George Steinbrenner dies

I was thinking about GS this weekend as they were rolling memorials to the Yankees PA announcer that had passed away...and GS had given a quote about that. I thought 'I wonder how much longer GS has' as his health has not been great.

What a businessman...he purchased the Yanks for what would be considered peanuts today...$8.8 mil from CBS back in 1973
Can't say I have ever been a fan of the Yankee's or George Steinbrenner, but he has always been an iconic figure; especially for those of us that were around when he lived a more high profile life. His battles with Billy Martin and Reggie seemed to be part of the newscast all summer. R.I.P Mr. Steinbrenner.
As a life long Yankee fan I am sorry to hear this news. There were times his meddling ruined many good Yankee teams, but toward the end of his run he hired Joe Torre and everything fell into place. Thank you, George.
I have been a Yankee fan since my earliest memory. Sometimes I really hated his meddling and the outrageous payroll. You could always count on Mr. Steinbrenner to buy the team back into the playoffs since 1990 anyway, the 80's not so much. But the funny thing is, I think the best Yankee teams of the past 20 years where from '94 - '01, part of that time Mr. Steinbrenner was banned from baseball operations. That's when they quit buying players and got them from the farm teams (i.e... Jeter, Posada, Pettitte, and Rivera). RIP Mr. Steinbrenner!
wow wow this man changed the face of baseball as far as power clubs

who takes over now?

His son. I have a feeling they won't miss a beat, as he has been running things for a few years.

Sad day, the man definitely put his money where his mouth was.

Little tribute. :)
[ame=]YouTube - Larry David as George Steinbrenner 1 of 2[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Larry David as George Steinbrenner 2 of 2[/ame]
Is interesting how sports could've been different if George's bid to buy the Indians before he bought the Yankees wasn't rejected. Steinbrenner was a huge OSU fan too, which made him ok in my book. R.I.P. George
MLB players today hopefully are grateful to him for the money they are making. Mr. Steinbrenner helped to start the mega-million deals for players. He loved his team and the game...Wanting nothing more than to win...Which is what every fan, Yankee or not, wants out of their team. R.I.P Boss.
Did y'all know that The Boss was a grad assistant football coach @ fOSU under Woody Hayes?
And after that, he was also and ***'t coach on both the Purdue and Northwestern football squads?