goings on


Well-Known Member
Keith Murphy keeps saying that there is more going on within the Iowa football program than we are aware of. What is he referring to?
Keith Murphy keeps saying that there is more going on within the Iowa football program than we are aware of. What is he referring to?

That's terribly vague. Is this an example of a guy pulling a fire alarm to see what would happen, or is there something more to it?
disclaimer - this is purely 100% speculation on my part but...

...I have had worries/fears/suspicions for a little while now that Norm may be worse off than they are letting us in on. I hope & pray that I am wrong, but I think you do have to look at the situation and how long he has been out of sight and wonder...
disclaimer - this is purely 100% speculation on my part but...

...I have had worries/fears/suspicions for a little while now that Norm may be worse off than they are letting us in on. I hope & pray that I am wrong, but I think you do have to look at the situation and how long he has been out of sight and wonder...

I agree. I just don't know what is going on. I hope Jon jumps on here and explains for us.
disclaimer - this is purely 100% speculation on my part but...

...I have had worries/fears/suspicions for a little while now that Norm may be worse off than they are letting us in on. I hope & pray that I am wrong, but I think you do have to look at the situation and how long he has been out of sight and wonder...

I don't think they would have publicly stated in the last couple weeks that they thought Norm would be back. I think if anything was bad, they just would not state anything at all. But, you never know.
Ugh. This is the worst kind of reporting. One of the reasons I use this site as my primary source of Hawkeye info is that Jon doesn't indulge of this sort of thing. When he does have info he can't share, he usually keeps it to himself. The hinting at things you can't say thing is just unprofessional.
Just spoke to Keith and he has no idea what u r talking about and there is nothing that he knows of. End of faux firestorm
Before I get made out to be the bad guy, I emailed Keith and asked him about this. He said that he does not recall saying anything. Am I the only one who heard him say something along the lines that there is more going on than fans are aware of?

I'm not trying to create a firestorm. Promise. If my ears heard wrong, my bad, and my apologies.
Coker's going to redshirt.

"i apologize in advance for being a little harsh here, but did you really just say that? Blah, blah, blah. Again, by being a fan passionate enough to post on sites like these it is assumed you know the BASICS of College Football."

-Some douchenozzle in TX
Seriously, yes, Coker can redshirt next year. You are incorrect. He probably won't but, after this year, he has 4 years left to play in 3 of them.

Ya, for some reason I thought he asked if he could redshirt THIS year. Reading has never been my strong point. :)

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