Give Gesell The Keys -


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From article:

NORTH LIBERTY, Iowa – The most important Hawkeye in the 2012-13 season hasn’t officially begun his freshman year at Iowa. But his name is not Adam Woodbury.

The most important Hawkeye next season is a point guard. But his name is not Devyn Marble.

The most important Hawkeye next season is a redhead. But his name is not Aaron White.

As Mike Gesell goes, so goes Iowa next winter.
He sure looks ready doesn't he? Seems cool, calm , and collected. Can run, pass, drive, and shoot. Can't wait to see him in the Black and Gold. We were lucky to get him. He would start almost anywhere he wanted to go.

From article:

NORTH LIBERTY, Iowa – The most important Hawkeye in the 2012-13 season hasn’t officially begun his freshman year at Iowa. But his name is not Adam Woodbury.

The most important Hawkeye next season is a point guard. But his name is not Devyn Marble.

The most important Hawkeye next season is a redhead. But his name is not Aaron White.

As Mike Gesell goes, so goes Iowa next winter.
Back in December I stated that he would be the point from day 1 and I got a load of sh!t. I will say again, he is the best true point I have ever seen and I have seen many. He will be the instrument that will make Frans system explode. Its going to be a fun ride!! Oh by the way, I stated that in the xmas tournament in Arizona in late December and I stand by what I said. The Arizona Republic stated that he was the best guard they had seen since Mike Bibby. Grand expectations will abound.
House keys? Car keys?

Most likely the keys to the city... He has all the skills and he "seems" absolutely perfect for Fran's system. Best thing about him, in my mind is that he is calm & collected and he can drive. Great qualities to have as a freshman. They will limit his errors and make the transition to a new pg go much more smoothly.

Sounds like Clemmons is not far behind him. If Anthony can play the good D, he will see the floor plenty. His scoring skills will not have to shine right away with the team we have, as most can score.... It will be a good ride.
Back in December I stated that he would be the point from day 1 and I got a load of sh!t. I will say again, he is the best true point I have ever seen and I have seen many. He will be the instrument that will make Frans system explode. Its going to be a fun ride!! Oh by the way, I stated that in the xmas tournament in Arizona in late December and I stand by what I said. The Arizona Republic stated that he was the best guard they had seen since Mike Bibby. Grand expectations will abound.

I'm not sure who was giving you sh!t about this. It is obvious that this team was better last year with a true PG running the show and being somewhat productive. As long as MG and AC are healthy, and aren't turnover machines, expect Marble to play at the 2 and 3 exclusively.

I think MG is going to be serviceable at the start of the season, and be Aaron White type productive by the end of the season. AW could have started at the beginning of the season and taken a few lumps, but Fran had depth at PF, so he didn't have to. PG is different, we don't have depth, so MG will be starting from day one.
There's an unwritten rule that when you critique a player, you are usually most picky when it comes to the player that played your position. So I went into watching him with a skeptical attitude about how much he could contribute next season. I figured he would make the starting lineup out of default, but I thought it would be a huge learning curve for him.

But after watching him, I have to say that this kid is ready to take the reins. I think he will get out of control at times once the Big Ten season starts. I think early on he will penetrate the lane too deep and get caught in no man's land. And defensively he has some room for improvement. But I also think that, like Aaron White last year, we will be watching a kid at the end of the season that doesn't resemble a freshman in any way. I also think he will establish himself as the leader of this team very early on.

Again, I've only seen him play a few times so I'm trying not to get crazy with my expectations of him. There is still going to be a learning curve there. But with all due respect to Jeff Horner, this is the most excited I have been about an Iowa PG since DeanO. And Gesell's ceiling is much higher. His game is fluid and he has tremendous vision. He also possesses that anticipation trait that is what I always initially look for when critiquing a point guard. It's one thing to know where your teammates will always be when you've played with them night in and night out for months and years. When it's an inherit trait, that is when it's special.

Again, I don't have any unrealistic expectations for Gesell. But we definitely got ourselves a point guard boys.
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I cannot wait for basketball to start! This year is going to be fun to watch as Iowa finally has good talent on the team.
Thanks for the update men. We are in for a fun ride under Fran. I can't wait for us to run Bo's teams into the ground.
There's an unwritten rule that when you critique a player, you are usually most picky when it comes to the player that played your position. So I went into watching him with a skeptical attitude about how much he could contribute next season. I figured he would make the starting lineup out of default, but I thought it would be a huge learning curve for him.

But after watching him, I have to say that this kid is ready to take the reins. I think he will get out of control at times once the Big Ten season starts. I think early on he will penetrate the lane too deep and get caught in no man's land. And defensively he has some room for improvement. But I also think that, like Aaron White last year, we will be watching a kid at the end of the season that doesn't resemble a freshman in any way. I also think he will establish himself as the leader of this team very early on.

Again, I've only seen him play a few times so I'm trying not to get crazy with my expectations of him. There is still going to be a learning curve there. But with all due respect to Jeff Horner, this is the most excited I have been about an Iowa PG since DeanO. And Gesell's ceiling is much higher. His game is fluid and he has tremendous vision. He also possesses that anticipation trait that is what I always initially look for when critiquing a point guard. It's one thing to know where your teammates will always be when you've played with them night in and night out for months and years. When it's an inherit trait, that is when it's special.

Again, I don't have any unrealistic expectations for Gesell. But we definitely got ourselves a point guard boys.
I can hardly wait to see this kid in black and gold this fall.
Can i have the keys? I too short and chubby and fumbles alot and trip over my shoelaces. I`ll make below average point guard. and i dont mind the pine seat.......
He will be the best Iowa PG since Woodridge. That was the last time we had a pg with as many tools as Gesell has. I am stoked for the potential this team has.
He will be the best Iowa PG since Woodridge. That was the last time we had a pg with as many tools as Gesell has. I am stoked for the potential this team has.

Better than Horner? Better than that little dude who was there before Horner whose name eludes me, but I remember being really good? That's an awfully bold statement.
Better than Horner? Better than that little dude who was there before Horner whose name eludes me, but I remember being really good? That's an awfully bold statement.

Yes. Better than Horner. Perhaps bold, but true IMO. We shall see. Mike is special.
Dean Oliver was the other PG you were thinking of. I am hoping Gesell is the best PG Iowa has had since BJ. But it is unreasonable for us to put such high expectations on the kid even before he plays a single game as a Hawk.
Always makes me nervous to see people crowning someone king before they've played a game. Yeah, he'll be good. Eventually, even great maybe, but slow down there. He's freshmean. He'll gave some good games and prolly more bad games.
According to HN rules, having used the term "crowning" I must post the obligatory vid.
[ame=]Then Crown Their *** - YouTube[/ame]
gessell is the real could tell it in the all-star games against the top hs seniors. He wasn't the least bit bothered by anything. He just played his game...create, dish, shoot. It will be interesting to see how good he is defensively as I believe that is where he may struggle a little in the Big Ten, but that will come with strength training. Iowa also has some shot blockers, so the paint is protected...that will help him a ton.

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