-5 in the conference. There are two problems. Oone is they aren't that good. The other is they are playing about as bad as they are capable of due to effort.
It's pretty obvious this team had high hopes and packed it in when things went bad. The question is, does that happen to good coaches? I think it does but maybe not as often. I also think Fran and his hyberhole gave them the big heads that cost them to begin with. I always liked the way he talked up his players. But I don't think I do anymore.
Here’s the thing. Fran teams ALWAYS go through droughts. In game for 5 minutes at a time more than any other team I’ve ever seen. Even the good ones. They also go through in season slumps. Good teams will have a bad couple weeks, bad teams will have a bad couple months. All signs of a coach who doesn’t know what buttons to push.
Here’s the thing. Fran teams ALWAYS go through droughts. In game for 5 minutes at a time more than any other team I’ve ever seen. Even the good ones. They also go through in season slumps. Good teams will have a bad couple weeks, bad teams will have a bad couple months. All signs of a coach who doesn’t know what buttons to push.

Im pretty sure every single big ten game this year Iowa has given up at least a 10-0 run. They're really good at that
Players get better under good coachs. If that was happening, I could accept a down season. Unfortunately...

I'll give you that Cordell Pemsl doesn't seem to be progressing, which is a different discussion, but everyone else on the team seems to be better this year. They just haven't put together the defensive end yet, and defense is all about understanding what you need to do and how it fits into the bigger picture. And that takes time playing together, something that the 15th youngest team in D1 basketball simply doesn't have.
Here’s the thing. Fran teams ALWAYS go through droughts. In game for 5 minutes at a time more than any other team I’ve ever seen. Even the good ones. They also go through in season slumps. Good teams will have a bad couple weeks, bad teams will have a bad couple months. All signs of a coach who doesn’t know what buttons to push.

Yes they do. I wonder how much of that is due to the pace of play.
Agreed. Injuries in my opinion are never a legitimate excuse as every team has them.

Seriously? Let's go back to 1979-1980. Can you honestly say that we would not have at least been in the NCAA title game with a healthy Ronnie Lester? Can you honestly say that we would have had 9 losses that year if he were healthy? Remember that he missed 15 Big 10 games. IIRC, he was injured in the Michigan game (which we lost) and every other game we lost he was out due to the knee injury.
Here’s the thing. Fran teams ALWAYS go through droughts. In game for 5 minutes at a time more than any other team I’ve ever seen. Even the good ones. They also go through in season slumps. Good teams will have a bad couple weeks, bad teams will have a bad couple months. All signs of a coach who doesn’t know what buttons to push.

It's true. It seems every damn game the opponent goes on a 12+ run. That run is the difference in most losses, except for brutal beatdowns like purdue.

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