Giving players the business

He wasn't in the tunnel- just around it ("there was a barrier in front of us").

And, "giving him the business" might not mean more than "hey, you stink" kind of stuff. Harmless.

Where do they learn that? Where do kids learn anything? From the people around them.
He wasn't in the tunnel- just around it ("there was a barrier in front of us").

And, "giving him the business" might not mean more than "hey, you stink" kind of stuff. Harmless.

Where do they learn that? Where do kids learn anything? From the people around them.
Right. I doubt (really hope anyway) that he wasn't cussing or calling his mom or wife names anything like that. Booing opponents and saying they stink or suck is as common as popcorn being sold at games are.
I wouldn't have shared that story if I was Henry, though.

Seems like he's setting himself up to get a lot of calls / texts / whatever from "Chad Greenway"!
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Oh jeez. Big deal.
People are always running off at the mouth. It's what they do best. Making a big deal out of it is up to you. Once you realize most people are full of it and just spouting opinions or trolling for a response, you can choose to accept it and respond to it or not.
But razzing the other team?? Certainly none of us have done that. :)
Much ado about nothing ain't seen nothin', til you've experience the crowd at some NFL games. Brutal.

Fun story for Geil though, I'm sure Greenway will have some fun with it given the opportunity.
I agree nothing to see here, much ado about nothing unless as a 8 year old he was cussing a blue streak.

When did Katzenmoyer play middle lnbkr at OSU, 15-18 years ago. We moved down in some empty seats close to the buckeye's bench and all kinds of hawk fans were yelling stuff at them. Remember Katz wore 45 so I as a 45 to 50 year old man with my teenage son with me , I kept yelling at him "Are you wearing your IQ on your jersey". And I was sort of prescient on my part because I think Katz flunked out and went pro.
That image of the kid giving the finger at a soccer game tells it all, He didnt know how to do that when he was born he learned it.
My first memory of going to a pro game was a Twins game in the 70's. Metropolitan Stadium.

The only memories I have are that 1) I got to see Rod Carew play and 2) some drunk guy right in front of us was yelling at the other team the whole game. "Hey < name >, you're teeeerrible!" Hilarious!