
Really, my only gripe is he still tends to drive out of control at times and also make stupid TOs.
Gesell might be our most consistent player. I'm not sure where all the hate is coming from... A couple bad plays in one game? He is our most solid player and had one of the best assist to turnover ratios in the country last year and likely will again this year. Some one said he hasn't improved.... that is flat out not true. He has grown in every important statistical category every year he has been here.

The real thing we need to take away from the end of the game is NOT Gesell's play...but Fran's favorite thing-- to not call time out late in games. It baffles me. I understand why he thinks it'll work: to not let the other team get set on defense. BUT that has not worked. For some reason, our offense is not capable of running something on their own in clutch situations. If he wants to contiue with no timeout, that's fine. Ive seen it done effectively. But, we need to have a couple predetermined plays to run in those situations so all they have to do is call it out.
I was more concerned with how poorly Jok shot.. but he scored 24 so i guess that means he was great.
Iowa wouldn't be better without him, but I can't believe some of the **** he still does as a senior who's played a ton of minutes.

Gesell is great, and I'm scared to think of how bad we would be this year without him........but his unforced errors are what get me. What was the stupid one handed skip pass that he tried to force through 3 FSU defenders to create a break that wasn't there???? I would think as a Sr. that he wouldn't have the 1 or 2 a game that he still continually has.
You can't run the offense there. If you do, you risk shooting too early and giving them a shot.

So hold the ball to run clock and THEN run the offense. Don't just hold it til the 5 second mark and run ISO, especially when we don't have that type of player on the floor.
Pretty sure heading in to last night Gesell had a 4 to 1 TO to Assist ratio. That is fantastic. He had 4 TO's in 40 minutes, no big deal. The offense was stagnant with him out of the game. He is the engine period. I want him to take it to the rim even more. He is finishing at a much higher percentage these last two years. We will be clamoring for somebody like him next year at this time.
I like Fran's opinion more than I like anyone else's opinion here.....since Fran had him play 40+ minutes I'm saying yea, he's valuable. Be honest about our team, there are and have been a lot of good role players or one dimensional guys but not out and out stars the past 4 years. Yes marble, white, uthoff...but not all were stars other than by who is Mike creating for? There were a couple rotations last night where Dom uhl was the best scoring option after mike. Really? There was one rotation in the first half with mike, dom, baer, ellingson, and maybe woodbury...and i was thinking this is going to be terrible. Mike is a very valuable pt guard. Commands the floor and controls the game.
Gesell is critical to this teams success. The OP is an idiot if he actually believes they'd be better off without him.

It is a strange phenomenon though when you look at how Gesell plays throughout the game and then has a tendency to just completely lose his composure in the final couple of minutes. During the game he tends to be the guy who keeps them in their offense and gets them back on track when they get out of control. At the end of the game he just kind of loses it. Obviously I'm talking about his poor late game free throw shooting as well.

I'm still not sure this team has a guy that they can count on late in games. Jok made a huge 3 last night though. Maybe if he can keep gaining confidence then he can be that guy.

But as for the original post... dumb. MG is a huge part of this team and they need his leadership badly.
Iowa wouldn't be better without him, but I can't believe some of the **** he still does as a senior who's played a ton of minutes.

This is the unintended consequence of starting a true frosh ... high school habits (that dominant players can get away with and still dominate due to low comp and / or just being taller than the comp, etc) are very tough to "coach out" when most of their experience from day 1 is game speed. They rely on instinct and what got them there.

I think it's pretty much the main reason for why good players often get assessed as "hasn't improved." Not saying Mikey hasn't. I especially thought he showed great restraint and higher IQ on his drive-n-dish last year compared to the prior 2 seasons. However, habits and instinct just take over sometimes -- some good, some rear their ugly heads -- and it stands out when they do something really stupid that seems like they shouldn't given their position and experience.

I remember the same thing with Horner. Same thing for Woody's continued softness and lack of a killer instinct in attacking the rim -- being taller is no longer the simple x-factor asset. Mikey still does things he could get away with against mostly unathletic 5'11 - 6'0 guards and 6'6 front courts he faced for most of his basketball life.

As competition improves and this season's juices get flowing, Mikey (hopefully) and the rest (just have to) will become more disciplined in their quality of play and decision making.
4 TO's in 40 minutes... against a team that wanted to run like that... not concerned

Correct, Gesell is usually on the plus side of most stats, Assists to turnovers, he gets a good share of rebounds and steals, he should shoot more when he is feeling it, I think he can elevate better at the rim more than he does on some drives as he has good ups.
Honest question, am I the only one here who feels we'd be better without Gesell? He was a great recruit but seems like he's never improved or improving.. I feel like in close games and clutch situations that he's always turning the ball over or getting himself stuck helplessly in the air.

He can facilitate and play solid Defense but he's an absolute killer sometimes.

Honest question, am I the only one here who feels we'd be better without Gesell? He was a great recruit but seems like he's never improved or improving.. I feel like in close games and clutch situations that he's always turning the ball over or getting himself stuck helplessly in the air.

He can facilitate and play solid Defense but he's an absolute killer sometimes.

He drives my wife nuts. She thinks he's always driving & missing. I have stuck up for him the past years & stating his attributes. He started out good this year but seems to be regressing a bit. Not sure what to think. He has his moments, good and bad.
Honest question, am I the only one here who feels we'd be better without Gesell? He was a great recruit but seems like he's never improved or improving.. I feel like in close games and clutch situations that he's always turning the ball over or getting himself stuck helplessly in the air.

He can facilitate and play solid Defense but he's an absolute killer sometimes.

NO, NO, NO...These questions just kill me...Mike is the glue to our team.

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